how to transfer corporate training to your phone

Many employees work outside the office, away from computers. In this regard, organizing employee training becomes more complicated. Mobile learning becomes the best solution in such a situation. Transferring corporate training to a mobile application or phone today is one of the key trends in the field of education and personnel development.

Mobile learning is a new technology that allows you to gain knowledge through smartphones or tablets. It is otherwise called M-Learning. Mobile learning is used in many fields. The choice of training platform is the main factor in organizing corporate training. For example, the EkoNiva group of companies is a leading agro-industrial holding in Russia, specializing in dairy production. This organization has more than 14,000 employees. EkoNiva chose the Unicraft platform to train its employees.

The selection criteria were:

  • Mobile app. Having an app is important for many employees because it allows them to study anywhere, anytime.

  • Convenience and visual appeal. Employees will be able to easily navigate the application and understand its functionality.

  • Track progress. Knowledge testing is an important part of employee training. Creating tests and assignments will help determine the level of knowledge consolidation.

Course development

Let's look at the organization of course development using the example of the EkoNiva company and the Unicraft platform. The company has a separate person who oversees the operation of the mobile application – adds materials, distributes groups and assigns courses.

The training manager's job is to identify the need for training and organize it. The organization of training includes the following items:

  1. Analyze needs. The manager identifies training needs at the organizational, departmental and individual employee levels.

  2. Collect information and develop courses. The training manager collects information about the course topic from sources and develops the structure of the curriculum.

  3. Create educational materials. Development of educational materials in accordance with the chosen format: video lectures, presentations, interactive exercises, cases. Ensuring accessibility of materials on mobile devices.

  4. Create tests and assignments. The department develops knowledge assessment tools and defines criteria for assessing successful training.

  5. Select and prepare trainers. The manager assigns a trainer from the relevant department to the course and provides the necessary materials and instructions.

  6. Publish courses to the platform. Placing the course on a user-friendly mobile learning platform. Testing the course operation and access from various devices.

  7. Launch a course and promote it. The organization informs employees about the launch of the course and motivates them to complete the training.

  8. Evaluate the effectiveness of training. The department collects feedback from participants and analyzes training results.

If the course is being developed from scratch:

  1. You need to set a training goal: clearly define what knowledge, skills and competencies employees should acquire after completing the course.

  2. Describe the steps that will lead to the result: divide the educational material into logical modules and lessons.

  3. Consider the course format: choose a format that is best suited to achieve learning goals and takes into account the characteristics of the target audience.

  4. Develop practical and theoretical lessons: balance theoretical material with practical tasks and cases to consolidate acquired knowledge and develop the necessary skills.

When adapting a ready-made course, it will be more effective to redesign the course. For example, you can reduce the amount of text information, use visual elements, and break the material into short blocks.

A type of mobile learning is microlearning. Microlearning is a form of mobile learning that delivers short, durational learning materials in a variety of formats through mobile devices. In this approach, information is divided into small lessons and presented in the form of video, audio and text. Videos typically range from 2 to 7 minutes in length. Each piece of content is part of the educational program, providing access to lessons from any device – computer, phone or tablet. Students regularly update their knowledge and skills, and learning adapts to each student's needs and pace.

How to transition to microlearning:

  1. Analyze and evaluate existing content. Conduct a thorough analysis of available training materials and technologies. Determine what should be kept, removed, or recycled. Be prepared for the fact that discarding obsolete materials can be difficult, especially if they were created at great expense. When making decisions, be guided by the goals and expected learning outcomes.

  2. Select a priority program. Choose one of the most problematic and significant topics. Once you successfully implement microlearning in one area, you can expand it to other courses.

  3. Define learning goals and outcomes. Before you begin development, clearly define the desired result. If you are introducing microlearning into an organization, state the specific business problem you intend to solve and how you will measure the results.

  4. Learn the basics. Determine what knowledge employees need to perform the required actions. This will help separate important information from unimportant information, ensuring that learning is results-oriented.

  5. Develop content. Determine how to deliver knowledge to influence employee behavior. Use different content formats instead of traditional courses. For example, text (up to 500 words), video (2-5 minutes), animation (1-2 minutes), mini-modules (10-15 minutes), practical exercises (tests, open-ended questions, dialogue simulations). Use short stories and associations that evoke emotions and are remembered better than theoretical lectures.

  6. Post content on the platform. Microlearning requires a special platform. When choosing it, pay attention to speed, ease of use and the presence of a mobile application.

Emphasis on testing and certifications

The Unicraft department carefully monitors employee knowledge testing. Each course contains test and examination tasks. Also, every six months, employees undergo certification.

The EkoNiva company has a grading system. It motivates employees to learn and improve their skills. Career advancement is possible based on achievements, level of education and professional skills. Grades allow employees to see a clear path to development in the company, stimulating them to self-development and learning to achieve new goals and career growth.

Application functionality

How to use the app to create and manage courses:

Creating courses:

  1. First you need to open the application and select “Create a course.” Select the course file format you want to use (e.g. SCORM, PDF).

  2. Upload or copy course content into the editor.

  3. Create assignments or tests to test students' knowledge.

  4. Set access settings and assign groups.

Course management:

  1. Add courses to your catalog for easy access.

  2. Create curricula by grouping courses by topic.

  3. Set deadlines for courses and programs.

  4. Set up a point system and track student progress.

  5. Host webinars for live interaction.

Custom Features:

  1. Allow students to register themselves using the link.

  2. View detailed information about each student in their profiles.

  3. Set up authorization using additional fields.

Advanced Features:

  1. Assign facilitators and managers to manage groups and courses.

  2. Import data from external sources to automate the process.

  3. Export data for additional analysis and reporting.

  4. Personalize the app to match your branding.

  5. Get the latest company news and keep your students in the know.

Other features:

  1. Keep a glossary for terminology.

  2. Provide feedback and ratings on completed courses.

  3. Protect content from copying and downloading.

  4. Issue certificates of completion.

  5. Analyze training statistics to improve the program.


Corporate mobile learning has become a popular tool for improving the professional skills of employees in companies. With educational content available on the device at any time, employees can update their knowledge and skills without interrupting their work. Microlearning, adaptability of training programs and accessibility of content make corporate mobile learning an effective tool for increasing employee productivity and motivation.

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