how to learn block programming with Code Builder

Does your child constantly sit at the computer and is only interested in gaming? It doesn’t matter: his passion can be directed in a promising direction. Block programming will help with this, which is easy to master with the help of Minecraft Education Edition and Code Builder. Let's figure out what these tools are.

First we want to point out that block programming is a great way to take your first steps towards writing code. We're at school Pixel We often use appropriate tools like Scratch in online courses and see certain, and quite pronounced, results: preschoolers and primary schoolchildren, passionate about computer games, begin to demonstrate an interest in programming. Our teachers note that this is due to:

  • Implementation of the game principle. The same Scratch allows you to quickly create simple projects in the form of games. Minecraft Education Edition and Code Builder should not be considered exceptions, but first things first;

  • Simplicity and clarity. Environments designed to teach visual languages ​​and block-based coding to younger students are indeed childish, but in a good way. This is a plus, expressed in an intuitive interface, the absence of text code, as well as the ability to create the first projects almost instantly.

Today we want to talk about Minecraft Education Edition and Code Builder, and also note their educational potential in terms of visual programming in Minecraft, a popular indie sandbox game.

We suggest moving on to the main part.

What is Minecraft Education Edition (MEE) and how to use the environment to teach kids how to code

Minecraft Education Edition

Minecraft Education Edition

MEEto put it simply, is presented as a separate and specially created version of the original Minecraft. A distinctive feature is the goal of development: initially it was reduced to creating an educational platform and was successfully achieved. You can find out more about this Here.

Here are additional features to help you better understand MEE and see that it is an excellent learning solution for children aged 7 and up:

  • Availability of the Guided Tutorial World function. It is designed to immerse beginners in the following topics: what Minecraft is, how to use the game. This fact is a plus: if the child does not yet know about the presented sandbox, Guided will help you understand the basics and begin to work more confidently with basic MEE tools;

  • Simplified coding. Programming in Minecraft Education using blocks is accessible even to children aged 7–10 years. This is possible thanks to the Code Builder feature, which we will talk about later.

We would also like to note the following advantages and capabilities of the presented tool:

  • Group use priority. When it comes to courses or otherwise teaching a group of children together, there is the added benefit of improving the socialization experience;

  • Improving performance in a range of school subjects. Minecraft for children 7–8 years old and older, in conjunction with MEE and Code Builder, becomes a means of learning programming and approaching some additional areas. Let's take the Chemistry Resource Pack as an example: thanks to this conditional library, primary school students begin to better understand chemistry.

So, the advantages are obvious and understandable. We can talk about them further, but this is a topic for a separate article. Therefore, we suggest going to Code Builder to understand how this constructor is used to teach coding in Minecraft on a computer and on other platforms.

Code Builder: what is it and why use it when teaching children block coding

Interface when using Code Builder

Interface when using Code Builder

Code Builder – a tool without which it is impossible to unlock the potential of Minecraft lessons for children 7–9 years old and older. Of course, from the perspective of block programming.

Code Builder is a MEE function, the use of which often requires the use of Microsoft MakeCode and alternative environments, but that’s not what we’re talking about today: we’ll only talk about the first.

The presented function is something like a full-fledged code constructor. With its help you can program characters, in-game events and more. The feature is the basis of all possible editors (MakeCode, Tynker, etc.) in the form of the already mentioned Scratch: similar principles are implemented.

Code Builder provides a variety of coding options. Schoolchildren can learn to perform operations with:

It is interesting that there is a so-called agent – a key figure in the form of an iron golem. With it, exploring the capabilities of the designer is much more interesting, especially if a small child is involved in the process. In Code Builder, he will be able to create the first scripts with block commands in JavaScript and Python to control:

  • Player;

  • In blocks;

  • Mobs;

  • Gameplay;

  • Positions of objects, objects and more.

Program created with Code Builder

Program created with Code Builder

Let us immediately note that working in the constructor is not about serious coding: programming with blocks in Minecraft is more of a means of immersion in the basics. Thanks to this, it will be possible to come to an understanding of the principles of the code, its structure and practical application. The laid foundation can subsequently be used to master more complex text languages.

What projects can children implement thanks to Minecraft Education Edition and Code Builder?

Construction in Minecraft

Construction in Minecraft

Teaching kids block coding is beneficial. But more on that later: first, we’ll tell you why the presented tools have proven themselves well and are used by various schools as the basis of the educational process.

First of all, we emphasize that MEE, in conjunction with the described constructor, effectively teaches children because they are immersed in coding using the example of completing simple projects. This:

  • Creating block scripts. Counting the resources at the disposal of the marked agent, managing its interaction with external objects is a small part of the capabilities;

  • Setting up logic and events in the game. A child can create teleportation, program a task for a golem and more.

In short, all possible projects – mini-games, add-ons, plots and mob action scenarios – teach coding through a game format. Let us emphasize once again that we are not talking about complex text code, but about blocks reminiscent of a construction set: this simplifies the learning process and makes it interesting and exciting even for restless children of primary school age.

Why should children aged 7–10 learn block programming in Minecraft?

Immersing a child in the unique game world of Minecraft while using MEE and Code Builder means helping him take his first steps towards programming. It is noted that this will become the basis for further training aimed at mastering text languages.

Let's look at the advantages of the direction in more detail and highlight the following aspects:

  • Opportunity to improve logical thinking. No code, even visual, that is, consisting of blocks, can be represented by a chaotic sequence of elements. Even the simplest program obeys the laws of logic. Gradually, at the subcortical level, this is deposited in the consciousness of the primary school student, which becomes the start in terms of the accelerated development of the logical components of general thinking;

  • Improved socialization experience. This is indirectly noted and is true for group learning. Interaction with peers and children of similar ages develops communication skills, teaches how to act in a team, and ultimately has an extremely positive effect on socialization;

  • Laying the foundations for further training. It has already been noted that familiarity with the basic principles of coding and involvement in the programming process, even at the beginner level, is a plus. If the child really enjoys studying, the next logical step would be to master, say, Python, but in the form of text, rather than commands enclosed in blocks. This is easy to do using the example of developing your own mods in Minecraft. How – you can find out from our collections of educational video lessons.

How to build a 7-year-old child’s education in MME and Code Builder: an approximate educational route

A child learns programming in Minecraft

A child learns programming in Minecraft

At Pixel School, within the framework of a thematic course, we adhere to a conventional sequence, briefly described below. But it should not be considered an instruction: this is only part of the methodological plan developed by our employees.

Here is the educational route we consider acceptable:

  • Dive into the basics of coding in Minecraft. You should start by getting to know the agent, code blocks, and coordinates. Next, it’s worth moving on to generating random numbers, to functions, loops and more complex structures using the example of writing simplified visual programs;

  • Getting to know block code from the inside. This is possible through programming game events, using conditional structures, and chat commands. At this stage, you can start creating buildings, working with characters’ inventory, and more;

  • Getting to know various extensions, say Mob Events and Pixel Art.

How to move: independently or with the help of a teacher courses – it’s up to the child and his parents to decide. And we want to summarize and offer a brief summary.

Thus, even children aged 7–10 years can start learning coding by using Code Builder in Minecraft Education Edition. You shouldn’t assume that your child will just play and not find time for something useful: the tools presented are intended primarily to achieve educational goals, to develop general and specific coding skills. Without their use, it is impossible to implement game events involving characters and internal objects.

We wish you successful studies and are always happy to see children in our courses!

The material was prepared by the Pixel programming school. Every day, my children and teenagers and I create dozens of exciting projects, program them and expand the usual framework of information technology.

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