learning to create games at 5-6 years old

Even a 5-6 year old preschooler can understand the basic principles of “adult” programming using the example of writing visual code. Code Game Lab, an environment designed for developing simple 3D games, will help him with this. You need to write programs in it using ready-made blocks, like in Scratch Jr: there are no complex structures and text commands.

Kodu Game Lab is an intuitive environment that is easy to understand even if the user is a preschool child. We're at school Pixel We use the program in conjunction with Scratch Junior tools in an online course, which helps to better teach preschoolers the basics and principles of writing code using simple and exciting examples. But today is not about that.

We invite you to look at the Code and understand the capabilities of the environment using illustrative examples. We’ll also pay attention to useful resources and free training videos that will help if you want to master visual programming and game development in Kodu Game Lab completely on your own.

Basic information about Code Game Lab

The Kodu Game Lab program is a platform developed by Microsoft and intended for children and beginning developers. You can carry out simple projects in the environment: create simple games, control internal objects and characters using bright block designs.

It may seem like a bit of a stretch to start teaching kids how to design and code at preschool age. We believe that this is an excellent opportunity to take the first step in the direction of information technology, especially with Kodu: with this environment, immersion in the world of IT will become simple even for a child without experience.

The platform is a good solution, provided that the preschooler loves to play: Kodu’s tools will help them come to the understanding that they can be a creator, and not just a user of a computer and entertainment applications.

Kodu, like Scratch Junior, is something like a Lego constructor. The program is simple, understandable and allows you to master the basic principles and other basics of programming from scratch.

Benefits of Kodu

Visual Environment Interface

Visual Environment Interface

The advantages of the platform and arguments in favor of its use for teaching children are as follows:

  • Simplicity. Text code, complex operators – all this is missing. The interface is intuitive. The platform is also freely distributed: to get started, just download the program and install it. Downloading is possible at Kodu official website;

  • Availability. Here we are talking about the ease of perception of the main sections and menus. The workspace, toolbars and commands are simplified as much as possible. Even a preschooler can understand them;

  • Quick results. If text languages ​​are quite complex and require the effort required to get the program, then in Kodu the first project will take 1-2 hours or even less. Quick achievement of results is an incentive and motive, the basis for increasing interest in relation to “adult” programming.

Benefits of using Kodu tools for children

There are several obvious and objective advantages of immersing preschoolers and primary schoolchildren in programming and development using the example of using Kodu tools. This:

  • Development of creative thinking and its logical components. “Constructor” with colorful block commands allows you to create your own three-dimensional worlds from scratch: almost any idea can be realized. The logical side of thinking is improved through familiarity with the code using the example of using colorful blocks;

  • Development of communication skills. Games in Code Game Lab can be shown to friends and other users of the platform. Discussion, exchange of opinions, receiving advice from more experienced developers are advantages. This will help hone basic programming and game creation skills, as well as strengthen the foundations for successful socialization in the future;

  • Dive into the basics of writing code. You shouldn't expect your child to become a programmer by creating simple games and using blocks. But this will become the basis for understanding the principles of coding, which, subject to interest and passion, will be a plus from the point of view of further study;

  • Preparation for a number of school subjects, say, mathematics. A preschooler coding and developing with Kodu is faced with the need to count. Without this, it is impossible to accurately create maps, select the number of certain objects, and establish distances between them.

What projects can a preschooler complete in Kodu Game Lab: examples and 11 free educational videos

In order not to overload the article with information, we will show examples of projects in the form of lessons: watching training videos will help you understand the potential of Code and understand how to use the environment.

We will adhere to the numbering adopted in playlist: This will eliminate confusion. So, let's go.

Getting started: how to download Kodu Game Lab and install the program on your PC

Introductory lesson will help you figure it out:

  • What is Kodu?

  • How to download the program to a personal computer and install it;

  • How to enter the “constructor”.

1. Introduction to the interface and the first project

First full lesson The video covers the following topics:

  • Interface features and device code;

  • Creating the first project using a labyrinth as an example;

  • Managing in-game parameters.

2. How to create a map, a character and teach him to move and shoot

Second lesson of Kodu Game Lab will show additional capabilities of the platform and lead to the creation of a new project. As a result of watching, the preschooler will learn:

  • Create game cards;

  • Select characters for games;

  • Program movements and shooting.

3. Using the mouse to move, creating a new project

Third video from today's free Kodu Game Lab mini-course for preschoolers covers the following topics:

  • Creating a map and your own character for a new game;

  • Programming HP – health points;

  • Writing a block script for a bot;

  • Using the mouse to control objects.

4. How to make a shooter in Kodu and customize your character

Fourth video for self-study, Kodu will help your child understand:

  • How to create a simple shooter game;

  • How to write a corresponding block program;

  • What tools are designed to “fine-tune” a shooting game character.

5. Your own underwater world in Kodu

Fifth An impromptu lesson using educational videos will help your child complete another exciting project. As a result of viewing, the preschooler will be able to:

  • Create a new game map;

  • Make and program characters for the virtual underwater world;

  • Write scripts for in-game objects;

  • Launch a simulation of the underwater world.

6. How to program air hockey scoring

Sixth video will help you understand the following topics:

  • Creation of a new game world and character, their programming;

  • Writing a script for scoring;

  • Preparing code and objects for air hockey.

7. Game timer from scratch

Seventh video about Kodu Game Labavailable online and absolutely free, will teach a preschooler:

  • Create new characters;

  • Make game conditions more difficult;

  • Script relatively complex objects using a timer as an example.

8. Football in Kodu

Let's move on to more complex projects. Will help eighth training videowhich talks about:

  • Programming football rules;

  • Preparing the playing field;

  • Writing block code for players and objects in the Football project.

9. In-depth study of block code using the example of creating water polo

IN ninth video Pixel School teacher talked about how to create virtual water polo in Kodu. This is another interesting project to add to our portfolio today.

What you need to know:

  • How to make a new water polo card;

  • What is needed to program movements;

  • How to make a transition function;

  • What tools are designed to manage players.

10. How to create levels in Kodu Game Lab

Tenth lesson in video format is dedicated to working with levels. Using the example of playing the game “Race”, the child will learn:

  • Script in-game conditions;

  • Create new levels;

  • Program races using blocks.

11. Game “Attack of the Clones” in Kodu

By using eleventh lesson a preschooler can figure out how to complete Attack of the Clones in Kodu Game Lab from scratch. He will learn about:

  • Parent function;

  • Programming conditions;

  • Scripting the game world using the example of attack of the clones.

Bonus: How to Make a Treasure Hunt Game in Code

To consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills, we suggest completing one more project. Will help bonus video. In it, a Pixel school teacher explained how:

  • Make a new playing field;

  • Add characters to it;

  • Write the required block script;

  • Set additional settings and launch the Treasure Hunt game.

We hope our impromptu course has helped you better understand what you can do with Kodu. If you liked it and want to move on, come study contact us or use additional useful resources.

Books and websites for self-study Kodu

If you decide to move on your own, watch the videos we present, and also use additional sources of information. Useful websites and books will help you update existing knowledge and gain new knowledge.

Code sites for beginners

We recommend:

Official website

Official website

  • Classroom. Various materials for teachers and students are collected here. They are dedicated to Kodu. As in the first case, a translator will help.

Useful resource with materials

Useful resource with materials

Interesting and useful books

If you don’t want to bother translating English-language sites, consider reading: books that even children can understand will help you master the Code. Here they are:

  • Making games with Kodu Game Lab. K.I. Astakhova, the author of the book, took care of reviewing and describing the basics of the Code. This tutorial is intended for children and focuses on the basics of working with platform tools.

We’ve come to the end: this concludes today’s publication and we want to know if the material was useful? Did you manage to understand the basics and decide to immerse your child in coding through training in Kodu?

Material prepared by Pixel School. Together with students aged 5–17 years old, every day we discover something new in the world of information technology.

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