
ng-container in Angular is a structural directive in Angular that allows you to create groups of elements without adding an additional node to the DOM. This is useful when you need to apply a directive or use conditionals or loops *ngFor for a group of elements, but do not add unnecessary tags to the markup.

ng-container is not a component and does not create its own instance, so it cannot be accessed through ViewChild or ContentChild. It simply acts as a container for the elements you want to group. Therefore, instead of using

which will be rendered in the component tree during assembly and take up extra space, it is better to use ng-container – in fact, this is its essence!

And now to the examples ng-container:

  1. Conditional display of elements

you can use ng-container to group elements that should be shown or hidden together. For example:

<ng-container *ngIf="isLoggedIn">  
  <h1>Welcome, {{ }}!</h1> 
  <p>You are now logged in.</p>   
  <button (click)="logout()">Logout</button>

In this example ng-container used to group elements h1, p And button. If isLoggedIn equals truethen all the elements inside ng-container will be displayed on the page. Otherwise, they will not be displayed.

  1. Usage *ngFor

you can use ng-container to group elements that should be created using *ngFor. For example:

<ng-container *ngFor="let item of items"> 
  <h2>{{ item.title }}</h2>  
  <p>{{ item.description }}</p> 

In this example ng-container used to group elements h2 And pwhich are created for each element of the array items.

  1. Usage ngSwitch

you can use ng-container to group elements that should be displayed depending on the value of the variable. For example:

<ng-container [ngSwitch]="status">  
  <div *ngSwitchCase="'success'">     
    <p>Your operation was successful.</p>  
  <div *ngSwitchCase="'error'"> 
    <p>There was an error processing your request.</p> 
  <div *ngSwitchDefault>    
    <p>Please wait while we process your request.</p>  

In this example ng-container used to group elements divwhich are displayed depending on the value of the variable status.


ng-container is a useful structural directive that allows you to group elements without adding additional nodes to the DOM. You can use it to conditionally display elements, create elements using *ngFor and grouping elements for use with ngSwitch And *ngIf.

In the next article I will tell you how ng-container is used in conjunction with ng-template and ngTemplateOutlet. Subscribe to follow!

These are the pies

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