How we got tired of looking for a charging app and created our own

When my colleague and I started developing Hundred appswe did not have the goal of creating something revolutionary or bringing something fundamentally new to the mobile app market. We created a tool for ourselves and for a narrow audience that really cares about the data on the charging process of their devices. However, we were inspired by the idea that for those who are interested in such information, our efforts could be useful and in demand.

I'll answer the most popular questions right away:

  • We do not track how you use the app. Hundred completely autonomous and does not require an internet connection.

  • We receive any feedback only in text form based on the users’ decision.

  • All charging sessions are displayed in a calendar within the app and are stored entirely locally on your device.

  • There are no ads in the application, and any donations are optional.

The main idea and operation of the application

The idea was simple: create an app that would record the charging speed of a device and present this data in a convenient form. There are similar solutions on the market, but they are often overloaded with features that the average user does not need, or present data that has no practical use. Hundred performs a narrow function: it shows you the charging speed as a percentage and displays it in the form of clear graphs. The charging speed is displayed as a percentage of the battery charge level for a certain period of time. In the settings, you can select percent/minute if you have fast charging, or percent/hour if it is normal or slow.

We tried to make the application interface as simple as possible. All the user needs is to connect the device to the charger, and the application will start collecting data. You do not need to fiddle with numerous settings or monitor the application constantly – it works in the background, and you can view the results at any time. If you are against background work – just turn it off in the application on the main screen and turn on charging tracking at the right time.

Who needs this and why?

We understand that this app is not for everyone. It is for people who want to know exactly how fast their device charges, for example, to test a cable, adapter, or compare how fast charging occurs in different conditions.

Why is it important to collect feedback?

Although we have already collected some user base, feedback is critically important to us. The application is improved based on real user feedback, and in order to improve it, we need high-quality and constructive feedback. We are interested in any ideas: what is convenient, what is not, what functions are missing or, conversely, what can be removed.

We are not trying to expand the functionality of the application to the limit. Our goal is to focus on one function and make it as accurate and user-friendly as possible. Perhaps someone will suggest new ideas for displaying data or optimizing the interface.

Benefits of using the app

Here are a few reasons why we believe that Hundred may be useful:

  1. Detailed history of all your charges. The ability to go back to previous charging sessions and analyze how charging speed changes over time.

  2. AccuracyWe focus on collecting charging data and presenting it in the form of graphs and historical data.

  3. Control over the processUsers can set their own limits and track how efficiently their device is charging.

  4. Simplicity. The application is designed to minimize user interaction. Plug in the charger — get the data.


I highly recommend testing it out Hundred in your personal scenarios and leave your comments and suggestions. And yes, we made a cool app, and I think it's worth recommending to other people and getting absolutely any feedback.

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