I want to assemble a working group to write and publish an initiative on roi.ru for the federal implementation of IPv6 in the Russian Federation

So, what advantages do I personally see:

1) Speed ​​up the Internet. I can’t explain why this will be so.

1.1) Faster download speed for anything, as written Here.

2) Reducing the costs of providing communication services for providers. It seems because no equipment is required for NAT. And also, there is no need to rent IPv4 addresses. Well, or the need for rent will decrease.

3) The emergence of a new service market. For example, for any of the provider's clients, it will be possible to configure human-readable DNS records for any device and connect to it from anywhere. For example, watch videos from your CCTV cameras without any special tricks. Moreover, it may look like this: www.camera1.my_domain.ru, www.camera2.my_domain.ru …

4) Prestige. The first country to completely switch to IPv6. Maybe this will be important to someone. The Russian Federation is famous for its IT specialists.

5) Reducing the complexity of setting up routing. In my opinion, if you get rid of NAT, it will become much easier.

6) VoIP telephony will become more accessible. At least that's what the author said in this article.

7) And other advantages that you can read Here and, it seems to me, there is no point in listing this separately.

I ask everyone who cares to comment. And those who are concerned and politically active are included in the working group Telegram.

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