Is it worth investing in the information business in 2024?

Colleagues, I welcome you all. Today I would like to talk about my difficult path in the information business.

And tell your vision of how the information business market has changed recently.

I have been involved in this field of activity for 3 years. And I would like to share with you my vision of trends in the information business in 2024.

Perhaps this article will help someone not to make the same mistakes that I made.

How the information business really works: the story of my failure

When I started doing information business, it was fashionable to launch webinars at that time. I also tried to launch mine. It seemed to me that it would be easy for me and would not require much expense.

But I was wrong.

So, even though I am a marketer and know all the stages of launching, I decided that I would do everything myself. From analyzing the target audience to creating a website and launching advertising.

As a result, I was unable to gather people for the first webinar. Although the sales funnel was built very high quality: with warm-up, a chatbot, the correct webinar structure and a series of catch-up emails.

Analyzing that launch, I understand that the problem of the lack of sales at the webinar was different: I could not bring people to the webinar.

What came into the sales funnel from advertising was not my target audience, who were not ready to buy.

Later, when I worked as a project manager with a producer, history repeated itself, only with a different expert.

We were also unable to gather people for the webinar. Only 5 people came and as a result, there were zero sales.

So where are these millions and billions in the information business that the gurus are shouting about?

For some reason, everyone is silent about investing in advertising. And about leaked advertising budgets too.

And they don’t talk about the fact that you need to conduct a dozen unsuccessful webinars, hire the same number of would-be targetologists, and also connect a sales department that still needs to be created.

Now many in the information business work according to a completely different strategy, but more on that later.

Why did Ayaz and Maricheva succeed?

But at the same time, there are real success stories, for example, Maricheva and Ayaz.

Everything is clear with Ayaz. He initially had money to develop his personal brand. And with a personal brand, as we know, you can even sell ice to an Eskimo.

So what clever tricks did Ayaz use to maintain his leadership in the market?

Making launches worth billions of rubles…

DOES NOT use spam mailings…

And he did NOT do other nonsense that does not lead to big money and clients.

He uses what he does NOT teach us.

One day, a client who was in Ayaz’s MCA came to me for a consultation. The program costs one million rubles for a minute.

And the first thing I asked him was “Why did you come to me?” I'm a fry compared to Ayaz.

And then he started complaining to me that Ayaz couldn’t help him. He gives general advice, and I don’t even understand how to create a product line. And he asked me to help him.

Of course, I could help him, but seeing his disappointment with infobiz, I decided not to take him into the program. Because he, having given his hard-earned money, did not trust anyone or anything.

He hated Ayaz with every fiber of his soul. Or did he hate himself for being scammed?

Why did it happen? Because it was the client who thought that by giving money to Ayaz and doing nothing, he would become like him. Super businessman. He fell for false promises. How can you not fall for it?

If millions of rubles were invested in advertising and they were trumpeting from all corners “Earn a million in 7 days without getting up from the couch.”

Plus, Ayaz didn’t tell him the basics of the information business, everything was top notch. He clearly did not delve into his problem and allocated him 30 minutes a week answering his questions. After all, there are many clients, and there is not enough time for everyone.

And there are many such people, which is what we saw at the moment when Ayaz was arrested.

The next bright representative of the information business is Tatyana Maricheva. I took production courses from her. And I should praise her in a good way.

The course is not bad, but without practice it has no meaning.

To become an entrepreneur or producer, you first need to have an entrepreneurial mindset and go through trial and error.

No one succeeds the first time. At least it worked the fifth time.

Of the 10 people who took Maricheva’s courses with me, only one succeeded. The rest merged and went into the sunset.

Not everyone has the endurance and willpower to get up after a failure and move towards their goal.

Istria Mariceva is a Cinderella story. She worked as a salesperson and rose from the bottom. The message is: “You can too.”

Nobody argues – we can.

Now her earnings from the information business are millions of rubles.

How did she do it? Advertising and aggressive sales. People come to her webinar. Pretty good. Next comes the sales department. The sales department is not easy; training a good sales manager is very difficult.

Many online schools operate using this model. Because conversions from webinars are falling, people don’t want to listen to water for 3 hours anymore….

Now, I hope you understand why many who want to launch their online course on the Internet fail.

It's not about knowledge, it's about entrepreneurial experience.

In the information business you can only fill your own bumps. There is no need to harbor unnecessary illusions that if Ayaz succeeded, then I can too.

A whole pool of people offended by Ayaz led him to his arrest. Neither million-dollar nor half-million-dollar educational programs guarantee your success. If you don’t plow yourself 24/7 and take action. Make a mistake a hundred times, get up and take off 101 times.

Behind any success story there is always a series of failures.

What percentage of startups close in the first 3 years of existence?

87-89% of startups close within 1 year of operation, about 3-5% exist for no more than 3 years.

How to make money easier in the information business in 2024

The era of webinars and inexpensive online courses is over. Nowadays, the trend is an individual approach and working with the client.

The format of information products needs to be changed. More feedback, personal work and communication with the student.

It is also important to include support and motivation for students in your educational programs.

After all, in the end, the more clients achieve results after your program, the more reviews you will have.

Which sales funnel to choose in 2024

In the information business, there is a plan to abandon auto-webinars and webinars. Short videos are gaining momentum.

Sales funnels through free test drive programs have become popular recently.

This funnel has become popular because people have stopped trusting mentors and course creators. It takes more time to build trust. Many have already gone through expensive mentoring programs and were disappointed with the results.

Therefore, they are now more careful in choosing information products and those who create them.

I see the point in developing your personal brand, as it builds trust with your clients. Investments in a personal brand always pay off, despite the fact that its formation takes a lot of time.

What information products should be launched in 2024

• High-paying coaching programs with feedback

• Closed clubs by subscription

• You can introduce a tripwire into the product line, that is, an inexpensive product costing up to 1000 rubles (to discourage traffic)

From all that has been said, we can conclude that the information business will live for a long time and you should not be afraid to invest in this area of ​​activity.

You just need to not be fooled by bright slogans: “I’ll help you make a million in 7 days.” We are all adequate people and we understand that there are no fairy tales.

You just need to understand that this market is growing quickly and changing rapidly, so it is necessary to adapt to existing realities.

Try, try and try again. Don’t be afraid of failures, go ahead, even when it’s very difficult, and you will definitely succeed.

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