On the benefits of regulations in the life of an IT development manager

As the saying goes: “Quietly, quietly crawl, snail, up the slope of Fuji, to the very heights!”

I honestly tried to check whether this text is correct or not, but I-translator couldn't cope

I honestly tried to check whether this text is correct or not, but I-translator couldn't cope

Here are the regulations that any IT team should make in any case, this is suitable for both internal IT, supporting and developing the infrastructure of their company and product companies (very similar to the previous point) and for integrators.

Good example 1: there is a backlog distributed among sprints, there are dates for the completion of sprints – the business understands when the work will be done.

Good example 2: there is a project plan for a government contract, tasks are decomposed, resources are allocated, the plan is regularly updated by the RP. The business understands when the work will be done.

Bad example 1: there is a backlog, but there are no prioritization rules, they shove whatever they can into the backlog out of turn, all planning is done by sprints. It seems like there are processes, but the business does not understand when the result will be

Bad example 2: there is a project plan with resources allocated, but resources are being pulled

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