how to make collaboration easier

Python is a popular programming language that is used in many areas of development. It is used to create backend frameworks, deep learning algorithms for neural networks, and big data analysis. But that is not all that can be done with Python: games, mobile applications, and much more are written in this language. One of the most popular areas of Python application is process automation.

Why is the language so popular? The thing is that Python has a simple and clear syntax. That is why even schoolchildren can master it without having basic coding skills. There are quite a lot of such IT courses now: there are paid programs with an individual format, there are group classes in a classroom with a teacher in person or online. In addition, there are many free video lessons on Python programming for children, which you can study on your own.

In addition to the fact that Python programming courses for children provide knowledge, children find friends and like-minded people, gain their first experience working in a team of future developers, learn to jointly complete tasks and seek compromise. And one of the rules of etiquette and respect among programmers is beautiful and readable code. Developers, contrary to popular belief, rarely work alone. Many tasks require the participation of several specialists. Therefore, it is very important that any other programmer can easily understand the code written by one person.

That's exactly what we'll do today: learn how to write beautiful code in Python.

Rules of Good Code in Python Programming for Kids

In programming, beautiful code is not only easier to read, but also easier to maintain and fix. When other programmers work with your code, it is important that it is as clear as possible.

1. Correct formatting

Proper formatting is one of the main aspects of beautiful code. Python has a code style guide called PEP 8. Here are some key points from it:

  • Use 4 spaces for indentation instead of tabs.

  • Limit line length to 79 characters.

  • Separate functions and classes with two blank lines.

  • Use a blank line around assignment statements and after function and class blocks.

Try to maintain consistent formatting throughout your code to keep it consistent and easy to read.

# Плохо
a = 1
def test():
class Test():
	def __init__(self) -> None:

# Хорошо
a = 1

def test():

class Test():
	def __init__(self) -> None:

2. Clear names of variables and functions

To improve the readability of your code, it is important to use clear names for variables and functions. Names should clearly reflect the meaning or purpose of the object. Avoid single-letter or obscure abbreviations. For example:

# Плохо
a = 5
b = calculate(a)

# Хорошо
radius = 5
circumference = calculate_circumference(radius)

Write in the comments how you named variables before: did you use random letters or did you try to name them meaningfully?

3. Commenting the code

Well-written code should be self-explanatory, but sometimes comments can help improve readability. Comments should clarify complex parts of the code, not duplicate obvious information. Use them wisely and where necessary.

# Плохо - комментарий дублирует очевидную информацию
i = i + 1 # Увеличим значение переменной i на 1

# Хорошо - комментарий поясняет сложную логику
i = i + 1 # Увеличим значение переменной i на 1 (индексация начинается с 1)

4. Using functions and modules

Splitting your code into small functions with clearly defined tasks improves readability and reuse of your code. Functions should perform a single task and have a meaningful name. It is also useful to separate your code into modules to group related functions together.

# Плохо - все задачи выполнены внутри одной функции
def process_data():
    # код обработки данных

# Хорошо - функции выполняют отдельные задачи
def load_data():
    # код загрузки данных
def process_data(data):
    # код обработки данных

def save_data(data):
    # код сохранения данных

Python Error Handling for Kids

Well-handled errors make code more robust and understandable. Use the try-except construct to catch and handle exceptions. Try to handle different types of errors appropriately, rather than in a single block.

# Плохо - обработка всех исключений в одном блоке
    # код
    # обработка ошибок

# Хорошо - специфическая обработка различных типов ошибок
    # код
except ValueError:
    # обработка ошибки типа ValueError
except FileNotFoundError:
    # обработка ошибки типа FileNotFoundError

Python for Beginners: Why Should Kids and Teens Learn Programming?

So, we've covered how to write beautiful and understandable code in the Python programming language. But let's talk about why you should write it at all. Below I'll give four arguments in favor of learning Python:

  1. Python's simplicity for teenagers and small children. No matter how complicated programming languages ​​in general may seem, Python is one of the easiest to understand. The reason for this is the peculiarities of the syntax. If you compare them, they are similar to English: the words are clear and the commands are easy to read. For example, you can print “Hello” in Java using five lines of code. And to do this in Python, you just need to use the line print (“Hello”). There is another advantage regarding English: if the child is already learning a foreign language, then learning Python will be easier. And in the opposite case: the child does not know English well, and programming in Python will be an additional motivation for him.

  2. Popularity. This is the programming language that has been known for a long time and is always talked about. And over a long period of time, a large number of materials have accumulated that can help in learning. This includes libraries with ready-made commands that are written and distributed by other programmers, and a large number of tutorials, free video lessons and entire Python courses for children online for free. So there is no shortage of information – you just need to consciously study it.

  3. Prospects. The popularity of the language is due to many of its qualities: universality, simplicity, development. Therefore, specialists who can write code in Python are in great demand in the labor market, and employers are ready to pay up to 300 thousand rubles or more for a good skill.

  4. Will be useful in everyday life. Surely many of you are familiar with the question from school: “How will this be useful to me in everyday life?” (usually in such cases they meant mathematics). So, Python skills are used in various activities, and it is not necessarily machine learning or a task to automate some large platform. For example, a Python script can automatically add data to tables. And if we are talking, for example, about a young blogger, then knowledge of Python will help you write a program to add videos yourself.

How to start Python programming from scratch for kids?

Now that we've figured out how to write beautiful code and why we should write anything in Python, let's figure out where to start taking your first steps in Python programming.

Nowadays, kids find it hard to concentrate on their studies due to the abundance of entertainment such as video games and social networks. To prevent teens from finding learning code boring, it is important to make their first introduction to programming exciting. One such learning method is a combination of Python development and Minecraft, a game where players build various objects. By programming in Minecraft using Python, kids combine their hobby with gaining useful knowledge.

Nowadays, many Python, a programming language for kids, curriculums use Minecraft as the main learning tool, and for good reason. Here's why it works:

  1. By learning through a game that children already know and love, they become more motivated.

  2. When children write code and see how something changes or is created in the game with their help, for example, a wall appears or a bot starts to operate, this helps them move forward in their learning and gain a new level.

To start, you can watch YouTube tutorials that explain step by step how to install the necessary programs and start writing your code. At first, you can create simple things like walls or small figures, but over time you can learn to make even mini-games.

Today I introduced you to the rules of good code and why it is so important when a programmer works in a team. The ability to work together with someone, find a common language and respect all team players are the most important skills of modern society. And among programmers, the “cleanliness” of the code can be used to draw conclusions about the qualities of the developer both as a specialist and as a person. The earlier a child learns these skills, the easier it will be for him to master them. programming at a professional level in adult life.

Do you think it's important to write clean code or is it enough to program according to the principle “if it works, don't touch it”? Share your opinion in the comments.

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