how was the conference BeCon 2024

June 5th team Luntry held the second conference on the security of containers and container environments “Bacon”. We talk about the results and share recordings of the performances.

How did the conference go?

“BeCon 2024” was visited by more than 300 participants from 85 companies from various fields: finance and banking, IT and software development, telecom, energy, industry, etc.

Participants included DevOps and DevSecOps teams, information security specialists, directors, SRE engineers and department heads.

The guests highly appreciated the program of the event. The following was discussed at the BeCon conference:

  • software certification issues;

  • creating a unit to protect Kubernetes;

  • non-standard methods of managing secrets in containers;

  • experience in implementing authorization policies (building zero-trust inter-service authorization based on Istio) in several clusters;

  • problems of efficient collection and processing of logs;

  • ways to eliminate flaws in application images using Kubernetes mechanisms;

  • advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to multi-tenancy;

  • one of the pipeline steps that is associated with antivirus scanning of public Docker images downloaded from the Internet to a private registry;

  • Service Mesh from a container security perspective;

  • Linux user namespace in Kubernetes.

The event took place in a spacious loft space with a view of the Moscow River bend from the street area. During the coffee break or during short breaks between presentations, participants could communicate in the hall or in the fresh air.

One presentation at BeCon takes no more than half an hour – during this time the speaker has time to share his developments in the field of Kubernetes security and answer questions from the audience.

Bacon 2023 vs. Bacon 2024: What's Changed in a Year

This time, BeCon was supported by partners: Basis, Laboratory Chislitel, Informzashita and Deckhouse (Flant).

There were also 10 technical talks this year on container development security. Participants noted the quality of the technical talks and the high concentration of useful information.

According to a survey of conference participants, guests highly rated the event program and location.

With over 60% of the participants attending BeCon for the first time, we received a sea of ​​positive feedback. Things that conference participants noted:

  • Event format: short technical reports, narrow specialization of the conference, presentations corresponding to one topic.

  • Organization: comfortable loft space with a view of the bend of the Moscow River from the street area, clear timing of the event

  • Networking: breaks to communicate with colleagues and share experiences.

All conference materials

We have collected all the materials from BeCon 2024:

And all materials from last year's BeCon 2023 conference are also available at website and in VK Video

Explore, learn, and make your container infrastructure more secure with us!

Bacon 2025: What will happen next year?

Next year we will keep the key concept and approaches of our conference. The only thing we want to experiment with (and encourage you to do so) is with CFP – the call for papers. Now you can suggest your own topic for a talk!

And we remind you that each participant of BeCon-2024 has a promo code for a discount next year on their badge.

See you at BeCon 2025!

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