Mailbox Delegation in Carbonio

Mailbox delegation is a popular feature in corporate mail systems. It allows you to delegate the viewing and filtering of the manager's mail to a secretary, create mailboxes that are used by several employees at once, and so on. In this article, we will tell you how to delegate a mailbox to another user in Carbonio.

This instruction is suitable for both users of the free version of Carbonio Community Edition and the commercial version of Carbonio.

The idea behind delegating a mailbox is to grant a user access rights to the root folder of the mailbox and all subfolders, and then grant them rights to send mail on behalf of the mailbox. This way, users can not only view or edit mail in the delegated mailbox, but also send emails on behalf of the user.

This action can be performed in the command line. First of all, you need to grant rights to the root folder to the user with whom we intend to share. Example:

carbonio prov selectMailbox zextras@carbonio.local modifyFolderGrant / account user1@carbonio.local rwixd

In this case, we provide the user user1@carbonio.local rights to the Carbonio administrator mailbox zextras@carbonio with full rights.

(r)ead - просмотр и поиск элементов

(w)rite - редактирование черновиков, контактов, установка отметок на письма

(i)nsert - копирование данных в существующие папки, создание вложенных папок

(x) - принятие приглашений

(d)elete - Удаление элементов и подпапок

You can check whether the rights have been granted correctly by obtaining a list of folders in the target account.

carbonio prov selectMailbox user1@carobnio.local getAllFolders

As you can see, to your own folders user1@carbonio.local as a result of performing the described actions, folders were added zextras@carbonio.localIn the web client it looks like this:




You can grant rights to a mailbox not only to an individual user, but also to an entire domain, Class of Service, or mailing list.

  • For the mailing list – carbonio prov selectMailbox zextras@carbonio.local modifyFolderGrant / group dlist@carbonio.local rwixd

  • For domain – carbonio prov selectMailbox zextras@carbonio.local modifyFolderGrant / domain carbonio.local rwixd

  • For Class of Service – carbonio prov selectMailbox zextras@carbonio.local modifyFolderGrant / cos default rwixd

To find out what access rights have been granted to whom, use the getFolderGrant command. For example:

carbonio prov selectMailbox zextras@carbonio.local getFolderGrant /

To revoke access rights, use none instead of other access rights. For example:

carbonio prov selectMailbox zextras@carbonio.local modifyFolderGrant / cos default none

To grant permission to send emails from a delegated mailbox, use the command

carbonio prov grr account zextras@carbonio.local usr user1@carbonio.local sendAs

You can check the correct application of the relevant rights using the command

carbonio prov ckr account zextras@carbonio.local user1@carbonio.local sendAs

If applied correctly, the message ALLOWED will be displayed.

You can revoke the granted rights using the command

carbonio prov rvr account zextras@carbonio.local usr user1@carbonio.local sendAs

Direct sending on behalf of a delegated mailbox is carried out in the Carbonio web client when creating letters. The user can select the user on whose behalf the sending will be carried out in the drop-down list.

As you can see, by default the delegated account is displayed with an empty name. You can add it in the settings

Once this is done, the delegated mailbox will have the name assigned in the settings when selected in the email editor.

In this way, a user can be delegated multiple mailboxes, and granular permissions can help avoid incidents by preventing users with read-only permissions from deleting emails, and preventing users without send-on-mailbox permissions from replying to them.

For questions regarding testing, purchasing, licensing and consultations, please contact the exclusive partner Zextras at

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