hypersegmentation of advertising campaigns resulted in 3 leads per month

We continue the series of mini-cases about critical mistakes in contextual advertising. We write about what hinders sales growth in the service sector. One case – one mistake. In the final case, we will tell you how a cleaning company created its own landing page and many different advertising campaigns for each city. There were not enough conversions to train the algorithms. And contextual advertising brought in a few leads.


A young cleaning company is actively developing in the Volga District. Five years ago, they started their business in a city with a population of over a million, and now they have representative offices in 7 regions and in the Perm Territory. They created their own digital marketing department to increase sales in all cities. But there was no growth yet. The owner of the company contacted us for an audit of contextual advertising.


We studied the advertising settings and saw that the client had launched a huge number of campaigns on Search and in YAN. For each city where there is a representative office, separate advertising campaigns were created for mobile devices, desktops, etc. Moreover, each city had its own landing page.

When we asked the client about the reasons for such decisions, she said that she has different prices for services in different cities. Therefore, she wanted different landing pages, campaigns, ad texts and semantics.

What was wrong here, we will explain using the example of one new city, which the company entered, shortly before contacting us. In the account, we saw 5 advertising campaigns: Search desktops, Search mobile, YAN desktops, YAN mobile, Master of campaigns. The monthly budget for this geo was 50,000 rubles.

Search campaigns were running on manual bid management with a daily budget of 500 rubles each. These are very low bids, with which advertising campaigns often stopped in the middle of the day.

YAN and Campaign Wizard were set up to optimize conversions with pay-per-clicks. The weekly budget for each campaign was about 3,000 rubles. At the same time, the target cost per conversion was set at 100 rubles, although the actual cost was about 15,000 rubles.

And the rest of the accounts for other cities looked about the same. There were very few or no conversions. The campaigns were not trained and did not work.

Implications for business:

There are few requests from contextual advertising, for example, in a new city there were 3 requests per month with a budget of 50,000 rubles.

How it was fixed:

First of all, we explained to the client that all traffic should be directed to a common site. Only create landing pages for different price regions. What is the benefit of this? Clients will see that the company is large, reliable, not a “sharaga” or a “fly-by-night” company, has many branches, experience and positive reviews. Trust is a very important advantage in the cleaning industry. After all, customers let strangers into their homes. And such a merger is also useful for increasing the effectiveness of contextual advertising. The client agreed to our proposal, and the work began to boil.

If earlier there were 40 campaigns in the account (5 for 8 regions), now we have launched 10: 1 EPC (Unified Performance Campaign) on Search, 1 EPC in Networks and 8 Master Campaigns. Our EPCs worked on conversion optimization with pay-per-click.

All necessary segmentation was done at the group level (except for division by devices). For example, each Search Campaign has 5 groups: brand queries, geo queries, commercial queries, urgent cleaning and cleaning after renovation.

The average target conversion price was also adjusted at the group level, thanks to unique adjustments to the EPC depending on the region and the degree of conversion of semantics. We set it within 2,500 rubles. So, in the client's home region, the cost of an appeal for branded queries was the lowest. Therefore, we set a downward adjustment of -60% to the target price of 2,500 rubles. And in the new region, for the query cleaning after renovation (with a large average check), it was the highest. And in this case, we made an upward adjustment of +40%.

Well, the Campaign Wizard was switched to payment for conversions and the weekly budget was expanded to an adequate value. These campaigns began to bring 2-3 cheap conversions per week. In the near future, we plan to expand the budget and take a closer look at this type of Yandex.Direct advertising campaign to reveal its potential.

All traffic was directed to separate landing pages of cities, which were created on a single site. They had their own prices, services, conditions. Users saw that they were on the page of a large site of a serious company. Statistics showed that 50-60% of them went to other sections, read reviews, “about the company”, and then made an order.

By combining the campaigns, we achieved more conversions in each of them. Traffic increased, as did the number of orders. We had something to teach Yandex.Direct campaigns about what kind of audience we needed. The campaigns were quickly optimized and began to bring in even more requests.


A month later, there were 6 times more requests from contextual advertising – 19 applications instead of three, and the advertising budget in the new city did not change (50,000 rubles).

If you are planning to attract more clients, we can do audit your contextual advertising, find new growth points and build a sales scaling strategy.

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