How to make a Game Pass in Roblox Studio (game pass in Roblox) – lesson for children

Don’t know how to create a gamepass in Roblox Studio, but want to do it? Then we offer step-by-step instructions with screenshots: it will help you figure it out. There are a few simple steps to complete: they will lead to the result in the form of a finished gamepass.

We're at school Pixel We use Roblox and Roblox Studio tools to teach children modeling and programming. It is an online game creation platform and game engine designed specifically for children and teenagers. But these environments are used even by adults: the audience of developers and players is diverse in age, and in number exceeds tens of millions of people (activity data in average daily terms).

All this, of course, is interesting, but today we want to talk about something else and offer readers a free lesson on creating a gamepass in Roblox. This term refers to a conditional game pass that can be sold for Robux (internal currency) and used to access forbidden maps, zones, items and more.

Our teachers have made simple and detailed instructions with a description of the main steps and screenshots: even a beginner can figure it out. At the end we have attached a training video: it will come in handy if you can’t figure out the text manual.

How to make a gamepass in Roblox in 2024: current instructions

First of all, we need to install the required software on a personal computer or laptop. Our teacher told us how to do this. introductory video. We recommend viewing!

If the installation is complete and the account has been created, you can proceed to study the instructions. Are you ready? Then let's go.

Step No. 1: figure out how to make a map and configure it

Let's open Roblox Studio and select a card. If you don’t have the latter yet, you can choose one of the proposed options. To do this:

  1. Click on the All Templates tab.

  2. Let's use the ready-made Move It Simulator map.

All Templates menu

All Templates menu

Ready Move it Simulator map in Roblox

Ready Move it Simulator map in Roblox

You can customize the map elements for yourself if you want. But that’s not what our lesson today is about: let’s continue making the gamepass.

Spoiler: we'll look at the really important settings later. They will be needed to create a full-fledged paid game pass in Roblox Studio.

The next step is to upload the card. There are two ways to do this (or, or):

  1. Pressing the Alt and P keys.

  2. Go to the File menu and click on Publish to Roblox.

Publish to Roblox function for uploading a map

Publish to Roblox function for uploading a map

Now let's do the following in Basic Info:

  1. Let's enter a name.

  2. Let's come up with a description.

  3. We will indicate the creators and devices (it will be possible to use the created card from them using a pass).

At the end, click on the button labeled Create.

Filling out Basic Info

Filling out Basic Info

A window will pop up in the form of a notification that the card has been successfully uploaded. It will need to be configured to create a game pass. To do this:

  1. Let's go to the Roblox website.

  2. Click on Create.

Where to find the Create section on the Roblox website

Where to find the Create section on the Roblox website

  1. Click on the gear next to our map and select Configure Experience.

Go to Configure Experience

Go to Configure Experience

Now to the settings: set the name (you can use any) and select Public. Without activating public access, other players will not be able to join the created project.

Then click on Save.

Additional map settings

Additional map settings

Step No. 2: figure out how to create a game pass in Roblox

In the last screenshot you can see a button labeled Back (top right). Click on it to return to the game page.


  1. Click on the Store tab.

  2. We will see an icon with a plus image and the inscription Add Pass.

  3. Let's click on it.

Store section and Add Pass function

Store section and Add Pass function

We will be taken to the settings of the pass being created. Let's work with them. You will need:

  1. Select an icon. She can be anyone. It is enough to find a suitable picture measuring 512 by 512 pixels on the Internet.

  2. Set the name of the pass. The phrase “season pass” is suitable, but an alternative option can be used.

  3. Fill in the Description field intended for description.

  4. Select the created map. A pass will apply to her. This can be done in the Select from Public Experience menu, located opposite the large Passes inscription.

  5. Click on the green Preview button.

Pass settings

Pass settings

After this, you will be able to evaluate what the created pass looks like. If everything is normal and you don’t want to change anything, just click on Verify Upload.

Confirmation of creation and publication of a game pass in Roblox

Confirmation of creation and publication of a game pass in Roblox

Step No. 3: setting up a pass and conditions for receiving it

After clicking on Verify Upload, we will see that a new season pass has appeared. We have set this name by default: if you previously decided to choose an alternative, the corresponding word or phrase will appear.

Let's go to the settings section and:

  1. Click on the gear opposite the pass.

  2. Click on Configure.

Setting up gamepass in Roblox

Setting up gamepass in Roblox

Let's set a price.

The General tab contains the information already specified earlier. Here you can edit the name of the pass, description, and also change the main image. We are interested in Sales.

Setting and confirming the price of a season pass in Roblox

Setting and confirming the price of a season pass in Roblox

Click on the corresponding button, activate the slider opposite Item for Sale, and also set the price in the Price field. Let's specify 100. Then you will need to click on Save.

Attention! The developer's commission is 70%. For each purchase of a pass, we will only be able to receive 30 Robux.

Now let's go to Go to Details.

Go to details to view the pass

Go to details to view the pass

A new window will open.

Created game pass card

Created game pass card

The pass will be placed in inventory.

To check the result, you will need to go to the Store tab and enter it. We already did this when we worked with the Add Pass feature. If everything is normal, we will see that the created gamepass has appeared.

Updated Store menu with created gamepass

Updated Store menu with created gamepass

How to create a game pass in Roblox on PC: video

As promised at the very beginning, we are attaching a video “How to make a game pass in Roblox” If the text instructions did not help, the video will clarify unclear points.

We want to complete the lesson on creating a gamepass in Roblox and find out if you managed to get the result? If not, what did you find most difficult? Be sure to share your opinions: this will help us make more detailed instructions.

See you again!

Material prepared by Pixel School. We teach children write code in Lua and create games in Roblox Studio, model in Roblox and together with our students we dive into new IT areas every day.

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