I created a Telegram bot (FYTT) that searches for Telegram channels of all your YouTube subscriptions. DELUXE version of the article

Bot – https://t.me/FYTTproject_bot

Source code – https://github.com/VitoSperansky/FromYoutubeToTelegram

Website – fytt.tech:3000 (port 3000, because ports below 1024 are closed by default for installing servers, they can be opened, but this is a security risk. Ideally, I should have made a redirection from port 443 (it is the default for https sites, so it is hidden in the search bar and users do not see it) using ngrok, for example, but I did not waste my energy, since it is still a stub for Google).

Contact me with questions or just – https://t.me/vitosperansky

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