ML Meetup Wildberries 11

On September 11 at 18:00, the first Wildberries ML Meetup will be held in the company's Moscow office. Speakers will talk about ML solutions in WB products and processes, and also share interesting solutions in Recommendations and Search.

Register and be sure to wait for confirmation of participation. The number of places is limited!


“Application of ML in Wildberries products and internal processes”
Alexander Sidorov, Head of Data Science Wildberries

  • How Wildberries business is structured, where and why DS/ML is used at each stage to improve user experience and increase efficiency

  • What reusable models, technologies, organizational functions, infrastructure do we use?

  • What are reusable embeddings and why are they needed, their calculation and application pipelines, in what order do we do them

“Graph Neural Networks in Recommendations”
Alexander Trishin, Data Scientist in the Wildberries personal recommendations team

  • How Convolutional Graph Networks Work

  • LightGCN architecture, advantages and disadvantages of the model: bias of recommendations towards popular products and slow convergence during training

  • How LightGCN's Issues Can Be Solved with Negative Sampling and Changing the Aggregation Function

“Text embedder in similar products”
Georgy Sokolov, Data Scientist in the Wildberries Product Recommendations Team

  • Representation learning for the task of finding similar products based on text description

  • Features of metric-learning for text encoders

“Jargon and Named Entities in Spell Checking in Search”
Anna Tekucheva, Data Scientist in Horizontal ML (NLP\RecSys team)

  • What are named entities and why are they difficult to correct?

  • How do we identify potential words of this type and determine that it is a real existing named entity?

  • Results of the algorithm after implementation


When: September 11, starting at 18:00

Where: Moscow, Wildberries office in the White Gardens business center. Address: Lesnaya St., 9, building B, 7th floor, Belorusskaya metro station.

When registering, be sure to indicate your full name as it appears in your passport. And don't forget to take the document with you: it is the one that will let you into the office.

Details about the event will appear on the Telegram channel WB Space — follow the news.

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