How to write a coherent text. Theme and rheme

Each author puts a certain meaning into the text, as he understands it. However, readers do not always grasp this meaning.
How to carefully immerse the user in the topic, explain what to do and guide them through the scenario?

One of the ways is the theme-rheme connections in sentences. It sounds scary, beautiful, but for short texts it is not as difficult as it may seem.

Topic-rheme connections are a way of organizing information in a sentence that helps to highlight what is already known (topic) and what is new and important (rheme).

Why is this necessary?

Text coherence
When we introduce new information, we build on what has already been said, shown (context). This helps the reader understand and follow your presentation more easily.

Focus on what's important
The topic and rheme can be used to control the emphasis in a sentence. The rheme is usually placed at the end of a sentence to highlight important information.

What is theme and rheme?

Topic — is a part of a sentence that contains known, obvious, already understandable information. It can be related to the previous sentence or to the general context. The topic, as it were, sets the direction of thought.

Rema — this is the part of the sentence that tells something new about the Topic. This is the main information that you want to convey. Revealing the topic, drawing a conclusion from it or informing about something new, somehow related to the topic. That is, developing the thought.


How good it will be.

«The developers have rolled out a new release»

The connection between the theme and the rheme is a mandatory condition for constructing a “readable” sentence. First the theme, then the rheme.

You can also write it like this: “The developers have rolled out a new release“, the meaning will not change, but it will be more difficult to read.

«If you delete records, they cannot be restored.»

  • Subject: delete entries

  • Rema: cannot be restored (we report something new about the records)

You can draw an analogy with email. The letter has a subject, where we briefly say what it is about (announce). And there is the text of the letter (rheme), where we communicate something on this topic.

«When the download is complete, you will receive a notification.»

«When filling out the form, be sure to include your email»

«Select the desired file and click “Open”»

«If you have not received a confirmation code, please check your Spam folder or request the code again.»

  • Subject: If you have not received a confirmation code

  • Rema: check your spam folder or request the code again

«Once you complete your registration, a confirmation email will be sent to your email address.»

  • Subject: After you complete your registration

  • Rema: a confirmation email will be sent to your email


How not to do it.

«It will not be possible to restore records if you empty the Recycle Bin»

  • Rema: The records cannot be restored. (starts with new information)

  • Subject: basket (context)

«Please check your spam folder or request the code again if you have not received the verification code.»

  • Subject: Check your spam folder (starts with recommendation)

  • Rema: or request the code again (recommendation for action)

  • Next topic: if you have not received a confirmation code (a condition that must precede a recommendation but appears only after it)

Here the condition on which the recommendation is based is presented after the recommendation itself, which violates the logic of perception.

«A confirmation email will be sent to your email address once you complete your registration.»

  • Subject: To your email

  • Rema: a confirmation email will be sent

  • Next topic: after you complete registration (this sentence introduces new information that is not related to the rheme of the previous sentence, which violates logic)

Here the order of the sentences violates the natural sequence of actions. It would be more logical to first talk about the completion of registration, and then about the letter.

«The file will be deleted when you click “Delete”»

  • Subject: File

  • Rema: will be deleted

  • Next topic: when you click “Delete” (logically the action of pressing must precede the result)

Here you need to first mention the action (pressing the “Delete” button) and then its result (deleting the file).

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