How to quit smoking in 1 day. Personal experience

I smoked for over 10 years. I tried to quit several times, but each time I came back. I stopped believing that this was possible.

At first I thought of writing a detailed article with examples. But in terms of volume it would be a whole book. And you don't need it now.

The purpose of my article is not for you to quit smoking after reading it. Chances are you won't like what you read. Stress will arise that you will want to smooth out with a cigarette. I'm a realist, so my goal is for you to just think: “Maybe I should try quitting?”

I did not disclose some findings. You must reveal them yourself. In this case, real relief from addiction is possible. I'll just try to guide you a little and at the end I'll give some advice that has helped me personally.


It’s possible to quit smoking in one day, and anyone can do it. I believe in it.

1. Why did I quit smoking?

All the smokers I knew who set out to quit eventually did so, only to return to the habit after some time. I had the same thing.

The first step on the path to liberation is to ask yourself the question: “Why should I quit smoking?”

Unfortunately, taking care of my health did not help me personally. And you most likely do too if you are reading this article. There are hardly any smokers who believe that nicotine is a medicine. Everyone, of course, understands that nicotine does nothing to the body other than harm.

Here's what got me thinking:

1. I began to notice real changes in my well-being. Namely:

  • Daily nausea. Usually immediately after the first cigarette;

  • Almost daily headache;

  • Dyspnea. It became really uncomfortable to move around;

  • Cough.

Note that I'm not talking about savings or health benefits, because these are not motivating. I'm talking about something that started to irritate me. I wanted this to just not happen. Smoking cannot go unnoticed. Therefore, try to observe yourself: what does not suit you, and this should be related to smoking.

2. Personal goal.

It doesn’t matter what, but I asked myself the question: “Will smoking help me achieve my goal?” Answer: “Of course not.” There is an economic side here, and I need to live as long as possible to achieve my goal. Perhaps someday I will tell you what that goal is. Follow my posts telegram channel.

This point will work if you have a truly significant goal that will be more important than addiction.

Bottom line: for the idea to quit smoking to take root, you need a compelling reason to at least start thinking about it. The two points mentioned above helped me personally. At this stage, you just need to get a boost of motivation to start moving forward. Don't try to quit smoking by force of will; it probably won't work. The motivation will only be enough to last a couple of days, after which you will return to smoking.

2. Magic kick

Forget about willpower. This approach will not lead to anything good. I tried to quit smoking at least 2-3 times. Once I even managed to hold out for 2 months. But this is where the difficulty lies. I had to constantly hold on and endure. And when I relapsed, I felt like a weak-willed weakling.

Apart from self-flagellation, this method will not give you anything. Perhaps there are those whom it helped, but it certainly cannot be called an easy way.

It is very easy to break down, and there can be many reasons for this. Here are some that I had:

  • I'm handsome, I lasted 2 months. That's it, I defeated addiction. I won't smoke again. Friends invited me to a hookah bar. I deserve to celebrate my victory.

  • The situation at work was unpleasant. I'll go have a smoke and relax a little. But I won’t do it anymore, I quit.

  • Why do I even live if I can’t even afford banal joy? I just did it once, I won’t start smoking again.

I hope you understand how this ends? That's right, I was becoming a smoker again.

Each time I ended up back where I started because I didn't know how nicotine addiction worked.

At this point, you need to start learning about nicotine addiction. I myself was very surprised at how cunning a manipulator he is, who makes you believe in something that really isn’t there.

The best and sufficient material for studying will be a book Allen Carr's “The Easy Way to Quit Smoking”. You've probably already heard about it, perhaps you've already read it. I know it didn't help anyone. But she can definitely become that magic kick

3. Why the book worked for me

1. The image of a hungry monster-manipulator.

Firstly, it is worth understanding that we are not talking about a habit, but about an addiction. If we are talking about nicotine, then there is no bad habit, it is just an addiction.

This addiction is very insidious because it skillfully deceives. She does this so professionally that a person begins to believe her without noticing his delusion.

The most famous misconception, which probably every smoker believes: “Smoking relieves stress.”

This is wrong! Nicotine increases blood pressure, which in itself is not a state of relaxation.

In short, it works like this:

  • Nicotine enters the body;

  • After a couple of hours, half of it comes out;

  • Due to a sharp decrease in nicotine in the body, nicotine hunger begins;

  • This is where anxiety appears, that same stress.

There is a feeling that something is missing. How to relieve stress? That's right, nicotine!

Nicotine makes you think, which helps you cope with stress. This seems to be true, but at what cost? This is where the deceit lies. Nicotine itself creates stress and itself provides temporary relief until nicotine hunger occurs. The state of relief is the state that was, attention, before a person starts smoking.

That is, to be in normal condition:

  1. You don’t have to smoke and stay there all the time and for free.

  2. And you can only enjoy it at the moment when nicotine enters the body. The effect is temporary and costly.

I asked myself the question: “Why should I pay with money and health for what I already have?”

To make smoking even more disgusting, I like to think of nicotine addiction as an evil, manipulative monster or parasite that exists and feeds on my health. If this is not a parasite, then what is it?

The idea that I was being controlled by some parasite became disgusting to me.

2. Important idea

I read a thought in the book that immediately resonated inside. This is truly a new approach for me.

Quit smoking” is the wrong wording because it implies that you will have to give up something, and this will go through pain and suffering, but there's nothing to throw. I'm just acquiringnamely: quality sleep, lack of shortness of breath during sex and just an awesome mood

Agree, it has become a little easier to think that you can just buy something very good, and not only for free, but also make money from it. Why make money? Everything is simple here. Any ruble saved is the same as any ruble earned.

Therefore, I did not quit smoking, but gave up smoking or acquired… (and further point by point).

4. What helps to consolidate the result?

I actually didn't want to include this block in this article because it already covers how to avoid smoking again. As you remember, the purpose of the article is to instill in you the idea that quitting smoking is possible, necessary, and easy. But still, I’ll say a few words, this will be like a spoiler, so that you roughly understand the work plan that will help you achieve success and defeat addiction forever.

1. Positive reinforcement.

I want to write a separate article or post on my telegram channel about what I got after quitting smoking. Because there will be a lot of material within one block in this article. This information requires a separate article.

Positive reinforcement is something real that you can feel. Evaluate the result before and after. And, of course, this experience must be positive.

It is very important to write down all your observations after quitting smoking. Personally, a private channel on Telegram helped me. There is only one subscriber in it – myself. It works like a journal for me.

But you can use what suits you personally. It could be a paper diary, notes on your phone, some kind of application, a Google document – it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that you have quick and convenient access to the tool in case a thought arises that you want to remember and write down.

2. Friends and family

Tell your loved ones that you are moving to a new stage in life and ask them to help you. It will be great if your family or friends praise you and try to protect you from stress for a while.

There is no need to say that you are quitting smoking and will most likely be nervous. This is how you initially program yourself to have a negative attitude. Don't forget: quitting smoking is easy, and you can do it in 1 day.

3. Gratitude to yourself

Whenever the thought of smoking arose, I replaced it with gratitude. It sounded proud and something like this:

I don’t really want to smoke, that’s what the little parasitic manipulator wants. I am very grateful to myself that I was able to quit smoking. Because I gained a lot: healthy sleep, lack of shortness of breath, etc. I became free.

It really works. At first it was difficult to get rid of the thought of smoking, but then it didn’t even appear.

5. A few parting words

The desire to smoke will arise. At first, this happened even automatically for me. I was so used to smoking an e-cigarette at home that I didn’t even think twice about reaching for one. After quitting smoking, the habit did not go away; it turned into automatism. And the hands automatically reached out. At this point, I began to cut off the craving, telling myself that the monster inside me wanted this, not me. I immediately tried to switch to something else. Over time, not a trace of automatism remained.

You can quit smoking, honestly. I didn’t believe it myself, after several attempts. But the magic happened.

Please read the book “The Easy Way to Quit Smoking” by Allen Carr.

If this helps at least one person, as it helped me, I will consider that I have fulfilled my duty. Be sure to write about your experience in the comments.

If you liked the article, then I invite you to my talegram channel “Listen, Vasya…“. The format turned out to be interesting and completely truthful. Subscribe, I will be very pleased to know that someone is interested in reading me.

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