Interpretation of the concepts of “information modeling technologies” (TIM) and “general data environment” (SOD)


The currently relevant topic of introducing information modeling technologies (IM) into the construction industry generates a large number of discussions among various experts. Often disputes arise due to different understandings of the same concepts or because people call one entity differently. In this article, we decided to analyze the main terms associated with this concept. The purpose of the article is to highlight generally applicable concepts and introduce them into everyday use for future work.

Definition of TIM

We should start with the definition of the very concept of “information modeling technologies (IM)”.

According to GOST R 10.0.01-2018, TIM is “the process of creating, managing and storing electronic information about capital construction projects and real estate at all stages of their life cycle.”

The developed GOST ESIM series offers us two options for defining TIM:

“a) a software environment for the formation and maintenance of an information model based on the management (reception, transmission, processing and temporary storage) of incoming data and information model data”

or “b) a set of organizational and technical measures that ensure the formation of an information model of an object, including rules, regulations, systems and practices for managing data of the information model. “

In the glossary from the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, you can find the following definition of TIM: “A system that includes software and hardware, documents, results, processes and participants that ensure the creation, collection, accumulation, processing, control, storage, presentation and dissemination of information COI participants in the form of CIM and electronic documents.”

Some market experts give their definition of TIM. For example, in the report of Volkov S.A. dated March 16, 2023, “Standardization of information modeling technologies” provides the following definition: TIM is “systematized knowledge and methods, as well as tools used for information modeling.”

The examples of definitions we have given do not provide complete clarity regarding the concept of TIM. In different sources, this concept can be taken to mean:

  • process;

  • software environment;

  • a set of organizational and technical measures;

  • system;

  • systematized knowledge and methods.

This diversity hinders the process of introducing information modeling technologies. Experts are beginning to get confused about the topics of discussion. Let's try to figure it out.

Let's start with the definition of the word “technology”. Depending on the subject area in which this word is used, its definitions may differ slightly, but the essence remains the same. Since the construction industry is one of the sectors of the economy, let’s consider the definition given by the modern economic dictionary (1999): “technology is a method of converting matter, energy, information in the process of manufacturing products, processing and processing materials, assembling finished products, quality control , management. Technology embodies methods, techniques, mode of operation, sequence of operations and procedures; it is closely related to the means, equipment, tools, and materials used. The set of technological operations forms a technological process.”

This definition provides a very good guideline for further discussion. It turns out that technology in our case is a way of transforming information in the process of manufacturing products. What are the products that result from the use of TIM? In this case, the product will be an information model! This means that we can formulate a definition of TIM:

information modeling technologies – a method of converting information about a capital construction project into an information model/models of the OKS.

And this method already includes tools, methods and techniques, activities, knowledge, etc. The main thing in the definition we have given is that it gives an understanding of why it is needed and what TIM is. TIM is a method of converting information into information models.

Definition of “information model”

The Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation enshrines the following definition: “10_3) information model of a capital construction project – a set of interrelated information, documents and materials about a capital construction project, generated electronically at the stages of engineering surveys, architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction, capital repair, operation and (or) demolition of a capital construction project.”

In GOST R 10.0.01-2018: “IM is an information system that includes structured data about a capital construction project at each stage of its life cycle, presented in the form of interconnected and dependent elements and electronic documents, as well as other documents provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, AI results, data contained in project documentation used in the feasibility study of investments, design, construction, reconstruction, conservation, operation, major repairs, demolition of a capital construction project, allowing software to establish information connections between system elements and consider a capital construction project and related data to it as a whole.”

SP 333.1325800.2020 defines the information model as follows: “A set of electronically presented documents, graphic and text data on a construction project, placed in a general data environment and representing a single reliable source of information on the object at all or individual stages of its life cycle.”

GOST R−2023: “information model (IM) is the result of information modeling, containing a set of interrelated data (information) about the object of information modeling, including those based on object-oriented graphics.” Here it is worth clarifying that this GOST calls information modeling “the processes of forming and maintaining an information model using information modeling technologies.” It turns out that the concept is cyclically defined through itself.

And in this case, we see a variety of definitions, but in all the definitions of the information model that we encounter, one thing remains constant – the presence of data connectivity (relationships). This gives us solid grounds to assert that simply information about the OCS differs from the information model of the OCS primarily in the interconnectedness of the data.

Modeling, as a type of activity, is the creation of models of any objects. Information modeling is the process of creating information models.

Taking into account the main characteristic of the information model (the presence of relationships), we can state that:

Information modeling technologies are a way of converting information about a capital construction project into an information model/OCS models by building relationships within and between various information parts.

It remains to examine the question of how these connections are created. Various methods can be used to create links between different pieces of information about the CCS. The most frequently mentioned method is to present the IM of the ACS in the form of a 3D model to the elements of which the corresponding information parts are attached, which ensures their mutual connection. It must be said that it is also possible to use other methods of communication, for example, in the form of a catalog presentation according to the 87th resolution. Different representations of information and its relationships are suitable for different tasks. What these methods have in common is that they all have their own representation (stored and displayed) in the project’s common data environment (CPD).

Definition of “Common Data Environment (CDE)”

We discussed the concept of a shared data environment in detail in the article “Levels of development of shared data environments for construction projects.” It should be noted that at the moment the concept of a common data environment is equated to such concepts as a single information space or information space. These concepts mean the same thing.

Russian regulatory documents define this term as follows:

“Common Data Environment (BIM environment), Common Data Environment (CDE): A software package for managing, storing and exchanging data on information models at all stages of the life cycle.”

“Shared Data Environment; SOD: A set of software and hardware that represents a single source of data, ensuring the sharing of information by all participants in the investment and construction project.”

By combining these concepts, we can make a universal definition: a common data environment is a software and hardware complex for the collaboration of all project participants with information models at all stages of the life cycle.

The ODS is a place for storing and displaying IM OKS. However, the specialist does not physically load information models into the ODS. There is no such case when a ready-made CS information model gets there in a single download. This means that an individual specialist downloads information and, through certain actions within the ODS, transforms the information into part of an information model. Those. we get that the SOD, in addition to the function of storing information, performs the function of creating them – forming. The formation of an information model, according to PP 614, is “collection, processing, systematization, accounting, inclusion in the information model and electronic storage of interrelated information, documents and materials about a capital construction project…” All of the above are the basic functions of ODS.

As a result, we can formulate the following definition of TIM:

Information modeling technologies are a way of converting information about a capital construction project into an information model/OCS models by building relationships within and between various information parts through the use of a common data environment.

This definition allows us to determine the place of SOD in information modeling technology.

The shared data environment is the core of information modeling technology. Inside the ODS, information is converted into an information model, i.e. the main production process takes place, see fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Operating principle of SOD as part of TIM

Rice. 1. Operating principle of SOD as part of TIM

Key Findings

In the article, we reviewed the main regulatory documents that approve concepts related to information modeling technologies.

All concepts were consistently and logically analyzed and the concepts of TIM and SOD were formulated.

The information obtained can be applied in the work of all construction specialists. It will help eliminate discrepancies and unnecessary discussions around terms and meanings.

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