Mastering Any Topic with Artificial Intelligence and the Feynman Method

When was the last time you encountered a difficult topic to understand? Or spent hours watching YouTube tutorials?

There are many effective study techniques that can help you grasp complex concepts and gain confidence in your knowledge. If you are like me and constantly strive for self-improvement, you understand the importance of the right approach to learning. One of the simplest and most effective methods is the Feynman Technique.

In this article, I will discuss how to effectively apply the Feynman method and use artificial intelligence to fill in the gaps in knowledge.

After reading this, you will learn how to use ChatGPT to break down complex concepts and make them intuitive to understand in just four easy steps.

Enjoy reading!

Feynman Technique: Essence and Origin

Richard Feynman was an outstanding American theoretical physicist who made significant contributions to 20th-century science. His work spanned a variety of fields, from his involvement in the Manhattan Project to create the atomic bomb during World War II to his fundamental research in quantum electrodynamics, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965.

In addition to his scientific achievements, Feynman became famous as a talented teacher and popularizer of science. His lectures and books, distinguished by their clarity of presentation and original approach to explaining complex concepts, gained wide recognition among both specialists and the general public.


Despite his remarkable achievements, Feynman did not consider himself exceptionally gifted. He believed that his success was the result of hard work and determination, not innate talent. This is reflected in his famous statement:

I am an ordinary person who has studied a lot. There are no miracles. There is no special gift or magic in studying quantum mechanics – only practice, reading, studying and researching. [1]

It is important to note that although Feynman did not develop the technique directly, it is based on his approach to learning and understanding complex concepts. Feynman believed that true understanding of a subject is demonstrated by the ability to explain it in simple terms. He expressed this idea as follows:

If I can't explain it to a freshman, then I don't understand it myself. [2]

These principles formed the basis of a teaching method now known as the Feynman Technique.

Feynman Technique

As mentioned earlier, Richard Feynman was famous for his unique talent for explaining complex physical concepts in simple and accessible language. He adhered to the principle that true understanding of a subject is achieved only when a person is able to explain it clearly and understandably even to someone who has no prior knowledge of the subject.

Feynman himself expressed this idea as follows:

When we avoid jargon, we give ourselves no opportunity to hide our lack of knowledge. Complex terms and ornate language often prevent us from getting to the heart of the matter and effectively communicating knowledge to others.

The Feynman technique for studying a topic consists of four simple steps:

  1. Explain the concept: The best way to understand something is to teach it to others. Imagine that you are explaining a concept to someone who knows nothing about the subject. This could be a real person, yourself, or an imaginary child. Use simple words and avoid complex terminology.

  1. Identify the gaps: Analyze your explanation from the perspective of the listener. Determine which parts of your explanation are incomplete, require further development, or are not clear enough.

  1. Improve the explanation: Using the shortcomings identified in the previous step, consistently improve your explanation. Repeat this process until you are completely satisfied with the result.

  1. Create a compelling narrative: Now that you have a clear explanation, supplement it with examples, illustrations, and diagrams. Turn your explanation into an interesting story that is easy to listen to and understand.

Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Feynman Technique: An Effective Approach to Learning

Using artificial intelligence to optimize the learning process is becoming a necessity in the modern world. In this section, I will present a simple method to combine the capabilities of AI with the Feynman technique using ChatGPT prompts. As an example, we will consider the concept of “vector database” from the field of machine learning.

Step 1: Study the topic and its basic principles

First, we get acquainted with the topic and study its fundamental principles. Based on the knowledge gained, we develop a simplified explanation of the concept of a vector database. For example:

Imagine a library where instead of books, vectors are stored – lists of numbers representing different types of data (images, audio, etc.). Just as in a regular library, books can be quickly found by title or other criteria, in a vector database, we efficiently store and retrieve vectors using special indexing methods. These vectors are created by transforming the original data using various machine learning algorithms.

If you have difficulty explaining a concept on your own, you can ask ChatGPT to clarify the concept using the following query:

Explain [концепцию] in simple language, as if I were a newbie with no prior knowledge in this area.

Step 2: Improve the concept

Once you have an initial definition of the concept, you should identify ways to improve it. You can use ChatGPT to do this by asking it to act as your target audience and provide feedback. You can use the following prompt:

Identify potential gaps or unclear points in my explanation. [концепции]: [объяснение]

Applying this hint to the vector database explanation, I came up with a list of recommendations for improving the explanation:

  1. Vector refinement: explain the process of obtaining vectors from data using a specific example.

  1. Transformation methods: Mention specific machine learning methods (e.g. neural networks, NLP) for transforming data into vectors.

  1. Indexing and Searching: Describe specialized vector database algorithms such as approximate nearest neighbor search and how they differ from traditional methods.

  1. Practical application: Provide use cases (media search, real-time recommendation systems) to demonstrate the benefits.

  1. Scalability and Performance: Explain how vector databases are optimized to handle large amounts of data and high performance.

  1. Comparison with traditional databases: Extend the library analogy by comparing the search processes in vector and traditional databases, emphasizing the efficiency and accuracy of searching for similar items.

Step 3: Iterative improvement

We repeat the previous steps until we have a short and comprehensive definition of the concept that we are completely satisfied with.

Step 4: Expand the explanation

Supplementing our explanation with analogies and diagrams. Using GPT-4o with image processing capabilities, we can generate diagrams and illustrations that help create a visual representation of the concept.

I suggest using two separate queries:

To create analogies:

Give two analogies that will help explain better [концепцию].

To get diagrams:

Create a diagram to illustrate the concept [название концепции].

ChatGPT will continue to work on creating a visual diagram for a full understanding of vector databases:

It is important to consider that artificial intelligence can produce unreliable information. This phenomenon is called “AI hallucinations” – when the system generates data that has no factual confirmation. What is especially dangerous is that AI presents such information as reliable. Therefore, if you do not have sufficient knowledge in any area, you should be critical of the information received from AI and double-check it with reliable sources.

Thanks for reading!

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