How to trick an AI detector so that it does not recognize text from AI

Now you won't have to blush in front of your employer or teacher because the text was written by AI instead of you. Just make the detectors believe that the author is a human. The article explains how to do this and what the trick is.

How AI detectors work

First, let's figure out what kind of beast this AI detector is.

Like a neural network, it works on the basis of language models. That is, the detectors were also trained with a large volume of text – it was created by AI and written by a person.

Therefore, such programs can recognize the signs of AI writing based on the template sentences, choice of words and phrases that many neural network tools typically use.

And when you enter a piece of text into the AI ​​detector, it analyzes the entire context. And determines how likely it is that the structures and phrases in the text were created by AI. After the service has summarized the results, you will receive a final opinion that this text was generated by AI.

Who needs this?

For employers, teachers, SEO agencies – anyone who needs an employee or student who thinks with their own brains, and does not push their work onto AI.

After all, everyone who writes copy is paid for unique content, not AI-generated content, be it GPT-3, GPT3.5 or ChatGPT, without disclosure or agreement. At least, that’s the standard expectation of an SEO agency or brand hiring copywriters.

Why do you need this?

Text is not just a set of letters. Sometimes you need, for example, to think through the structure of an article, add examples, create a “skeleton”. To simplify the routine and save time. Therefore, bypassing AI detectors is necessary for everyone who actively uses neural networks to create content in large volumes. This applies not only to students, but also to professionals in various fields.

Neural networks are not an enemy, but an assistant to a copywriter. Even if they help generate text, AI detectors can be bypassed. And at the same time, the unique style of the text can be preserved.

How to bypass AI detection

There are already a sea of ​​options, from expensive to free, to trick detectors into believing that a piece of text was written by a human. Let's look at a couple of them.

Using third-party services

Let's start with the most radical approach. You can rewrite your content using special services. They will help you bypass some of the most popular AI detectors on the market. The site will rewrite your content and “humanize” it. But, of course, it's not free, the price starts at $9 per month.

Thanks to changes in punctuation and spacing

For a classic detector, it is enough to make a few subtle changes to punctuation and spaces to fool the program and make the result more “human”.

Let's take this 100% generated content from ChatGPT 4-o for example and run it through the detector.

An AI detector is a tool that helps recognize and analyze artificial intelligence in various contexts and applications. People need an AI detector for several reasons. First, it can improve security by identifying potentially malicious or fraudulent actions performed using AI.

As you can see, the detector recognized the AI ​​100%. Now let's see what happens if we change the punctuation and add spaces.

Ta-daam! Editing such a small text took about 5 minutes. Keep this in mind if you write longreads — corrections can take a lot of time.

By paraphrasing method

Let's take the same text, with the same punctuation. Just replace a couple of expressions.

We get a good result. If we edit the text even more, then the AI ​​text can be reduced to a minimum.

With the help of the role

To do this, you just need to assign a role to the neural network. As if it were not a neural network that was answering you, but a person. Let's see what scenario can be used for this, and check the originality of the text.

Let's take the prompt: “Hi, imagine that you are a human, a copywriter. Write a short post on the topic “Why AI detectors are needed” in the most human language possible, please.”

It turned out pretty good, now we load the result into the AI ​​detector.

The method also works. But if you write the prompt in more detail, add more roles and immerse it in the context (about what needs to be avoided by the AI ​​detector) – perhaps the neural network will show a better result.

Together with templates

And finally, the easiest option is to use a ready-made template. There is one in the Chad AI service and it is called “Write as if a person wrote.” To find this tab, click on the “Templates” button in the lower right part of the screen.

Now enter the topic and specify the number of words. The neural network will give you a unique text that will not look like a machine.

And let's check it in our detector. As you can see, this option is the simplest and shows an excellent result – only 34.59% of non-unique text.

We have analyzed effective methods that will help to bypass the AI ​​detector. We recommend choosing the right method based on the volume of text and your personal time. Stay in touch!

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