Java developer salary statistics: maximum salary expectations are in Moscow, and Junams are paid the least in Samara

How much do junes, middle and seniors earn and how much do they want to earn, how does the income of Java developers differ in different cities? We decided to go through the statistics for 2020, which our bot collects in Telegram: we examined the expectations of candidates depending on the level in different regions, and looked at the average salaries in 12 cities, analyzed and made graphs for clarity. Here’s what we got. All figures given in the analytics are average, with a salary corridor, and are indicated “on hand”.

Let’s start with the seniors’ expectations.

Seniors: expectations and reality

Here are the highest wage expectations, which is to be expected. But there are nuances.

Most of all they want to receive in Moscow – 310 thousand rubles (not surprising). A little lower – in Novosibirsk and Ufa, 284 and 281 thousand rubles, respectively. At the same time, the lowest expectations are in Yekaterinburg – from 115 to 149 thousand rubles.

Now let’s compare the expectations of candidates and the offer from companies. There is a salary corridor in the numbers. The maximum salary offers for seniors are expected in Moscow and Novosibirsk – 234 thousand rubles. The minimum in Samara – here the salary corridor starts from 115 thousand rubles.

Overlaid the salary schedule with the expectation schedule.

The maximum salary for a senior offered by companies in Samara almost corresponds to the minimum in Novosibirsk – 174 thousand. In Yekaterinburg, expectations and reality almost coincide. If you look at the graph, you can make an approximate “movement map” of the senior, if he wants to increase his salary: Samara – Yekaterinburg – Ufa – Novosibirsk and continue to grow.

The situation with the middle

The maximum expectations in Moscow and Novosibirsk are 178 and 171 thousand rubles.

The minimum wage is expected in Krasnoyarsk and Samara – 56 thousand rubles each. It is interesting that the maximum expectations coincide – 93,000. In Yekaterinburg, again, the lowest salary that developers would like for themselves is 54,000 rubles. What’s going on there?

The employers offer the highest salaries to middlemen in Moscow and Novosibirsk – 175 and 173 thousand rubles. respectively, and the minimum supply in Ryazan is 56 thousand rubles.

June: Hope Less and Receive Less

Among the Juns, the statistics are different – there are high expectations in St. Petersburg and Kazan – the Juns want 52 thousand rubles each. This is even more than in Moscow – 51 thousand rubles. Developers in Ryazan are waiting for the minimum wages – 21 thousand rubles.

Employers offer the highest salaries to Juniors in Moscow – 116 thousand rubles. Perhaps it’s time to move from St. Petersburg? The minimum wages in Samara are 19 thousand rubles.


  • The expectations of candidates from large cities are much higher than from the periphery, which is expected.

  • It is not expected that qualified developers in Yekaterinburg do not dream of a big salary. At the same time, expectations and reality almost coincide. Does this mean that knowing the expectations of seniors, employers pay less?

  • Salary expectations between Juniors and Seniors differ by an order of magnitude – 21 and 310 thousand, respectively.

  • Moreover, if we take the minimum desires of seniors and juniors, then the difference here is much smaller – 149 and 52 thousand each.

  • Samara is not the best city to start a career. With an average salary of 19 thousand rubles, you won’t go far.

  • You can grow without leaving for Moscow and St. Petersburg. You can grow in the regions, for example, in Novosibirsk.

Does the salary data match your situation? If you want to find out data from cities that are not on the chart, and, in general, find out how much employers will offer you on the market, use our Headz Analytics @GetIT salary botExpertBot. If you want to ask a question to a consultant who will tell you how much you can earn, write @headzly in Telegram. To get hot offers, then follow the link to the service or track vacancies in Telegram channel

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