new release and many features. What have the developers added and what has changed?


Released a new version of the Julia 1.11 programming language, which combines high performance with the flexibility of dynamic typing, and also offers built-in tools for parallel programming. The language syntax is similar to MATLAB, includes elements of Ruby and Lisp, and work with strings is reminiscent of Perl. The project is distributed under the MIT license. In general, it’s a good and useful language, which we’ll talk about today. Details are under the cut.

A little history

The Julia programming language was developed in 2009 and released in 2012. Julia was created by Jeff Bezanson, Stefan Karpinski, Viral Shah and Alan Edelman. The main goal of the development was to create a language that would combine high performance with the ease of use characteristic of languages ​​​​such as Python or R. They sought to solve a problem that often arises in scientific and numerical computing: the need to write prototypes in user-friendly but slow languages ​​and then rewrite them in more productive ones, such as C or Fortran.

Julia received support for many programming paradigms, integration with C libraries, the ability to perform efficient numerical calculations, and built-in tools for working with parallel tasks.

Main features of the language

  • High performance: One of the main goals of Julia is to achieve a level of performance comparable to programs written in C. The language compiler, built on top of LLVM, generates efficient machine code for various target platforms.
  • Supports multiple programming paradigms: Julia supports elements of object-oriented and functional programming. The standard library includes functions for asynchronous I/O, process control, logging, profiling, and package management.
  • Dynamic typing: Like most scripting languages, variables in Julia do not require explicit types. Interactive mode is supported.
  • Optional strong typing: If necessary, you can explicitly specify the types of variables and function arguments to improve performance and ease of debugging.
  • Optimized syntax for numerical calculations: Julia is ideal for scientific and mathematical calculations, machine learning and data visualization, thanks to its wide range of built-in data types and support for parallel computing.
  • Direct call to C libraries: Julia allows you to directly call functions from C libraries without intermediate layers, which increases flexibility and performance.

Main innovations in version 1.11

New language features:

help?> GC.in_finalizer
  │ Warning
  │  The following bindings may be internal; they may change or be removed in future versions:
  │    •  Base.GC.in_finalizer


Language changes:

Multithreading improvements:

Compilation and runtime changes:

New command line options:

New library features:

Changes in base libraries:

Deprecated and removed methods:

External dependencies:

Tool improvements:

Julia 1.11 introduced many changes that improved performance, parallel processing, memory handling, and expanded functionality for scientific and high-performance computing. The full list can be found

right here


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