How we connected autoresponses to

How did it all begin?

Anyone who has ever looked for a job knows how tedious and time-consuming the process of responding to vacancies can be (especially in IT in 2024). Numerous questionnaires and cover letters require significant effort, and constant rejections are demotivating. We wanted to automate the response process and link it to, since there is currently no larger database of vacancies in the Russian Federation. In this article, I will talk about the development process, the advantages of our solution and the first results of its use.

Development process

The idea of ​​creation arose from personal experience and communication with friends/colleagues who faced the same problems when searching for a job. The main goal was to create a tool that would allow job seekers to automatically respond to vacancies that match the specified parameters, saving time and effort. A little about the development steps:

  1. Integration with First of all, we looked into the API to understand how to access vacancies and how to send responses. This turned out to be quite simple, since provides detailed documentation in OpenAPI format.

  2. Interface creation: It was clear that the interface should be as simple and intuitive as possible. The user only needed to log in and create a search, in which to set the parameters of vacancies (for example, expected salary and keywords) and start automatic responses.

  3. A bit of magic: The development took a total of about 20 hours on the client side (next14/ts), and about 20 hours on the backend (Go) and design. As a result, after a week we had a finished product that worked pretty well, after a couple of days of testing we showed this creation on Twitter, but more on that later…

Projects list page

Projects list page

Single search page, with response logs

Single search page, with response logs

Advantages of our solution

I think these are the main advantages that make our solution a useful tool for job seekers:

  1. Save Time: Automating the application process can significantly reduce the time users spend searching and applying to jobs. Instead of manually checking each job posting and submitting applications, users can set up their search parameters once and let the system do the rest.

  2. Ease of use: The intuitive interface allows you to quickly and easily set up the automatic response process. Even users without technical skills will be able to use the site without any problems.

  3. User-friendly interface: We paid special attention to the interface design to make it as user-friendly and enjoyable as possible. Important functions are in a visible place, and settings can be changed at any time. Also, training was added for new users (I will probably talk about the creation of which in another article).

First results

The site was launched on July 7, and the results exceeded all expectations. During this time, more than a thousand people visited the site, of which more than 100 became active users. This indicates high interest and demand for such a tool among job seekers. We were surprised by these figures, given that out of 800 users in the first 48 hours, the average time on the site was 3 minutes 46 seconds, I think this is excellent performance for an application of this type.


The creation of a solution for automatic responses to vacancies turned out to be quite a successful project in my opinion, which already helps many people in their job search. Time saving, ease of use and user-friendly interface make it an indispensable assistant for anyone looking for a new job and not wanting to waste time viewing and analyzing vacancies on the market.

We also welcome any feedback and are open to suggestions on how to improve the functionality of our solution. Your ideas and comments will help make it even better and more useful for all users.

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