New CSS property content-visibility speeds up page rendering several times

5 August 2020 Google Developers Announce New CSS Property content-visibility in Chromium version 85. It should significantly affect the speed of the first download and first render on the site; moreover, you can interact with the newly rendered content immediately, without waiting for the rest of the content to load. content-visibility forces the user agent to skip marking and painting elements that are not on the screen. In fact, it works like a lazy-load, only not on loading resources, but on their rendering.

In this demo content-visibility: autoapplied to split content gives a 7x faster render speed


content-visibility based on primitives from the spec CSS Containment… Although at the moment content-visibility only supported in Chromium 85 (and considered “prototypable” in Firefox), the Containment specification is supported in most modern browsers.

Principle of operation

The main goal of CSS Containment is to improve the rendering performance of web content by providing predictable isolation of the DOM subtree from the rest of the page.

Basically, the developer can tell the browser which parts of the page are encapsulated as a set of content, allowing browsers to manipulate the content without having to consider state outside the subtree. The browser can optimize page rendering by knowing which subtrees contain isolated content.

There are four types of CSS Containment in total, each serving as a value for a CSS property contain and can be combined with others:

  • size: Element size limitation ensures that an element’s block can be placed without having to examine its descendants. That is, knowing the size of an element, we may well omit calculating the location of its children.
  • layout: Layout constraints prevent descendants from affecting the layout of other blocks on the page. This allows us to potentially omit the placement of children if all we want to do is position other blocks.
  • style: Constraining styles ensures that properties that affect more than just its descendants do not leave the element (eg counters). This allows you to skip computation of styles for descendants if all we need to do is compute styles for other elements.
  • paint: Paint constraint prevents descendants from rendering outside of their container. Nothing will fit over the element, and if it is off the screen or invisible in one way or another, its children will also be invisible. This prevents children from being drawn if the element is already off-screen.

Skipping rendering with content-visibility

It may not be clear what the values ​​are contain better to use, because browser optimizations can only work with the correct set of parameters. It’s worth playing around with the values ​​to empirically find out what works best. Better to use content-visibility for automatic tuning containcontent-visibility: auto guarantees the maximum possible increase in productivity with the minimum of effort.

In automatic mode, the property gets the layout, style and paint attributes, and when the element goes off the edges of the screen, it gets size and stops painting and checking the content. This means that as soon as an element leaves the render area, its descendants stop rendering. The browser recognizes the size of the element, but does nothing else until rendering is needed.

Example – travel blog

Usually a travel blog has several stories with images and descriptions. Here’s what happens in a typical browser when it goes to a travel blog:

  • Part of the page is loaded from the network along with the necessary resources
  • The browser styles and places all content on the page without distinguishing between visible and invisible content
  • Browser goes to step 1 until all resources are loaded

In step 2, the browser processes the content, looking for changes. It updates the styles and layout of any new element, along with elements that may have changed as a result of the updates. This is rendering. It takes time.

Now imagine that we have placed content-visibility: auto for every blog post. The basic system is the same: the browser downloads and renders parts of the page. However, the difference in the amount of work done in step 2.C content-visibility the browser will style and place the content that the user is currently seeing (on the screen). But when handling off-screen stories, the browser will skip rendering of the entire element and only host the container. The loading performance of this page will be as if it had filled posts on the screen and empty containers for each post outside of it. It turns out much faster, gaining up to 50% of the loading time. In our example we see an improvement from 232ms rendering to 30ms, which is a 7x improvement in performance.

What do you need to do to take advantage of these benefits? First, we split the content into parts:

After that, we apply the following styling to the parts:

    .story {
        content-visibility: auto;
        contain-intrinsic-size: 1000px; /* Объяснено далее */

Note that when content moves off the screen, it will be rendered as needed. However, this does not mean that the browser will have to render the same content over and over again, as the rendering work is saved whenever possible.

Determining the typical size of an element with contain-intrinsic-size

To understand the potential benefits content-visibility, the browser should enforce sizing restrictions to ensure that the rendering of the content does not affect the dimensions of the elements. This means that the item will be placed as if it were empty. If the element has no height defined, then it will be equal to zero.

Fortunately, css has one more ability, contain-intrinsic-sizе, which provides the ability to determine the actual size of an element if it has been compressed. In our example, we set the width and height to roughly 1000px.
This means that it will be positioned as if there is a single “internal size” file, while ensuring that the div still takes up space. contain-intrinsic-sizе выступает в качестве заполнителя.

Hide content from content-visibility: hidden

content-visibility: hidden does the same as content-visibility: auto does with off-screen content. However, unlike auto, it does not automatically start rendering content to the screen.

Compare this to the usual ways to hide element content:

  • display: none: Hides the element and removes the rendering state. This means that retrieving an item will cost the same load as creating a new item.
  • visibility: hidden: hides the element and leaves the rendering state. This does not actually remove the element from the document, as it (and its subtree) still takes up geometric space on the page and can still be clicked. It also updates the rendering state whenever needed, even if hidden.

content-visibility: hiddenon the other hand, hides the element while maintaining the rendering state so that if any changes are needed, they will only happen when the element is shown on screen.


content-visibility and the CSS Containment Spec allow you to significantly speed up the rendering and loading of pages without any complex manipulations, on bare CSS.
The CSS Containment Spec
MDN Docs on CSS Containment
CSSWG Drafts


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