key operating principles

It's important to understand psychology of leaders, to establish productive and harmonious relationships with them.

In this article you will learn what are the principles of management by managers use to achieve greater goals in the company.

Principles of working with managers: scaling the company’s ideas

The issue of managing managers arises when the first manager appears in the company. For entrepreneurs this is always trial and errorbecause they don’t teach anywhere how to manage, and especially how to manage leaders.

First principle: department heads are the same team members

It must be clearly understood that department heads are not “wizards”where you can reset your area of ​​responsibility and forget about it. They are team members just like other employees. They require the same sequence of actions:

  • Defining accurate performance deliverables (KPIs)

  • The motivation system for managers should really work towards the goal of the unit, and not just a “salary”, as is often the case

  • Selecting the best people—talents—for the team. This requires constant hiring and a career ladder.

  • Correct written delegation of department development tasks.

  • Weekly meetings for synchronization and mentoring.

These are exactly the same stages of management as for line employees, but the second principle already distinguishes them.

Principle Two: Leaders Need a Strategy

The second principle of managing top managers is that managers cannot be confined within monthly planning. They need a strategic vision – for 3, 12 and 24 months. Otherwise, there is a risk that they will begin to get bogged down in trifles that will not allow them to develop the unit in the future. It is at this point that you begin to work at the top, strategic level of your company.

Leaders are needed immerse yourself in strategy and involve in management decisions. For this purpose, strategic sessions are held.

  • Important annual strategic session with managers and key employees.

  • Every quarter A special meeting is held to clarify the status of strategic projects and for quarterly planning.

The company must develop in accordance with its mission and goals. Therefore, strategic plans are important, first of all, for managers.

Third principle: a clear understanding of the area of ​​responsibility of the leader of managers

Final third principle – you must understand your area of ​​​​responsibility in the process of working with managers. At this point, you are playing the role of leader of leaders.

Here are the important aspects:

  1. Digitization of department indicators and systematic work to achieve planned values ​​(discussion, generation of ideas, setting development goals)

  2. Weekly mentoring and leadership trainingso that they successfully achieve goals in their departments.

  3. Manager motivation and assistancewhen the manager fails to achieve results. All employees, including managers, want the work they do to be successful and achieve results.

  4. Hiring the best managers for your team and their adaptation. Dismissal those who do not meet the requirements and values ​​of the company.

Building communications between TOPs and their departments. This is a solution to conflicts that will certainly arise between them, since they are too dependent on each other.

Let's sum it up

If, for example, the head of the sales department is responsible for managers and their effectiveness, then The executive director is responsible for the effectiveness of managers. It is very important to understand what functions the executive director has and begin to systematically perform them.

Managers are the same members of the team and all management rules must be followed with them. Only in this way will the company’s goals be achieved, and the management of top managers will become transparent and natural.

Can you share your experience in managing executives?

Or what you have observed in other companies?

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