no need. Results of the 2nd quarter of 2024 in the press and articles

How to hire an IT worker if you really need one in 2024

Another guide to the labor market, or where do you find 300k. March 2024

Where do you find 300k/nanosec, part 2. May 2024. Trimodal salary distribution

A union of one or a worker against a pig in salary expectations

State of society

In Russian society, including among HR, for many years the exact opposite of what they like to tell others has been cultivated – fairy tales about involvement, we are a team, and so on. In practice, I would estimate that about 2 out of 3 (66%) HRs are deeply indifferent to engagement, team, and feedback. They found the resume using keywords, sent it to the hiring manager, and then the grass didn’t grow. There are exceptions, there are excellent HR, regardless of gender, and there are many of them – it’s only a pity that they are lost against the backdrop of those seeking a strictly metropolitan experience. And someone hires such firms to find candidates, and even some of the candidates are not aware of what funny hiring staff these are. But then everyone unanimously writes articles about how it is not they who are toxic, but the candidates who have become greedy, and they cry in the cart, how is it possible – we banned a toxic hamster in our channel, and now we are forced to go to him, and he pokes us with a fork. Bad, bad hamster.

As for the fairy tales about involvement, in May-June my distant acquaintances brought two more good programmers from the Russian Federation – one has a salary of 250+, still young. The second is Senor Tomato, in the Russian Federation he had 450, net.

The reasons for removal vary.

The first one was expelled from the university because he has some principles and doesn’t care. But he is not pressed to become a soldier. Now he will live in Thailand for a couple of months, learn a foreign language, and then go to work remotely. His older friends will help, this is the son of either a cousin or a second cousin of a friend of Senor Tomato (35 years old, 10+ evergreen units from two companies).

The second one turned out to be more interesting. There is a higher education, but not in the IT profile. He worked remotely in an IT company, he seemed to be lured to another one, also IT, but after his dismissal it turned out that the HR department on that side lost sight of the fact that he should have joined the army. He was hired, but the personnel officer decided not to risk it, and immediately upon receiving a request from the military registration and enlistment office, she sent a report there that they had this employee and were ready to give him a summons. The fact that the fine for failure to comply with military registration requirements is lower than the employee’s salary, the fact that such an employee was looked for for six months and lured for another six months – nothing stopped the HR department employee. Well, now the senor will also live in Cambodia, and how will they close the project at a cost of .. such a good cost that it was possible to hire an employee for 500+ after taxes, and not just one, the whole department is not a personnel problem. That’s what engagement, retention, and participation in the company’s values ​​are all about. Whether this employee will be deprived of her bonus – what difference does it make if the fine for breaking the contract is many times larger than this bonus. No statistics can tell you how many such cases there are in the Russian Federation.

And .. and you can also read, you can disagree, but get acquainted with the points of view:

“Working Poverty” about IT

Vision of the future of IT in Russia for the next 10 years

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