Magnetic levitation and its application prospects

the sensation with the Korean miracle substance LK99, which allegedly exhibits superconductivity at room temperature, turned out to be somewhat exaggerated.

  • The power of magnetic fields – quantum trapping and the creation of stable electromagnetic vortices require expensive magnets based on rare earth metals.

  • Heat dissipation – it is necessary to constantly dissipate excess heat generated during rotation of structural elements and interaction of particles.

  • High vacuum and manipulation of elementary particles

    Probably the most suitable environment for quantum trapping is high vacuum. Levitation in high vacuum is in principle applicable to magnets, metal particles, diamonds with color centersgraphene, as well as various droplet media (including superfluid helium). How notes Carlos González-Ballestero, a postdoc at the Department of Theoretical Physics at the University of Innsbruck, controlled magnetic levitation should reduce the number of internal degrees of freedom in systems consisting of phonons, magnons, and excitons, thereby simplifying their study. In the future, controlled magnetic levitation could open the way to controlling systems of billions of atoms, where it would be possible to artificially create complex superpositions of particles. The most realistic use of such technology is the artificial suppression of quantum decoherence. However, magnetic levitation at the level of individual elementary particles would make it possible to study any interactions between them, search for as yet undiscovered particles, and possibly create exotic aggregate states of matter similar to the Bose-Einstein condensate, as well as control superconductivity using magnetism.

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