Junior or test code (JuniORtestCode )

Recruiting IT-specialists to solve various kinds of problems, companies or departments try to take from middle and above, it would seem that this is convenient. When such a person comes to the company, they told about the structure – he delved into the structure, explained how to communicate – communicates, described the task – immediately starts working on his block and solves it. Including all existing subtasks – closes, and the campaign (department / company) goes by leaps and bounds to the release of the product. And then?!

But where can you find them, such specialists who will immediately become not only “filling material in the holes of the project”, but will also continue to develop the project in the future!?

There are HR-wise men for such tasks!, – you will say.

Yes. They can find a solution, but who applies to them?! The one who needs answers to the questions: Can you? – I can. How..? – Like this. Ok, let’s take it.

Subsequently, we get the results of the code being unreadable, it solves only a narrow range of problems, does not delve into the entire project, and the like … Case thinking led to narrow-minded specialists.

A! And, diverse interests = breadth of views !!!

Versatile interests = breadth of views.

Programmers are logical people, and when a task arises, they begin to solve it in the usual way, namely, the path of least resistance. That is, to take a strong specialist to the team:
со знанием необходимых библиотек и умением применять их в проектах.
а точнее сказать, применяемых в данном проекте, который одобряет своими знаниями ведущий команды (TeamLead).
начинается приращивание со своими знаниями собеседуемого, который имеет своё мнение, но плюшки от компании ему нравятся, и он надеясь что изменится, иногда подавляет "истинного себя", рассказывает о "новом себе" которым даже не хотел быть, а то что хочет услышать собеседник.

Further like this:

  1. approval of the character, who is usually searched for a long time (which affects the timing of the task);

  2. it also happens that the special is more expensive than planned (and I wouldn’tABOUTa larger amount for his skills, but that the special is “cheaper” than they offer;

  3. although there are other options, but I’m not talking about that.`

But about what, or rather who …

We take junior specialist. And it is a specialist – Yes, he is special, just without experience. Fear that he will drag the campaign down or slow it down – leave it to bloggers, this is their “bread”. Important! – we take someone who is sure that he has chosen the right path of development for himself, the field of activity, here just HR magic will help to identify such a person, they are good at doing this (if they are not random people in this important profession).

When this Professional Junior (Profi June)plus IT has experience not in related work, but in hobbies from a completely different field, then this is a treasure.

Such a person knows what he wants, what kind of science he wants to promote and understand, he knows the theory and is not burdened by the experience of stereotypes. He is not a specialist who knows nothing else – except how to code and think in mathematics (by the way, this is very good), but like Lomonosov, and Kulibin, and Korolev, and Kalashnikov and many others, he does not have a pre-trained attitude to solving problems He doesn’t have his own style yet. But he already has a burning flame with the idea to make a significant contribution to the cause, he needs to show himself. That’s what he needs.

And if you first put his energy in a different direction, It looks more like a clean JuniORtestCode test code.

And now the beginner does not look so sad, because a beginner is a person who will come to your team with a new look, because he can give a new solution. It is very important that he is correctly explained the task, the very idea of ​​the project and given the opportunity to draw it in his head.

You probably know the story of the invention of matte light, when the experts knew that it was impossible, and the beginner just took it and did it …

Do not tell him how you (the team) came to what you have, but tell him the idea that you are implementing. Don’t clutter his head with all the stages in chronological order from the very beginning of the project, when different opinions were expressed and the “best” remained in the head of everyone in the group.

The role of Junior will be especially useful in a group if he comes not at the very beginning of the project, but in the middle of the project, and in order for him to start working on the project, he needs to study the available material. Namely, everything that was written earlier: instructions, documentation of processes, for this you need to install on your new P.K. some programs, you need to run some tests and a person as an end user, but only having programming experience, unlike the end user, begins to understand the program as a more advanced, deeply understanding user and, seeing some inconsistencies, begins. Report this to your mentor/curator.

And here his “fresh look” and the absence of “team instructions” will be of great benefit.

Here, in my opinion, it is better to declare in writing the flow of thoughts, which will allow an experienced person to read it and comprehend it, to look at it from their own point of view. What is June writing?

You were once a beginner too.

The main message is a change in attitude towards Junior specialists, it is better to load them with tasks of a different kind than copying an existing specialist (s), of course, if this is not the main task of the manager and / or HR. Junior is junior, he is not loaded with tasks like others, but has the knowledge of how to see the right thing or notice the wrong thing and has the ability to bring value to the entire project in real time.

A junior developer is a kind of specialist critic, but not the one who says: “Everything is bad, it should be different”, but to the question “How?” – replies: “You are specialists for you and think”, lowering the level of the spirit of the campaign. And here is exactly the critic who offers other options, his vision, the solution of existing problems, his view of the creator, engineer, creator.

You can scold… You can criticize… You can use it!

You decide.

This post is with the hope of quality growth. All companies and professionals.

Good luck to all of us!

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