Just about time codes under YouTube videos

You have to understand that first of all you are signing episodes for people, so long captions don't work well, you have to sign briefly so that the viewer understands what this block of the video is about.

I noticed that YouTube does not like over-optimization, considering the long cycle of YouTube analysis of your videos, the consequences will come in a few months and you will not immediately understand why the views of your videos have dropped.

A simple example of how to write briefly:

Retouching on everything that can point to my channel in examples

Retouching on everything that can point to my channel in examples

Does it make a difference in which part of the description the time codes are written?

– No.

In my videos, I write time codes in the middle of the description, it’s more convenient for me. The upper part of the description is the advertising part, then the block for promoting your links, time codes and below technical information about the video.

You can choose your own option, there is only one condition – the location in the description on all videos is the same in blocks, so you teach your viewer what is where.

What is the best interval for time codes?

I haven't noticed any particular benefit from frequent intervals between episodes, so I break the episodes into logical parts, sometimes using code to highlight special moments so that I can later analyze this moment for engagement.

Example of different intervals of episodes in a video:

Why all the fuss with time codes?

The most important parameter for YouTube is not how many subscribers you have, but how a live (not purchased) audience interacts with your video.

One of these like/dislike indicators:

It's not necessary for a video to be liked! I've had videos that had the opposite like/dislike ratio that worked great for promotion, but that's a whole other article.

To sum up.

By setting time codes you guide your viewer through the video, this is especially important on large videos, the viewer becomes less tolerant of long viewing with each passing day, so you need to give him the opportunity to quickly run through a large video.

I can't say that my conclusions are absolutely correct, but at this stage my knowledge of time codes helped to gather a target audience on the channel that is of interest to advertisers.

And yes, time codes aren't the only thing you need to know.

Working on YouTube is an assumption, an experiment, a result, an analysis and a conclusion, all within the YouTube analytics cycle.

Thank you for reading this far, I hope my article will be useful to you.

Have a nice day and a great mood.

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