How to program without a mouse, without a monitor, without vision…

Can the life of a blind person be at least a little similar to the life of ordinary people? Can a blind person achieve self-realization? Master a difficult profession? Is it easy for him to compete with his sighted colleagues?

We decided to look into these issues in a new video release on the VAYTI channel. Yes, and We also have a new channel! We will be glad to receive reactions, subscriptions, and comments.

Briefly, what the issue is about

You will learn how blind people perceive the world, how they learn to read, write, and program. How a screen reader helps blind programmers and what types they are. What is a Braille display, what does it look like and is it possible to do without it? We talk about real stories of blind programmers who work in large technology companies. How they live, what difficulties they have to face.

And finally, a small test awaits you – try to feel how to program by ear using a screen reader.

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