How to Make a Bluetooth Device Scanner in Python

Master Scanning Bluetooth Devices with Python: A quick tutorial on using PyBluez to detect and analyze nearby Bluetooth devices, essential for cybersecurity and ethical hacking.

In this tutorial, we'll explore the exciting world of Bluetooth device discovery using Python. We'll focus on writing a script that scans nearby Bluetooth devices and extracts valuable information about them. This skill is not only useful for understanding Bluetooth technology, but also has practical applications in cybersecurity and ethical hacking.

Bluetooth, being a widely used wireless communication protocol, presents both opportunities and challenges for security enthusiasts. By learning to programmatically scan and gather information about nearby devices, you'll gain a fundamental skill set that can be applied in a variety of scenarios, from identifying potential security risks to conducting ethical hacking reviews.

Implications for cybersecurity and ethical hacking

Understanding Bluetooth device detection is a critical aspect of networking, ethical hacking, and cybersecurity in general. This scenario serves as a basis for examining the security implications of Bluetooth technology.

Ethical hackers often use these techniques to identify vulnerable devices, assess security levels, and conduct penetration testing. By scanning active Bluetooth devices and obtaining information such as device names, classes, and even MAC (Media Access Control) addresses, security professionals can identify potential targets for further analysis.

In addition, this knowledge is necessary to recognize and mitigate security risks associated with Bluetooth, such as unauthorized device connections and vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers.

By learning to scan Bluetooth devices, hackers can perform malicious actions such as device impersonation, man-in-the-middle attacks, and Bluetooth profile vulnerabilities. This knowledge can lead to unauthorized access, data interception, or even denial of service attacks if proper security measures are not taken.

Let's see how to implement this in Python. We will use the PyBluez module. PyBluez is a Python module that provides Bluetooth functionality, allowing developers to implement Bluetooth connections and manage Bluetooth-enabled devices. We will also write this program in Python 3.

Install PyBluez by running the following command in cmd/Terminal:

$ pip install pybluez2

It is important to note that the success rate of the proposed code may vary on virtual machines due to differences in Bluetooth compatibility. For a more reliable assessment, it is recommended to test the code on a physical machine with native Bluetooth support.

Now let's move on to the code. Create a Python file, name it meaningfully (eg and follow along:

# Import bluetooth from the PyBluez module.
import bluetooth

def scan_bluetooth_devices():
        # Discover Bluetooth devices with names and classes.
        discovered_devices = bluetooth.discover_devices(lookup_names=True, lookup_class=True)
        # Display information about the scanning process.
        print('[!] Scanning for active devices...')
        print(f"[!] Found {len(discovered_devices)} Devices\n")
        # Iterate through discovered devices and print their details.
        for addr, name, device_class in discovered_devices:
            print(f'[+] Name: {name}')
            print(f'[+] Address: {addr}')
            print(f'[+] Device Class: {device_class}\n')
    except Exception as e:
        # Handle and display any exceptions that occur during device discovery
        print(f"[ERROR] An error occurred: {e}")

# Call the Bluetooth device scanning function when the script is run

This Python script uses the bluetooth module to scan nearby Bluetooth devices and get information about them.

The scan_bluetooth_devices() function attempts to discover Bluetooth devices using the discover_devices() function from the bluetooth module with the parameters lookup_names=True and lookup_class=True to obtain device names and classes.

The script then displays a message indicating the start of the scanning process and the number of devices found. It goes through the list of found devices, extracting and displaying information such as device name, address, and device class. Any exceptions that may occur during the device discovery process are caught and handled, and an error message is displayed to inform the user. Finally, when the script runs, a function is called to perform a scan for Bluetooth devices.


The result shows the available Bluetooth devices around us, including their names, MAC addresses and device classes.

By obtaining MAC addresses from Bluetooth device discovery results, hackers can manipulate or spoof their devices' MAC addresses to impersonate legitimate devices. This can lead to unauthorized access, data interception, and security breaches, highlighting the importance of implementing strong security measures to prevent MAC address spoofing.

From our result it follows that the Bluetooth device class 7995916 can be interpreted as follows:

Now let's divide this binary sequence into main, secondary and auxiliary classes:

  1. Service Class (bits 0-1): The last two bits of the binary representation are 00, which means the class of service is 0 in decimal.

  2. Minor Device Class (bits 2-7): The next six bits are 101100, which is 44 in decimal notation.

  3. Major Device Class (bits 8-12): The next five bits are 10100, which is 20 in decimal notation.

So, the interpretation of device class 7995916 looks like this:

  • Major Device Class: 20

  • Minor Device Class: 44

  • Service Class: 0

These numeric values ​​can be interpreted using Bluetooth specifications. According to the Bluetooth Core Specification:

Device 1 (Major Device Class: 20, Minor Device Class: 44, Service Class: 0):

  • Major Device Class (20): Computer

  • Minor Device Class (44): Workstation

  • Service Class (0): No defined service class

Thus, DESKTOP-VR0S64Q is a computer, namely a workstation.

Device 2 (Major Device Class: 26, Minor Device Class: 4, Service Class: 0):

  • Major Device Class (26): Phone

  • Minor Device Class (4): Smartphone

  • Service Class (0): No defined service class

Thus, Ghost is a smartphone.

Both conclusions are actually correct. These interpretations are based on the Bluetooth core specification documents provided by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group. Take the time to check them out here. Even if hackers don't fully understand the concept of a class, using a device name and MAC address they can still cause a lot of damage.

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