$mol – the best meme generator in the frontend

Hello, my name is Dmitry Karlovsky and I… for the sake of lulz, I created the most meme framework in the industry.

I immediately focused on log-in. Therefore, I came up with the most tooth-breaking syntax so that the veil of blood in the eyes would not allow anyone to do anything useful on it without experiencing the 64 circles of hell.

It was difficult to advance it alone, but I didn’t give up, because to become a level 70 troll, you need to complete all 69 levels before that.

I immediately chose the right strategy: instead of writing documentation, I began to irritate people – this made people smile and formed Stockholm syndrome in the subconscious.

Then I began selling success courses, where I explained in accessible language how wrong we all live.

Imagine my surprise when a few years later it turned out that $mol has side effects – it is completely treats even the most advanced hemorrhoids. Life didn’t prepare me for this!

As a result, people began to come, overcoming difficulties, to make their projects on it and, worst of all, to earn money. No, this joke is already out of control!

So my craft, the first version of which was made over the New Year holidays, was included in the big six front-end frameworks.

And soon, based on the framework, a whole ecosystem of open source products developed at the very cutting edge of technology.

And then I realized what a fatal mistake I had made – I had deprived people of the opportunity to waste their lives in vain. They had a lot of free time to think about their empty lives and fall into depression, which united them in a single impulse of hatred towards the author of the framework.

All my life I've been subversive. And as a result of this subversive activity, I myself became what I was fighting against – an influencer who is listened to with an open mouth, without even knowing what nonsense I am talking about.

Beautiful girls began to surround me on the Internet. Luckily, I lived in another city, so they couldn't do anything to me.

There was even a sect of mole witnesses from those who saw its code, but survived.

$moth larvae began to be found in the most exotic places.

And here I just have a cry from the heart: please don’t use $mol! Stop this inhuman breaking through the bottom and finally let me rest!

Listen to this venerable expert, he will not give bad advice:

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$hyoo_meme – manual meme generator

Current original on $hyoo_page.

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