Lots of requests, few clients. I found out why this happens and how to solve the problem

Companies often evaluate advertising channels by the number of leads and do not look at the bounce rate. For example, an ad generated 50 applications (the manager rubs his hands with glee), but only 5 went into sales (the manager is sad). A high percentage of non-targeted leads puts an end to the advertising campaign: you invested a lot, but there is no return. I will tell you which service will help fix the problems and invest the budget only in those channels that pay off.

How Roistat's end-to-end and speech analytics work

End-to-end analytics collects information from the website, CRM and advertising channels, and then creates reports and dashboards – they are convenient for analyzing marketing and sales. For example, the service analyzes information about expenses, visits and applications, and then calculates the cost of a lead and the profitability indicator (ROI). It generates reports in different areas.

Advertising channels. Analytics shows which of the sources pays off and which drains the budget. For example, campaigns in Yandex.Direct and social networks brought the same number of applications, but the second one's leads were not targeted. In order not to waste money, such an advertising channel should be disabled.

Roistat highlights the highest and lowest metrics by channel, so you can quickly review the report

Roistat highlights the highest and lowest metrics by channel, so you can quickly review the report

Landing pages. The report highlights which pages bring high conversion into sales, and which ones users don’t stay on. This will help you understand which pages should be improved or stop spending your budget on promotion.

Keywords. The service analyzes queries, calculates the click-through rate (CTR) and the number of leads. For example, the CTR for two queries is the same, but the conversion to sales for the first one is three times higher. To increase profits, it is worth replacing non-working keywords in advertisements.

Managers. The report shows which employees process requests and bring in sales, and from whom potential clients are leaving. For each manager, you can see how many requests they processed, what the conversion to sales was, and see the revenue and average check. This will help analyze the work of sales and find the reason for refusals.

It will help you better understand the work of your sales department employees and understand why leads are dropping off. speech analytics. The service converts the conversation recording into text and finds problematic calls. For example, it highlights those where the manager did not use the script, refused to help, and the client did not solve the problem.

Roistat speech analytics highlights problematic phrases

Roistat speech analytics highlights problematic phrases

The service analyzes the conversation between the employee and the client, compares the audio tracks and identifies elements, such as silence, sticking, interruptions and their number per minute. Then they are compiled into metrics that are included in the call report.

Conversation data can be viewed by day, week or month. The indicators are displayed in the form of visual graphs and charts.

You won't have to spend a lot of time studying reports: Roistat groups information into dashboards

You won't have to spend a lot of time studying reports: Roistat groups information into dashboards

In theory, the service looks cool: set up the platform, get reports and optimize the campaign – less expenses, more revenue. I decided to figure out how Roistat analytics helps businesses in practice.

The business did not analyze the effectiveness of advertising channels and campaigns

The company sells ventilation equipment in the B2B segment. Leads come through online advertising channels and from thematic exhibitions offline. To track applications, marketers collected data through the sales department or in CRM.

This approach did not produce results for several reasons:

  • It was not possible to automate the collection of data from advertising channels.

  • We didn’t know where the traffic and requests were coming from.

  • Didn't evaluate the quality of leads.

  • It was not possible to analyze the work of sales department managers.

To optimize advertising campaigns and increase conversion to a deal, we used the Roistat platform.

Connected end-to-end analytics – found campaigns with low lead quality

The employees integrated Roistat's end-to-end analytics with the website and advertising accounts. Then they combined the service with 1C and improved the correct distribution of deal statuses – this is how the company's marketers assessed how applications from each individual source were converted into sales.

In the first month after implementation, analysts saw that 60 percent of applications from Yandex Direct, VKontakte, myTarget were rejected. This was spam, failed calls, and unqualified leads. Marketers compared the qualification of applications with the effectiveness of advertising campaigns: they looked for ads and keywords that brought in non-target applications and turned off impressions for them. The budget was redistributed to other campaigns in Direct.

“Lead Catcher” was added to the analytics. If a user is on the site for less than 20 or more than 200 seconds, a pop-up with a feedback form appears. The tool began to bring up to 8% of applications from requests.

This is what the Lead Catcher looks like on the client's website

This is what the Lead Catcher looks like on the client's website

Implemented speech analytics – adjusted the work of the sales department

Before connecting the service, the head of the sales department spent half of the working day analyzing sales calls. But there was still not enough time to analyze all the calls. We connected speech analytics, which prepares reports on calls and notes only problematic moments. For example, when the client did not solve the problem or the employee was rude. The boss can quickly study the report and not spend a lot of time listening to conversations.

Speech analytics tags each call, allowing you to quickly evaluate a sales conversation

Speech analytics tags each call, allowing you to quickly evaluate a sales conversation

The speech analytics reports showed that there were a lot of refusals and negativity during calls, so they restructured the work of the sales department. They created a knowledge base for the product, updated the scripts, hired a business coach who trained managers. Thanks to this, they increased the conversion to sales. Speech analytics helped to reduce the call verification time by half and reduce the refusal rate from calls by 25%.

We connected call tracking and determined where the calls were coming from

Previously, employees did not know from which channels clients made calls. Leads came from websites, advertisements and exhibitions. It was difficult to understand which method brought in target applications.

We connected statistical and dynamic call tracking. The first one tracks requests from exhibitions and other events — for this, employees handed out business cards and catalogs with call tracking numbers. The second one shows the number of leads from online advertising.

The system collects the indicators in a table - they can be studied in detail. For example, 23 applications were received from the exhibition, 5 of which went into sales

The system collects the indicators in a table – they can be studied in detail. For example, 23 applications were received from the exhibition, 5 of which went into sales

After a year of working with Roistat, the company began to receive one and a half times more profit, selected the optimal channels for attracting clients and improved the work of the sales department.

  • 2 times increased the number of applications per month

  • 2 times reduced the percentage of non-targeted leads

  • By 157 percent sales increased

What I think about Roistat analytics

The service interface is easy to understand — the necessary information is in separate tabs. If you have any questions, you can look at the instructions or write to technical support. I tested the Roistat service for three days and here are the features I highlighted:

  • Analytics on advertising channels in one place. No need to collect data from sources manually.

  • Customization of reports. You can customize metrics for your business, for example, add unique visitors, repeat sales revenue, marginality.

  • Tools for business. For example, connect A/B tests, order an advertising audit, launch email newsletters or set up an online chat on the site.

Roistat has many tools that will help improve your advertising campaigns and attract more targeted leads. Honestly, I haven't studied everything myself: I only looked at what I use all the time. Get to know the platform and test the services You can try it for free for 14 days – download the current project or look at the analytics in demo mode.

Write in the comments how you analyze advertising campaigns and solve problems? Do you use end-to-end analytics or trust sales managers?

Advertising. Business Analytics LLC, TIN: 7709973919, erid: 2VtzqutxtnD

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