Konrad Zuse – a programmer ahead of his time

This language could “revolutionize” all contemporary computer science, because so far conditional constructions, loops, arrays, the ability to describe and call subroutines have not been presented anywhere, but the conditions in which this language was created did not allow it to become world famous by the time of publication The documentation language is already very outdated. Hopelessly outdated.

Konrad Zuse's life was not easy. He single-handedly won the technological race against huge corporations and groups of scientists, but neither he himself nor the other scientists knew about this race. An incredible thirst for progress, for easing monotonous work, made it possible to create a computer that was ahead of its time. Later, when Zuse’s achievements were recognized by the European scientific community, scientists said with sadness: “If the whole world had known about them in due time, progress could have taken several steps much faster.” The scientist received many honorary degrees, developed a number of ideas for a theoretical understanding of the Universe, but in the end he clearly showed that in the modern world one person, even the most brilliant, can no longer compete with entire scientific institutes. However, a little over eighty years ago, one person could still compete with the system on an equal footing.

List of literature and sources on the topic:


  • Raúl Rojas – “Konrad Zuse's Legacy: The Architecture of the Z1 and Z3”, IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1997 (translated into Russian);
  • Kazakova, I. A. Plankalkül – the first high-level programming language / I. A. Kazakova // Applied informatics. – 2012. – No. 5(41). – pp. 128-131;
  • Kozyrev, A. N. Parallels – Anatoly Kitov and Konrad Zuse / A. N. Kozyrev // Digital Economy. – 2020. – No. 3(11). – P. 60-72. – DOI 10.34706/DE-2020-03-07;
  • zuse.zib.de — Internet archive of Konrad Zuse;
  • Gakov, V. Non-gloomy German genius / V. Gakov // System administrator. – 2014. – No. 10(143). – P. 88-91;
  • Additional information about Zuse's patent activities (in German), which simply did not fit into the post – www.dpma.de/dpma/veroeffentlichungen/meilensteine/computer-pioniere/zuse/index.html;
  • COMPUTER HISTORY. Roles of Konrad Zuse and John von Neumann. (Article in German). Of some interest is the quote from Konrad Zuse's son and the accompanying images – www.ardalpha.de/wissen/geschichte/historische-persoenlichkeiten/konrad-zuse-computer-rechner-erfinder-102.html.

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