Is Bitrix really that bad? We analyze the possible causes of technical problems and low speed of the online store

Online stores and e-commerce platforms are complex systems that can be subject to failures and errors. But in a commercial environment, downtime is always a loss. In this article I will tell you how to systematically solve this problem.

If the site works with errors and glitches, then the question arises: “Who is to blame?”

Often performers make mistakes with Bitrix. Typical arguments about the platform's shortcomings:

  1. Problems with integration with 1C.

  2. Lack of architectural flexibility.

  3. Problems when processing data from multiple sources.

  4. Increasing volume of stored data.

  5. Scaling problems.

  6. Complex integration with modern layout development tools.

But is Bitrix really that bad? Case study

The client was preparing to launch a new website using Aspro’s ready-made solution for Bitrix instead of the old one in Python. But when only 30% of the traffic (20 thousand users per day) was redirected to a new resource, it could no longer withstand the load and crashed.

The client began to doubt that the new Bitrix website would even withstand their load. The question arose: to modify the current website or create another one, but on a framework.

We conducted an in-depth technical audit of the site and load testing to identify weaknesses. We checked the performance of the current client site, a clean Aspro.Next template and Bitrix with default settings without changes to the code.

We found out that a site on “pure” Aspro.Next can withstand a load many times greater than what the client needs. We discovered that problems on the client site were associated with poor customization of Aspro components and a large number of uncacheable requests. After fixing the errors, the site works much faster and can easily withstand even greater loads than on the old version.

Why saving on development is not profitable. Poor website = low conversion = losses

Imaginary savings at the start often lead to a large number of problems accumulating in the backend. As a result, after some time the contractor will offer to either refactor the code or completely create the site from scratch.

For example, as part of an audit of an online store for a manufacturing company, we found such a large number of problems and barriers in UX that the client decided to abandon the old website, since the budget for eliminating errors was proportionate. And despite the fact that we always advocate for a gradual redesign, in this case it was more profitable to develop a new website.

Problems with an online store have a direct impact on business. The more problems, the more barriers to the user's path, lower conversion and more losses.

A sharp drop in conversion after a functional failure on the site

A sharp drop in conversion after a functional failure on the site

Case study

The Ecom director in our project complained that during periods of marketing activity the site froze: the administrative panel worked extremely slowly, operators did not have time to process orders, and the company suffered losses.

We conducted a technical audit and found out:

  • The code structure required optimization.

  • There were functional problems and layout errors.

  • Some 1C-Bitrix modules were configured and used incorrectly.

The main load on the site was caused by the exchange of orders with fulfillment and suboptimal server settings for task distribution. After finalizing the integration with fulfillment and optimizing the server settings, the site and admin panel began to work quickly and without failures.

Typical mistakes during website technical support

Savings in the process of technical support of the site can lead to subsequent failures. We list the typical errors that we encountered during audits:

1. Errors when working directly with the Bitrix platform. The most common problem is errors in the operation of standard functionality due to modifications in the 1C-Bitrix core.

There is another serious problem – creating self-written components without special need, instead of using complex complex and standard ones from Bitrix. This causes problems when trying to expand functionality, updating the CMS, and developing the project.

2. Errors in backend development in PHP and Bitrix API. Queries to the database in a loop, extra files, service scripts in the public domain, lack of protection when accessing GET and POST parameters.

3. SQL queries in page files, templates, queries in loops. Logic errors, constant repetitions of errors and, as a result, high load on the site and slowdown of its work.

4. Component caching is missing or disabled. In debug mode, a message is displayed about the cache size being zero, resulting in high loads and slow performance.

5. Layout errors. The site loads, but the interface does not work for several seconds. As a result, the user sees the site as distorted, and search engines lower the site’s ranking.

6. Problems with images. Heavy and unoptimized images, which may be of low quality, outdated format and inefficient encoding.

7. Incorrect operation of scripts. For example, the scripts themselves are connected from external servers that are geographically remote from the site server.

8. Low level of site security. Vulnerabilities to SQL injection and Cross-Site Scripting. Session files that allow scammers to gain access to all projects on the hosting. Debugging information is displayed on the pages of the public part, service files are available at URL.

9. The server and its environment are not configured. As traffic increases, the site slows down or stops working altogether. As a result, the resource loses positions in search engines and potential clients.

10. Automatic backup is not configured. The last backup of the site was created more than a week ago, which may result in the loss of important data and restoration costs. The backup is stored on the same disk on which the site files are located. In the event of a hack, site deletion, or fatal failure of server equipment, the backup is also lost.

11. Execution of agents on hits. Large online stores have service procedures that are launched rarely but take a lot of time, for example, regularly uploading items to trading platforms. This causes the site to slow down due to inconsistent page generation times.

12. Unused modules are not removed. The more modules there are in the system, the longer it takes for any page to load and the longer it takes for the platform core to initialize. This leads to slow operation of the site.

Case study

A large jewelry client came to us whose website was working very slowly.

We conducted a technical audit and found:

  1. Low quality of software implementation.

  2. Failure to comply with 1C-Bitrix development standards and lack of documentation.

  3. Many sources of hidden errors.

  4. Website security vulnerabilities.

  5. Places with high load.

  6. Legacy from several contractors with different coding styles and lack of a unified concept.

Having eliminated most of the problems and carried out refactorings, we have completely resolved the issues with the speed of the site.

How is the audit carried out and what does the customer receive?

What is included in the technical audit:

  1. Analysis of server operation, code and software architecture.

  2. Standard 1C-Bitrix tests: quality, performance, security, operation of modules and components.

  3. Frontend testing: cross-browser and cross-platform testing of layout on real devices, as well as using services.

  4. Load testing: identification of maximum loads, analysis of the sufficiency of server software settings, analysis of results and recommendations.

  5. Functional testing: shopping cart, ordering, personal account, registration and other functional elements.

What is the result

Based on the results of the analysis, the customer:

  • Receive a detailed report that contains qualitative and quantitative data, summary tables and infographics, conclusions and recommendations.

  • It will form a holistic picture of the problems that are observed in the server architecture and code: backend and frontend.

  • He will understand what needs to be done to increase the speed of the site.

  • Receive specific recommendations on how to correct identified problems.

  • Will be able to prepare a list of important tasks for the development of the project and determine their priority.

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