I asked Gemini to generate unique business ideas and the result exceeded all my expectations

Remember the famous statement by US Patent Commissioner Charles Dewell, who in 1889 declared that everything had already been invented. Life, of course, has proven otherwise. Since then, the world has seen airplanes, the Internet, computers, smartphones – the list goes on and on.

And today, looking at giants like Amazon or Apple, the thought arises: are all the niches really occupied? I assure you, this is not so.

Why am I so sure? Firstly, human ingenuity knows no bounds. Secondly, in the modern world the main thing is not to have information (there is plenty of it anyway), but to be able to quickly and efficiently analyze it. This is what allows us to do artificial intelligenceIt processes huge amounts of data at incredible speed, helping us find brilliant ideas for both large-scale projects and small businesses that you can start without leaving your home.

My experiment with Google Gemini confirmed these thoughts. First, unique ideas are still possible. Second, artificial intelligence is an indispensable tool for brainstorming and finding new business opportunities. Its potential is truly enormous.

And I would like to talk about this in my article. Enjoy reading!

Idea #1

I set a task for artificial intelligence: “Imagine yourself as an expert in AI and business and propose a unique and simple business model that will allow you to make money using artificial intelligence. The main condition is that the ideas must be completely new“.

The first idea that artificial intelligence came up with was a kind of AI-powered “Time Machine.” Its code name is PNE, or “Personal Nostalgia Engine.”

The solution is based on a service that analyzes the user's personal experience and awakens a sense of nostalgia. The plan is to make money from targeted advertising and selling products related to emotional well-being.

It works like this: The user connects their social media accounts and cloud storage to PNE. Artificial intelligence analyzes photos, videos, music, texts – everything that can tell about their past. Then, based on this analysis, PNE creates personalized nostalgic content – ​​a kind of “time capsule”.

Imagine, for example, a music playlist made up of songs from your youth, or a slideshow of photos from a family vacation.

The service also partners with various brands to offer users ads that resonate with their memories. For example, if a user remembers a trip to Disneyland, PNE might show them a Disney+ ad.

The premium version of PNE can add even more interesting features: stories generated by AI based on memories, creating souvenirs with personal photos, and so on.

The service will make money from targeted advertising and subscription fees for premium features.

What is unique? AI is already used in nostalgia marketing, but PNE takes it to the next level by deeply analyzing user data to create a stronger emotional connection and improve advertising effectiveness.

Idea #2

The second solution proposed by artificial intelligence was a kind of “Future Self Simulator”.

Imagine a service that uses AI to create a personalized forecast of your future based on your current decisions and an analysis of global trends. Sounds exciting, right?

How does this work? You share information about your goals, dreams, career, relationships, and finances with AI. Artificial intelligence analyzes this data and compares it with real data and forecasts for the development of various areas of life.

Based on this analysis, different scenarios of your future are created depending on the choices you can make. For example, you can see how your career will turn out if you accept a promotion or decide to start your own business.

You can interact with these simulations, exploring different futures and their potential consequences. It's like peering into multiple parallel realities and choosing the most appealing path.

The service can operate on a freemium model: basic simulations are available for free, and advanced features are available by subscription. Partnerships with educational institutions and career consultants are also possible, as well as integration with financial planning tools.

What is unique? This service offers a personalized view into the future using AI, allowing you to make more informed decisions based on potential consequences. Of course, it is not a fortune teller, but it is a unique tool for self-knowledge and future planning.

Comparison with existing solutions

Now let's compare the proposed ideas with existing solutions. I'm sure they caught your attention, as they did me. But it's important to understand how unique they really are. I did a little research and here's what I found out:

As for the AI-powered Time Machine (PNE): There is already a website Nostalgia Machinewhich allows you to select a year and listen to songs popular at that time. But it lacks an important element – personalization. After all, the music that made me nostalgic as a child, say, in Africa, will be different from the music that my peers listened to in Asia. Therefore, it is important that the service takes into account the individual experience of each user. This is precisely what makes the idea proposed by Gemini unique.

What about an AI-powered “Future Self Simulator”? MIT has developed a program Future Youwhich also allows you to look into the future. It is based on a survey about the user's personality, goals and values. Based on the answers, a possible version of the “future self” is created, with whom you can communicate and ask questions. However, the idea of ​​Gemini stands out in that it offers several options for the development of events and a more in-depth analysis.

So while the ideas proposed by Google Gemini overlap with some existing projects, they introduce important innovations that make them truly unique and forward-looking. They take the best of what already exists and add new elements that make them more precise, personalized, and useful to users. It’s like a glimpse into the future—we see familiar shapes, but in a completely new light.

After studying the ideas proposed by Google Gemini, I came to the conclusion that it did not seek to invent something fundamentally new, but rather to creatively rethink existing concepts. And this, as it seems to me, is the secret of real innovation.

Remember the words of Mark Twain: “There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a kind of mental kaleidoscope. We turn them around and they form new and interesting combinations.“.

That's exactly what Gemini did. It took familiar ideas and, like a kaleidoscope, reassembled them into new, surprising combinations. It showed us that even seemingly hackneyed concepts can sparkle with new colors if you look at them from a different angle.

This is an important lesson for all of us. Don’t be afraid to build on existing ideas. The key is to be able to see their potential and find new ways to apply them. This is the art of innovation.

The power of iteration

We often think of a “new idea” as something completely original, something that comes out of nowhere. But this approach can prevent us from learning from the past and from using existing ideas. In fact, an idea that is completely divorced from past experience is more of an illusion.

Even the greatest minds built on the achievements of their predecessors. Think of Einstein, who was inspired by the work of Hume and Mach, or Darwin, whose theories developed the ideas of Lamarck. Even Fleming’s discovery of penicillin would not have been possible without centuries of experience in the use of fungi in medicine.

True innovation is the ability to take a new look at what is already known, to find non-standard combinations and connections. This is what is called the iteration of ideas – the constant development and improvement of existing concepts.

As Isaac Newton wrote: “If I have seen further than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.” This quote best illustrates the importance of iteration in the process of finding new ideas. We should not be shy about relying on the experience of our predecessors – this allows us to move forward and reach new heights.

DB of ideas

Imagine a construction set. From two parts you can assemble only two combinations. From three – already six. And from ten – more than three million! It is logical that the more “bricks”, the more possible constructions.

The same goes for ideas. The more “building blocks” we have – individual thoughts, concepts – the more new ideas we can create by combining them.

But here we run into our limitations. We can only hold a small amount of information in our minds, and the more ideas we try to process, the harder it is to “juggle” them and come up with new combinations.

And this is where artificial intelligence comes to our aid. The Internet is a huge database of ideas accumulated by humanity. It is on this data that AI is trained, and they are able to analyze and combine them much more effectively than we are.

By using AI as a brainstorming tool, we can greatly expand our creative potential and come up with unexpected and original solutions. AI can be the “kaleidoscope” that helps us see familiar ideas in a new light and create something truly unique.

Now I wondered how to make an online learning platform unique. I asked Gemini for help, and they suggested combining the idea of ​​barter with learning. That is, users can share their knowledge in exchange for the knowledge of others.

This example clearly demonstrates how AI can be used to generate new ideas. I even came up with a simple formula for creating queries:

[Существующая идея] + [Просьба к ИИ предложить способы сделать ее уникальной]

Also, I asked ChatGPT: “I want to create an online learning platform, but I don't know how to make it unique. Come up with 10 completely new ways to achieve this.”

And this is what he suggested:

Personalized educational routes created by AI: Artificial intelligence analyzes the student's knowledge level and preferences, creating an individual learning program that adapts as the student progresses.

Immersion in virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR): Imagine how exciting it would be to study history or biology while literally being inside the events.

Learning in a game format with elements of social networks: The combination of game mechanics with the ability to communicate makes the learning process more exciting and effective.

Blockchain-based certificates: Guarantee of the authenticity and permanence of your achievements.

AI-powered virtual tutors and mentors: Intelligent assistants ready to answer questions, provide feedback and support during the learning process.

Cultural exchange and language learning: Communication with native speakers and immersion in the atmosphere of other cultures.

Neurofeedback and Brain Training: Tools to optimize the learning process and improve concentration.

Customizable virtual classrooms: Create a unique and comfortable learning environment.

Environmental education: Courses and projects dedicated to sustainable development and environmental protection.

Creating educational content with AI: AI will help teachers develop better and more engaging content.

This formula can be applied in any field: podcasting, video production, writing, etc. Feel free to ask the AI ​​to elaborate on any of the ideas or expand the list. Experiment and discover new possibilities!

Thanks for reading!

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