Mapping Objects with MapStruct

In a huge Android app with Clean Architecture, there is a lot of routine work related to displaying objects between different layers. A good solution would be to automate this process.

This article discusses the experience of using the library. MapStructwhich helps to map objects.

The library is very flexible in configuration. And allows you to minimize the writing of template code.

Here is an example of how to implement gradle dependencies in your project.

plugins {
   kotlin("kapt") version "1.9.22"
dependencies {

Click Sync your project and let's start with the simplest and most basic example. Let's say we have two objects:

data class PersonResponse(
   val id: Long,
   val name: String,
   val birthday: String
data class Person(
   val id: Long,
   val name: String,
   val birthday: String,

To create a mapper we need to create an interface:

interface MapperPerson {
    fun userResponseToUser(userResponse: PersonResponse): Person
companion object {
    val INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(

That's it! Mapping is already working.

fun `test map PersonResponse to Person`() {
   val response = PersonResponse(1, "John", "2024.01.01")
   val person = MapperPerson.INSTANCE.personResponseToPerson(response)
   assert( == "John")

Mapping a nested object

Let's look at a slightly more complex case.

data class PersonResponse(
   val id: Long,
   val name: String,
   val birthday: String,
   val educationResponse: EducationResponse

data class EducationResponse(
   val universityName: String

data class Person(
   val id: Long,
   val name: String,
   val birthday: String,
   val education: Education

data class Education(
   val universityName: String

So we need to change the mapper as follows:

@Mapper(uses = [MapperEducation::class])
interface MapperPerson {
@Mapping(source = "userResponse.educationResponse", target = "education")
fun personResponseToPerson(userResponse: PersonResponse): Person

companion object {
     val INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(

interface MapperEducation {
   fun map(educationResponse: EducationResponse) : Education

And the test is passed.

fun `test map PersonResponse to Person`() {
    val response = PersonResponse(
        id = 1,
        name = "John",
        birthday = "2024.01.01",
        educationResponse = EducationResponse("University")
    val person = MapperPerson.INSTANCE.personResponseToPerson(response)
    assert( == "John")

The article covers basic mapping cases using the MapStruct library. More complex cases will be covered in future articles. Thank you for your attention!

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