How to Monitor Team Health and Avoid Burnout – Team Experience Metrics

The internal state of the team is as important as the work they do.

Differences in business results between companies with engaged or demotivated employees:

81% less absenteeism,

41% fewer defects,

18-43% less staff turnover,

18% more productivity,

10% higher customer loyalty,

23% more profitability.

Even without using complex software or techniques, but only with the help of a questionnaire and a notepad, team leaders should track the dynamics of the state of their team’s experience using metrics. React to their changes in a timely manner and look for the reasons for these changes. For example, you can take and rework a simple HEART product framework for team metrics.

(H)appiness – Happiness

Not everyone is ready to come up and talk about their problems. Perhaps by the time you find out about dissatisfaction, burnout or a desire to quit, it will be too late and the person has quit.

Conduct a survey every six months to see if the employee is satisfied with their work.

Question options:

  1. “Rate your satisfaction with working in a team from 1 to 10”

  2. “Have you thought about changing jobs in recent months?”

  3. Related question: “Tell me what you miss at work”

(E)ngagement – Involvement

A survey based on the engagement model will help highlight in which areas teams have problems at work:

Employee assessment based on the engagement model:

Survey your team once every six months. Ratings from 1 to 5. “Good score” from 3.5

Employee Engagement Model

Employee Engagement Model


Employees understand what is expected of them, have all the tools, and are free from barriers to completing their job responsibilities.

  1. I know what is expected of me at work.

  2. I have the materials and equipment needed to do the job correctly.


The team leader understands what talents each team member has; Employees receive deserved praise from managers and colleagues; They are encouraged to develop.

  1. At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day.

  2. In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for good work.

  3. My boss or someone at work seems to care about me as a person.

  4. There is a person at work who encourages my development.


The team accepts suggestions from members; they recognize the value of the results of their work; Principles and standards of work quality are maintained.

  1. It seems that at work my opinion is taken into account.

  2. My company’s mission or purpose makes me feel like my work is important.

  3. My colleagues or co-workers strive to do quality work.

  4. I have a best friend at work.


The team offers assistance and stimulates professional development.

  1. Over the past six months, someone at work has been talking to me about my progress.

  2. Over the past year at work, I have had opportunities to learn and grow.

(A)doption / (O)nboarding – Adaptation of a new employee

How quickly a new employee can be trained and given all the necessary tools so that they can provide full value.

Ready to work. When the employee considers that he is ready to fully begin to fulfill his duties. Let him answer the questions:

  1. “Have you learned all your job responsibilities?”

  2. “Have you received all the required knowledge and tools to perform your duties?”

Time to productivity – time to full productivity. How long does it take for an employee to begin to be fully useful: The new employee has received all the knowledge and tools to do the job.

Onboarding satisfaction – whether the new employee is satisfied with the onboarding process. Survey:

  1. “How would you rate your induction experience?”

  2. “What would you like to improve in your learning process?”

New hire turnover – retention of a new employee after six months or a year. What percentage of newcomers quit on their own?

(R)etention – Retention

To reveal the problems of employees leading to dismissal, which were not voiced during the work process, you should keep a count of the employees who quit and interview them about the reasons for the dismissal.

Churn of employees – How many employees quit their jobs over the last six months or a year.

For each manager. How many new employees left? Average time before dismissal.

Poll: Reasons for dismissal.

(T)eam Stability – Stability of team work

Tracking team performance stability metrics over a short working period.

These metrics are an easy way to identify problems. When there is a change, you should look for the reason, what exactly happened, and why the metrics fell.

Or the impact of process changes on productivity.

Don’t use metrics to race for performance by squeezing the team’s strength. Monitor the impact of process changes on work and identify problems in the team.

Metrics of stability of the team’s work during the “work cycle” – sprint:

Velocity Teams – the average amount of work that a team can complete in one sprint.

Number of errors per sprint – average volume of errors made.

Number of obstacles per sprint – the average volume of obstacles encountered by the team.

Obstacle removal speed – average speed of eliminating obstacles that have arisen.

If desired, you can add more metrics to track the stability of the team.

Even using three Happiness, Engagement and Stability you can constantly monitor team metrics, respond to their changes in a timely manner, and resolve problems. Then you will create an effective, loyal team that will not collapse from burnout and quit from accumulated unsolvable problems.

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