Is it possible to win without a neural network? We will find out at the hackathon

Hello! My name is Iskandar and I am a developer at the company “Construction Yard”, I will try to tell you very briefly about the past hackathon and whether we managed to defeat the neural network.

P.S. And in yours telegram channel I write about Flutter/SAP development and a little about life, I'll be glad to see you there!

The Stroitelny Dvor company held its 8th annual hackathon in Tyumen from June 24 to 26.

The event was attended by employees from different departments of the IT department: front-end developers, product managers, process managers, designers, devops, business analysts, sappers, mobile developers, data engineers, etc. In total, 9 teams of 8 people participated in the hackathon, where the teams were given 36 hours to implement the idea.

“Stroitelny Dvor” presented a large number of cases to choose from, which will help optimize work processes in the company or become independent products in the future. The projects were assessed according to the following criteria: readiness, novelty of technology, ambitiousness of the product, relevance and feasibility, quality of presentation and product approach (implies that the team will focus on the practical benefits of the product and value for the user and business).

9 teams defended their projects on the following topics: Team 52+1, a system for onboarding interns and growing employees within the company; Team Donor, automation of the Donation program in SD; Team Suuu, HR Buddy project; Team Neural Concrete, a chatbot assistant for consultants and cashiers; Team Schrödinger's SAP, an offline mode for the SD Market application; Team Hypocrites, video and text analytics; Team #1, an intelligent knowledge base for concierges; Team NoGPT, gamification of warehouse processes; Team Hub project. The winners received multifunctional mouse pads, the love of the audience, and crazy fame as gifts!

I was a member of the “NoGPT” team and we were that small part, if not the only one, who did not include interaction with neural networks in the product, hence the name of the team.

In this way, we decided to stand out among other teams, which is basically what we did. Briefly about our project, it was an attempt to gamify the warehouse process. What employees should do in the warehouse anyway, transfer to a game mode, thereby interesting and motivating employees. Technically, this is a mobile application written in Flutter, which displays achievements, daily tasks, prizes and the ability to exchange points for company merch or canteen products.

After the teams presented their projects, it became clear that the favorite was the team “Hypocrites” whose product could analyze video interviews and give a short summary of the results.

Unfortunately, we were a little short and got a well-deserved 2nd place. And the team “Hypocrites” predictably for me got 1st place. But the main thing is that we got a huge amount of positive emotions, new acquaintances and useful experience!

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