Insights from the survey

Warsaw-based company LeanCode interviewed 300 CTOs, CIOs, Tech Leads, and other professionals in management positions answered 52 questions about Flutter, their career path, experience with the technology, and attitudes toward other cross-platform frameworks.

We have made a small selection of the most interesting moments at the discretion of the team Friflex:

95.7% would choose Flutter again

A more than 50% respondents are ready to recommend the framework to their colleagues. The Net Promoter Score (NPS) was 73 pointsThis is a high level of satisfaction overall, but apparently there are still some problems.

56.4% believe that development on Flutter is more than 50% faster than native

A more than 80% respondents said that the framework speeds up development by at least 20% and allows them to complete a year's worth of tasks in 8-10 months.

45.4% have difficulties with UX in Flutter Web. This is the most common problem

The top problems also included background processing (37.8%), UI (26.5%) And integration with native modules (25.7%).

56% fear Google may stop supporting Flutter

This is the main argument against Flutter development. Experts (like Google Devrel Craig Labenz) say there is nothing to worry about. Corporations get significant internal benefits from using Flutter.

46% use Backend as a Service (BaaS)

Firebase is a pretty obvious choice for Flutter. It's a way for Google to monetize its contribution to the framework.

58.8% expect hot reload for Flutter web

Three of the top five most anticipated features are related to Flutter web: hot reloading (58.8%), SEO support (57.3%), and Dart/WASMGC support. Also in the top ten are stable Impeller for Android, full Material 3 support, and platform views on MacOS and Windows.

Almost 64% have tried using AI for development

Among them, 26% use generative models to write code.

Remember: these results may not reflect the opinion of the entire Flutter community. If you have your own thoughts on the survey questions, let's discuss in the comments!

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