Nizhny Novgorod AI development “Project Lad” was presented to the management of major energy companies in Russia

The Project Lad product team (a domestic analogue of Oracle Primavera) from the Nizhny Novgorod development team presented the functionality of a digital project management model based on artificial intelligence (AI) to the management of large energy companies in Russia. The solution was appreciated by representatives of Inter RAO, Rosseti, RusHydro, Rosenergoatom and others.

Thanks to effective planning tools, the solution allows to reduce investment project delays by 30%, reduce the time for preparing reports by 3-5 times and increase the efficiency of management.

The heads of energy sector companies also noted that the import substitution course continues to gain momentum in Russia. In this process, Project Lad plays its role, completely replacing the functionality of the world's leading supplier of local and cloud solutions for managing the corporate project portfolio, Oracle Primavera. Moreover, Project Lad is an order of magnitude more modern and has higher productivity than its foreign competitor.

“Energy sector companies have already faced a clear understanding of the impossibility of further use of foreign solutions for project modeling. But the market demand extends much further than simply replacing the solutions of the departed vendors. Business today is interested in reaching a qualitatively new level of project management. This can be achieved by new tools based on artificial intelligence,” says the director of Project Lad. Marat Mukharyamov.

The Project Lad model is based on a calendar-network schedule, which analyzes planned, actual and forecast data, which allows the customer to efficiently manage projects. In particular, it becomes easier to evaluate the impact of actions on deadlines and budgets in real time, while reducing management decision cycles and meeting durations.

Marat Mukharyamov also added that today business needs to demonstrate successful cases of AI implementation. According to him, Project Lad is already used in mining enterprises, as well as for managing investment and construction projects in Russia and India. For example, the project was successfully implemented during the construction of the Ice Palace in Nizhny Novgorod. ANO Gorky Tech facilitated this process, acting as a link between the developers and the Nizhny Novgorod Region Development Corporation, which was the customer.

As a result of the implementation of Project Lad in the Ice Palace construction project, the time for preparing reports was reduced by 3-5 times, the efficiency of project management increased, and the accuracy of forecasts increased by 2-3 times. The Nizhny Novgorod Region Development Corporation plans to continue using the AI ​​assistant from Project Lad, which will help in managing other projects.

The digital project management model is now included in the register of Russian software (SW). It is suitable for many sectors of the economy, including manufacturing, mining and others. Project Lad has already implemented over 30 projects: the software is used by developers and corporations in many regions of Russia. For example, the Siberian Coal Energy Company (SUEK), Sber-Development, Norilsk Nickel, the Territorial Development Fund (TDF) and others. The platform manages over 4.5 thousand capital construction projects.

Project Lad has established relationships with a wide range of clients in India, from small construction companies operating in specific regions of the country to major commercial companies in residential construction (including Puravankara) and infrastructure projects.

Gorky Tech will continue to support Project Lad, as well as other promising domestic AI developments, in development and scaling.

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