Nasal spray for Alzheimer and nootropic effect

Initially, the main focus of the materials that came out on the project was nootropics as a way to improve brain function. However, any attempt to have a significant impact on the work of our pilot is complicated by protective mechanisms and side effects. And the solution is sought in the field of safe pharma.

In this study, scientists used antibodies delivered to the brain intranasally, via a spray. The idea is to clear brain cells of toxic tau proteins. This helps reduce the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease and also improves memory.

Why Nasal Spray for Alzheimer's?

Several years ago, it was discovered that abnormal accumulations of tau proteins in the brain associated with Alzheimer's diseaseSince then, researchers have been working on a way to eradicate these compounds, which have become a hallmark of the neurodegenerative disease.

The Path to Deliverance

Researchers at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) have developed an innovative nasal spray containing antibodies that selectively target and eliminate tau protein tangles, helping to restore cognitive function.

This nasal spray approach opens up new possibilities for non-invasive delivery of therapeutic tau antibodies directly to the brain, with potential applications in other neurogenerative diseases. Our study highlights the potential of nasal immunotherapy to effectively target intracellular tau aggregates, a major driver of neurodegeneration and cognitive decline in diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and other tauopathies.

Dr. Raquez Kayed, professor in the Department of Neurology at UTMB and corresponding author of the study.

In a healthy brain, tau proteins stabilize microtubules, which provide a scaffold for cells and help transport nutrients. But when these proteins fold incorrectly, they can clump together into neurofibrillary tangles, which impair neuron function and impair cognitive function. Previous studies have shownthat disease progression occurs through a “seeding” mechanism, where toxic tau seeds are released from the cell into the intercellular fluid and multiply there.

Overcoming obstacles

The Nose-to-Brain Pathway for Inhaled Drugs. Wikimedia Commons/GirlBossBME23 CC BY-SA 4.0

The Nose-to-Brain Pathway for Inhaled Drugs. Wikimedia Commons/GirlBossBME23 CC BY-SA 4.0

The first difficult problem is working with intracellular tau proteins. They are the most obvious threat to the brain, as they act as a carrier of seeds that grow between cells in the brain.

The second problem is blood-brain barrier of the brain. The internal vascular barrier that separates brain cells from the general bloodstream and the elements it contains.

The new therapy addresses both issues simultaneously. Toxic Tau Conformation-Specific Monoclonal Antibody 2 (TTCM2) detects and targets disease-associated tau-rich molecules. Loaded into micelles, the molecule aggregates are both hydrophilic and lipophilic, a form that allows rapid absorption into the brain, bypassing the BBB.

Nasal Spray for Alzheimer's: First Tests

A single dose of TTCM2 was administered intranasally to aged mice that had been genetically engineered to produce human tau protein. After three hours, TTCM2 was distributed to various brain regions, including intracellular compartments of areas where it cleared “seed-competent” intracellular tau aggregates and tau clusters at synaptic connections between neurons in the brain.

When the mice were subjected to behavioral testing, the TTCM2 group performed “noticeably better” than the other groups. And it appears that the treatment mitigated short-term memory loss in mice with advanced tau aggregates. The researchers also saw an increase in biomarkers of neuronal growth in the hippocampus, a brain region associated with memory formation and cognitive function. That suggests the new drug could be a effective nootropic.

The researchers found that crucial to the therapy was TTCM2's interaction with TRIM21, an intracellular (intracellular) antibody receptor that facilitated the clearance of antibody-associated tau aggregates.

Authors' commentary and conclusions regarding the Alzheimer's nasal spray

This method not only improves the delivery of therapeutic antibodies, but also increases their effectiveness in eliminating tau aggregates and improves cognitive function. Great potential in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases caused by pathological accumulation of tau protein.

Dr. Raquez Kayed, professor in the Department of Neurology at UTMB and corresponding author of the study.

This achievement could have significant impact on treatment strategies for Alzheimer's disease and related tauopathies, bringing hope to millions of patients suffering from these debilitating diseases.

Sagar Gaikwad, first author of the study and a research fellow at UTMB.

The researchers plan to continue preclinical testing of TTCM2 with the goal of moving on to human trials. Their goal is to translate these promising results into viable treatment options.

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