Object.freeze and Object.seal in JS

Object.freeze prevents any changes to the object. This means that you will not be able to:

  • Add new properties.

  • Delete existing properties.

  • Change the values ​​of existing properties.

Let's look at an example:

const user = {
    name: "Artem",
    age: 30


// Попытка изменить существующее свойство
user.age = 31; // Без изменений

// Попытка добавить новое свойство
user.email = "alice@example.com"; // Без изменений

console.log(user); // { name: "Artem", age: 30 }

As you can see, all attempts to change the object did not work. On the low Object.freeze adds a flag non-configurable to all object properties, which does not allow them to be changed.

If there are nested objects, Object.freeze does not freeze them automatically. That is, nested properties can still be changed:

const nestedUser = {
    name: "Ivan",
    address: {
        city: "New York"


nestedUser.address.city = "Los Angeles"; // Изменение возможно!

console.log(nestedUser.address.city); // "Los Angeles"

To freeze nested objects, you will have to do it manually or write a recursive function.


Object.seal allows you to seal an object, which prevents properties from being added or removed, but does not prevent the values ​​of existing properties from being changed.

Let's look at an example:

const settings = {
    theme: "light",
    notifications: true


// Попытка изменить существующее свойство
settings.theme = "dark"; // Изменение успешно

// Попытка добавить новое свойство
settings.language = "en"; // Без изменений

// Попытка удалить свойство
delete settings.notifications; // Без изменений

console.log(settings); // { theme: "dark", notifications: true }

Change theme was successful, but we were unable to either add a new property or delete an existing one.

Examples of use

Protecting configuration objects

Configuration objects are those entities that define the behavior of your application. They should be stable and immutable to avoid accidental errors:

const config = {
    apiUrl: "https://api.example.com",
    timeout: 5000,
    retries: 3


// Функция для получения конфигурации
function getConfig() {
    return config;

// Пример использования
console.log(getConfig().apiUrl); // "https://api.example.com"

// Попытка изменить конфигурацию
config.apiUrl = "https://api.changed.com"; // Не сработает
console.log(getConfig().apiUrl); // Все еще "https://api.example.com"

Using Object.freezewe guarantee that any attempts to change config will be ignored/

Use in the Redux library

IN Redux state immutability is the key to predictability and ease of debugging. By using Object.freezethe state can be protected from unwanted mutations.


const initialState = {
    user: null,
    loggedIn: false

function reducer(state = initialState, action) {
    switch (action.type) {
        case 'LOGIN':
            return Object.freeze({
                user: action.payload,
                loggedIn: true
        case 'LOGOUT':
            return Object.freeze(initialState);
            return state;

Here we use Object.freezeto make sure that every time the state is updated, it remains the same.

React example

In React, there is often a need to manage the state of components. Protect your status with Object.freeze can help prevent errors in data mutations.


import React, { useState } from 'react';

const App = () => {
    const [config, setConfig] = useState(Object.freeze({
        theme: 'light',
        notificationsEnabled: true

    const toggleTheme = () => {
        // Создаем новый объект вместо изменения существующего
        setConfig(prevConfig => Object.freeze({
            theme: prevConfig.theme === 'light' ? 'dark' : 'light'

    return (
        <div style={{ background: config.theme === 'light' ? '#fff' : '#333' }}>
            <h1>Текущая тема: {config.theme}</h1>
            <button onClick={toggleTheme}>Сменить тему</button>

export default App;

In this example we use Object.freezeto protect the configuration state.

Protecting Constants and Global Variables

When you work with constants, sometimes you have to ensure that those values ​​aren't accidentally changed. WITHObject.freeze You can make constants truly immutable.


const constants = Object.freeze({
    APP_NAME: "MyApp"

// Попытка изменить константу
constants.MAX_CONNECTIONS = 200; // Не сработает

console.log(constants.MAX_CONNECTIONS); // 100

In this example, even if someone tries to change MAX_CONNECTIONSthe change will not occur and your application will remain stable.

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