Monitoring NetApp Volumes over SSH

Hello everyone, my name is Igor Sidorenko. Monitoring is one of the main areas of my work, as well as my hobby. I will talk about Zabbix and how to use it to monitor the information we need about NetApp volumes, having access only via SSH. Who is interested in the topic of monitoring and Zabbix, please, under cat.

Initially, we monitored volumes by mounting them to a specific server, on which a special template hung, catching NFS mounts on the node and putting them under monitoring, by analogy with the file systems of the basic Linux template. The mount had to be registered in fstab and mounted manually – because of this, a lot was lost and forgotten.

Then a great idea came to my mind: we need to automate all this. There were several options:

  • There are ready-made templates that work with SNMP, but no access.
  • Getting a list of volumes and automatic mount on a node: you need to create a folder, register fstab, mount, that’s all, too much hemorrhoids.
  • There is a magnificent API, but in our version of ONTAP it is stripped down and does not provide the user with the information they need.
  • Somehow use SSH access to get volumes and set them up for monitoring.

The choice fell on SSH agent

Low Level Discovery (LLD)

First, we need to create low-level discovery (LLD), these will be the names of our volumes. All this is necessary in order to pull out specific information on the volume we need. The raw data looks something like this (114 at the time of writing):

set -unit B; volume show -state online

Well, how can we do without crutches: let’s write a one-line bash script that will display the names of volumes in JSON format (since this external verification, the scripts are on the Zabbix server in the directory /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts):



for i in $(sshpass -p $PASSWORD ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $USERNAME@$SVM_ADDRESS 'set -unit B; volume show -state online' | grep $SVM_NAME | awk {'print $2'}); do echo '{"volume_name":"'$i'"}'; done | jq -s '.

Now you need to create template and, based on the received data, create data items:

Data items

To automatically create data items, you need to do item prototype:

We will be using master elements and several dependent from them elements. Thus, for each volume, one master element is created in which a set of commands is executed via SSH:

set -unit B; df -i -volume {#VOLUME_NAME}; volume show-space {#VOLUME_NAME}; statistics volume show -volume {#VOLUME_NAME}

We get such a sheet:

Get Volume: ackey_media info

Last login time: 9/15/2020 12:42:45
Filesystem               iused      ifree  %iused  Mounted on

/vol/ackey_media/           96     311191      0%  /ackey_media

                      Volume Name: ackey_media
                      Volume MSID: 2159592810
                      Volume DSID: 1317
                     Vserver UUID: 46a00e5d-c22d-11e8-b6ed-00a098d48e6d
                   Aggregate Name: NGHF_FAS2720_04
                   Aggregate UUID: 7ec21b4d-b4db-4f84-85e2-130750f9f8c3
                         Hostname: FAS2720_04
                        User Data: 20480B
                User Data Percent: 0%
                    Deduplication: -
            Deduplication Percent: -
          Temporary Deduplication: -
  Temporary Deduplication Percent: -
              Filesystem Metadata: 1150976B
      Filesystem Metadata Percent: 0%
              SnapMirror Metadata: -
      SnapMirror Metadata Percent: -
             Tape Backup Metadata: -
     Tape Backup Metadata Percent: -
                   Quota Metadata: -
           Quota Metadata Percent: -
                           Inodes: 12288B
                   Inodes Percent: 0%
                   Inodes Upgrade: -
           Inodes Upgrade Percent: -
                 Snapshot Reserve: -
         Snapshot Reserve Percent: -
        Snapshot Reserve Unusable: -
Snapshot Reserve Unusable Percent: -
                   Snapshot Spill: -
           Snapshot Spill Percent: -
             Performance Metadata: 28672B
     Performance Metadata Percent: 0%
                       Total Used: 1212416B
               Total Used Percent: 0%
         Total Physical Used Size: 1212416B
         Physical Used Percentage: 0%
                Logical Used Size: 1212416B
             Logical Used Percent: 0%
                Logical Available: 10736205824B

DOMCLIC_SVM : 9/15/2020 12:42:51

                        *Total Read Write Other  Read Write Latency 

     Volume     Vserver    Ops  Ops   Ops   Ops (Bps) (Bps)    (us) 
----------- ----------- ------ ---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- 
ackey_media DOMCLIC_SVM      0    0     0     0     0     0       0

From this sheet, we need to select the metrics we need.

The magic of regular expressions

Originally for preprocessing I wanted to use JavaScript, but somehow I didn’t master it, it didn’t work. Therefore, I stopped at regulars, and I use them almost everywhere.

Number of inodes used

We will select information only about inodes for each volume in two stages:

First, all the information:


Then, specifically by metrics:


Output – Output formatting template. N (где N=1..9) – the escape sequence is replaced by the Nth matching group. Control sequence is replaced by the matching text:

  • 1 - Inode used on {#VOLUME_NAME} – the number of used inodes;
  • 2 - Inode free on {#VOLUME_NAME} – the number of free inodes;
  • 3 - Inode used percentage on {#VOLUME_NAME} – used inodes as a percentage;
  • Inode total on {#VOLUME_NAME}calculated item, the number of available inodes.


Used space

Everything is simpler here, data and regulars are in a more pleasant format:

We pull out the metric we need and take only the number:

(?<=Logical Available:s)d+

Collected metrics:

  • Logical available on {#VOLUME_NAME} – the amount of available logical space;
  • Logical used percent on {#VOLUME_NAME} – used logical place in percentage;
  • Logical used size on {#VOLUME_NAME} – the amount of used logical space;
  • Physical used percentage on {#VOLUME_NAME} – used physical space in percentage;
  • Total physical used size on {#VOLUME_NAME} – the amount of used physical space;
  • Total used on {#VOLUME_NAME} – total space used;
  • Total used percent on {#VOLUME_NAME} – total places used in percentage;
  • Logical size on {#VOLUME_NAME}calculated item, the amount of logical space available.


Volume performance

After reading the documentation and poking around with different commands, I found out that we can get metrics on the performance of our volumes. A small piece is responsible for this:

statistics volume show -volume {#VOLUME_NAME}

We select performance metrics from the common sheet with the first regularity:


Second, we group the numbers:



  • 1 - Total number of operations per second on {#VOLUME_NAME} – the total number of operations per second;
  • 2 - Read operations per second on {#VOLUME_NAME} – read operations per second;
  • 3 - Write operations per second on {#VOLUME_NAME} – write operations per second;
  • 4 - Other operations per second on {#VOLUME_NAME} – other operations per second (I don’t know what it is, but for some reason I shoot);
  • 5 - Read throughput in bytes per second on {#VOLUME_NAME} – reading speed in bytes per second;
  • 6 - Write throughput in bytes per second on {#VOLUME_NAME} – writing speed in bytes per second;
  • 7 - Average latency for an operation in microseconds on {#VOLUME_NAME} – average latency of operations in microseconds.


The set of triggers is standard, place and inodes:

  • Free disk space less than 1% on {#VOLUME_NAME}
  • Free disk space less than 5% on {#VOLUME_NAME}
  • Free disk space less than 10% on {#VOLUME_NAME}
  • Free inodes less than 1% on {#VOLUME_NAME}
  • Free inodes less than 5% on {#VOLUME_NAME}
  • Free inodes less than 10% on {#VOLUME_NAME}


Visualization falls mainly on Grafana, it’s nice and comfortable. For example, one volume looks something like this:

There is a button in the upper right corner Show in Zabbix, with which you can fail in Zabbix and see all the metrics for the selected volume.


  • Automatic setting of volumes for monitoring.
  • Automatic removal of volumes from monitoring, if the volume is removed from NetApp.
  • We got rid of binding to one server and manually mounting volumes.
  • Added performance metrics for each volume. Now we are less likely to pull the data center support for the sake of charts from NetApp.

Soon they promise to update ONTAP and bring in an extended API, the template will move to HTTP agent

Template, script and dashboard

useful links

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