learning features, video tutorials, books and other resources

When and how to start teaching children programming? Is it even worth doing this? If so, what languages ​​are suitable? Let's look for answers using Python as an example: consider its features and potential, decide on the optimal age to start, understand the prospects of the direction and other important points. This will help if the issues outlined are relevant to you.

We suggest starting with the basics and diving into the theory: Python is a scripting programming language characterized by versatility. It is used by web developers, desktop and mobile application creators, analysts, testers and game developers. The Python language can also be used to program neural networks.

Why start with Python

Let’s make a reservation right away and emphasize: if the child is very young or simply has no experience, it is better to start with Scratch Jr and the visual language “Scratch”: this will help lay the foundations and come to an understanding of the basic principles of programming. And after that, if the student demonstrates interest, you can move on to more complex things. Let us emphasize: it is interest that should become the basis of learning, and not just the desire of parents.

Teenager learning to program

Teenager learning to program

We're at school Pixel We often come across the opinion that learning the “adult” tool Python as a child or teenager is difficult and even impractical. This point is controversial and subjective. The fact is that there are a number of arguments in favor of the opposite statement. Here they are:

  • Python does not require compilation. This is an interpreted language. We emphasize that interpretation has nothing to do with compiling and converting code into complex machine instructions, which eliminates the overload of the child’s mind: it will not take a long time to understand the terms and concepts. And even if it were necessary, it is much easier to put the minimum basis of theory into the head of a modern child than in the case of an adult who is distant from the world of information technology;

  • A typical program written using the presented language is a file. It contains text with relatively simple structures. You can write in Python in almost any editor, but one or another IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is often used. At Pixel, we use IDLE and Visual Studio Code in Python courses for children;

  • There is an opportunity to learn through games. When combined with, say, Minecraft, the language becomes fun and simple. The basis in the form of gamification involves people in the process: even children 9–10 years old are eager to learn Python when they learn that they can create their first projects in the form of mods for games or some useful applications like a calculator.

When should you start learning programming?

Age is a controversial topic. While some children successfully and effortlessly get acquainted with Scratch and move on to Python and even C#, others simply cannot cope with it. Junior schoolchild 9, teenager 13 years old – does not play a role. The range may be different, the numbers are approximate. What is more important is the following:

  • Interest. We have already emphasized that without it, neither programming nor other areas can become useful. Even with high potential and prospects;

  • Passion for computers and gaming. It has already been noted that this can be made the basis of learning programming. How? Tell your child that Python is good for creating mods for Minecraft. The example is banal, but our practice shows that this is a significant incentive and motive.

To be specific, there are no strict numbers and ranges. For example, we teach the Python language to primary schoolchildren aged 9-10, and teenagers aged 13-14. Some do quite well, others require special attention from teachers, but the following remains the same: gradually everyone gets involved in their studies and begins to create their own projects from scratch. These are simple games, bots for messengers, similar programs.

But the help of an experienced adult is not always necessary. You can start moving on your own, even from scratch: watch training videos, read interesting books and more. More on this later: first, let’s touch on the potential of Python and try to understand the prospects for its development.

Examples of our students' projects

Programming lessons for children in Python, even if it comes to self-study, will help you learn how to create your first simple projects from scratch. This is an additional incentive and motive: the opportunity to get a working program written with your own hands pushes you to achieve new goals and lays the foundation for learning more complex languages.

Here are the projects our students were able to complete:

These are examples that clearly show that there are children and teenagers who can easily master the basics and complete full-fledged projects using code even after a short training.

Prospects and potential of Python programming classes for children

Writing code means developing. Let’s not say that in the 21st century this is the second literacy: this fact is obvious. But we want to emphasize that learning the Python language or alternative tools helps:

  • Development of logical thinking. Any code is based on logic, sequences and clear connections. Understanding this stimulates the development of logical components of general thinking;

  • Developing attention to detail. A child writing code must check all lines, commands, statements, loops, and other constructs used. Without this, typical mistakes are likely. As you learn, you develop the skill of checking, which leads to the formation of attentiveness;

  • Improving understanding of a number of school subjects. These are, say, mathematics and English. Working with variables, their values ​​and more involves numbers and English words. This is an advantage, because Python language courses for children or self-study solve two problems at once: improve school performance and help them master coding;

  • Getting closer to one of the in-demand IT professions. Web development, game creation, analytics, big data are just examples of areas that will become available to a child who has mastered the basics of the Python tool and wants to learn further.

We can talk and discuss the advantages of the direction for a long time, but we want to dwell on what has been noted: these are the most visible related results, often demonstrated by our students.

What environments will you need to learn Python?

We touched on this topic indirectly and emphasized that we give preference to:

  • IDLE. This is an environment designed for writing code in the language in question. There is a functional editor and command interpreter. Plus – the presence of an integrated debugger, which simplifies the search for errors and their correction, even if the user is a beginner child;

  • Visual Studio Code. This is a code editor created by Microsoft. A distinctive feature is versatility: binding to a specific language is not provided. In the Visual Studio Code environment you can write desktop and mobile applications, websites and more.

The choice is the task of the child and his parents. We have provided examples to understand what is required for the first steps.

We suggest moving on to a review of useful resources: they will help you start teaching your children how to program in Python on their own.

Useful resources for beginners: books, training videos, websites and games dedicated to Python

Let's start with Python books for kids and then move on to educational videos, websites, and games. How to move and where to start is not up to us to decide: we simply suggest considering the options available to children without experience.

Books about the Python language: textbooks and tutorials for beginning programmers

Next, we’ll look at 7 useful books, reading which will bring even a beginner child closer to writing code in Python.

1. Python for children and parents. Play and program

The author – B. Payne – was able to create a full-fledged tutorial. Many beginning children and their parents managed to get to know him. The advantage of the presented book about Python for schoolchildren is its simplicity: even a beginner can cope with the mastery. An additional advantage is the presence of theory, supported by a series of exercises: as you read, you will be able to hone your programming skills and consolidate them.

Against the background of accessibility and simplicity of presentation of the material, the noted features make B. Payne’s book a godsend for beginning programmers who have chosen the Python language.

2. Hello World! Programming for children and adults

This managementand at the same time a textbook prepared by W. and K. Sands. The advantage of this option is the maximum simplicity of presentation of the material: even first-graders successfully cope with reading and independent study.

First, you will become familiar with basic operations, and then you will learn how to work with graphics, modeling, and creating games using code written in Python.

3. Programming in Python. Illustrative guide for children

Author books – V. Carol. She tried to look at Python in all aspects and talked about it in simple language. Additionally, V. Carol provides examples of simple programs, code and step-by-step instructions.

As a result of reading, the child will be able to teach a PC to draw a robot, stars, and also create a calendar and write a full-fledged encryption application.

4. Programming for children in Python

There is no information about the authors, but something else is more interesting: book contains everything you need to start coding using the language in question. These are sample projects and colorful illustrations, simple instructions and tasks designed for young readers.

5. Python Great Minecraft Programming from Noob to Pro

A couple of authors Koryagins – A. Vladimirovich and A. Vitalievna – offered an interesting management for beginners. It covers the basics of Python, the principles of its use in Minecraft, mathematical logic and other important topics, for example, the basis of applied mathematics in the context of its connection with code.

6. Python for kids. Course for beginners

One more book without attribution, which will be useful. As a result of reading, the child will understand the structure of the language and independently write several programs using simple and understandable instructions. Plus – the presence of bright illustrations that captivate and involve in the process of self-learning.

7. Python for kids who don't code yet

E. Krylova prepared book about programming in Python for children 10–13 years old. The peculiarity is that it is age-appropriate: the author provides a presentation of the material in such a way that primary schoolchildren and teenagers can cope with it. Theoretical blocks and practical tasks are provided.

We advise you to choose the electronic version in the publisher's version: it contains working materials, ready-made program texts and tests.

Useful channels on Telegram

If you are just starting to program, taking your first steps, be sure to check out the content presented on the channels:

  • Python Books. Here you can find various books about programming in the “snake” language;

  • Python problems. If you already have minimal knowledge and skills, the channel will help you hone your practical skills by solving simple puzzles with elements of writing code.

Video for self-teaching Python for children, free courses

We have prepared 5 additional resources: video tutorials, free courses and more. Let's look at them in order.

1. A selection of videos about the basics of the language

Playlist from Pixel is designed for schoolchildren mastering the direction from scratch. Topics to be covered:

  • Variables, functions and other constructs;

  • Features of choosing between Java and Python;

  • Basics of the “snake” language.

As the child watches the video, he will have to complete a number of simple projects: a mobile application, an interface, a sea battle, etc.

2. Tutorial playlist for completing projects using Python

This selection Suitable if you have basic understanding and skills. Getting to know her will help your child create virtual:

3. Python programming in Minecraft

Selection Video lessons from the Pixel school are devoted to the following topics:

  • Downloading and installing software required for coding;

  • Introduction to development tools and environments;

  • Basic designs, creating blocks through code;

  • Construction in the Minecraft virtual universe;

  • The use of random numbers when working with artificial intelligence, etc.

4. Free Python course from Code Basics

Self-study within course built around the following themes:

  • Language Basics;

  • Arithmetic;

  • Strings and variables;

  • Data types;

  • Calling functions;

  • Properties and methods;

  • Logic, etc.

5. Course “Generation Python” on Stepik

Potential students will have to get acquainted with the following topics:

  • Data input, output;

  • Conditional statements;

  • Data types;

  • Cycles;

  • Lists and functions;

  • Features of creating the first project.

Useful sites for beginners, educational games related to writing code

You can supplement your training or start from scratch in other ways. These are websites and educational games. Let's start with the first ones:

  • Website “Pythontutor The training is built around simple and complex tasks. Their solution will help you get closer to mastering Python at the Olympic level. Let us immediately emphasize that this option is not suitable for beginners;

  • Tynker. This is an educational platform designed specifically for beginner programmers – children and teenagers. Thanks to familiarity with it, you can understand modding, game design using Minecraft as an example, as well as other important topics.

We also recommend taking a closer look at the educational games:

  • Codecombat. This is a great platform to teach kids the basics of coding through a playful method;

  • CheckiO. The online platform will help you understand Python, which will require you to solve fun puzzles and perform exercises based on the game format.

We offer apps as a bonus Enki And Mimo. The environments are designed for beginner children and young programmers, they can be downloaded to mobile devices with iOS and Android and begin learning Python and mastering the basics of coding.

If you want to start studying under the guidance of a teacher: paid courses

If you don’t want to figure everything out on your own or self-study has not brought the expected results, but your interest in the topic has not waned, we recommend signing up for an online course coding in Python in Minecraft or programming in Python without being tied to a specific game universe or alternative environment.

So, we have come to the end and want to once again emphasize the promise and relevance of Python. We agree that the language is hackneyed and on everyone’s lips, but this does not detract from its potential. And the apparent difficulty that many people talk about disappears after the first lessons.

In conclusion, let’s ask a provocative question: is it even worth teaching children and teenagers programming in Python? Why, if yes, what are the arguments, if not?

Material prepared by Pixel School. Together with beginners, we are confidently immersing ourselves in IT and approaching the world of professions of the future.

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