How to get a job in Data Science? 8 simple steps

The promise and attractiveness of a career in Data Science has led to a natural increase in competition. With fierce competition among numerous candidates vying for a few positions, the choice often falls on those who not only have all the necessary skills and experience, but also the ability to communicate effectively. Today we will talk to you about the requirements for applicants and the steps you can take to get a job in the field of Data Science, presented in eight sequential steps.

8 Steps to Getting a Data Science Job

Follow these eight steps to get the Data Science job you want:

Step 1: Define your goal and how to achieve it

Clearly define your data science professional development goals

First, you need to clearly define your Data Science career goals based on your work experience and skill level. For example, in the short term, you could become a data analyst through an internship or entry-level position. The mid-term goal is to become an expert in your subject area of ​​interest and begin publishing scientific papers. In the long term, you can set yourself the goal of becoming a leading Data Science specialist, collaborating with entire companies, opening your own company and starting to contribute to the development of universities and journals.

Explore different Data Science roles and choose the one that suits your skills and interests

Explore different data science roles and choose one that suits your interests and skills. You can become a data analyst, master Machine Learning, specialize in Natural Language Processing, work on Big Data projects, or develop in the field of Deep Learning.

Determine the skills and knowledge required for your desired role and create a training plan

Don’t know how to get into Data Science? Start by creating a learning plan that could include taking certification courses, watching free lectures on YouTube, reading books, or working with other experts in the field. To answer the question of how to get your first data analyst job, or how to get into Data Science in the first place, the following table outlines the skills and knowledge required for various roles in the field:




Data Analyst

Data manipulation and visualization, Excel, SQL, data visualization libraries

Cleaning, preprocessing, querying and visualizing data

Machine learning

Algorithms, hyperparameter tuning, model selection, evaluation metrics, TensorFlow, scikit-learn, PyTorch

Supervised and unsupervised learning, clustering, regression, classification, ensemble methods, deep learning architectures

Natural Language Processing

NLP libraries, frameworks, spaCy, NLTK, transformers, classification, entity recognition, sentiment analysis, language model tuning

Vector representations of words, recurrent and convolutional neural networks (RNNs and CNNs), text preprocessing

Big Data

Storing and processing large-scale data sets in distributed environments

MapReduce, data partitioning, sharding

Deep learning

Deep learning frameworks, deep neural networks, computer vision, application with NLP.

Neural network architectures, transfer learning, backpropagation, optimization algorithms.

Step 2: Master the Basics

Master the basics of statistics, mathematics, and programming languages ​​such as Python or R

  • Statistics: Job seekers seeking data science jobs need to acquire knowledge in descriptive and inductive statistics and probability. They are used for summarizing, visualizing, drawing conclusions, and testing hypotheses. Probability is used in Bayesian statistics and Monte Carlo simulation.

  • Mathematics: Study linear algebra and calculus with an emphasis on linear regression, Support Vector Machines, and Principal Component Analysis. The calculus course focuses on gradients, optimization algorithms, and partial derivatives. They are needed for dimensionality reduction, matrix manipulation, and gradient-based optimization.

  • Programming languages ​​(Python or R): Become familiar with data manipulation techniques, working with data structures, control structures, functions, libraries and packages. They are used to clean and process data, solve repetitive problems, and implement complete algorithms.

Source: LinkedIn

Source: LinkedIn

Learn techniques for manipulating, visualizing, and analyzing data

If you want to get a job as a junior data analyst or aspire to get into Data Science, then mastering these three techniques may be a good decision for you:

  • Data Manipulation: Applicants must have knowledge of SQL (Structured Query Language) and data science programming languages. They must be able to query, filter, merge and aggregate data, as well as filter, group, merge and transform it.

  • Data Visualization: Start by exploring popular data visualization libraries such as Plotly. ggplot2, Matplotlib or Seaborn. Work on your storytelling skills by creating engaging content while making it easy to understand for technical and non-technical audiences.

  • Data Analysis: Master statistical concepts to interpret data and machine learning algorithms to analyze practical applications of data. Learn all related techniques such as hypothesis testing, clustering, NLP, regression analysis and clustering.

Understand basic machine learning algorithms and concepts

Machine learning is the ultimate answer to how to get a job in Data Science. To succeed in this field, focus on supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms, decision trees and ensemble methods. neural networks and deep learning, model evaluation and selection, retraining and regularization, hyperparameter tuning, feature selection in data, model deployment, and interpretability.

Step 3: Gain practical experience

In particular, when answering the question of how to become a data analyst without work experience, you should pay attention to the following important points:

Participate in real projects in the field of Data Science

Projects allow you to gain practical skills in working with complex data sets in real conditions. You will be able to create a portfolio that demonstrates the complex problem solving and critical thinking skills gained through Data Science projects.

You can participate in more than fifty real projects as part of our Blackbelt plus programs!

Try to get internships or freelance projects to gain practical experience

An internship provides an opportunity to demonstrate your abilities and skills. In addition, the internship helps to better understand the real situation in the industry. Meetings with various specialists, communication with competitors and colleagues will help you get an adequate assessment of your abilities.

Step 4: Create an Attractive Portfolio

Showcase your Data Science projects to prove your skills and problem-solving abilities

This step explains how to become a data scientist without a degree. Showcasing your projects, skills, and problem-solving abilities in your portfolio proves your worth to an employer. It helps you outperform other people and demonstrates your commitment and activity in the field. It speaks about your technical capabilities and ability to overcome difficulties.

Create a GitHub repository or personal website to showcase your work

This is a huge contribution to your portfolio because it demonstrates your ability to independently solve problems. In addition to demonstrating skills, it also demonstrates continuous learning and updating of knowledge. In particular, we are talking about the ability to write code, implement algorithms and management skills.

Document methodologies, results, and any insights gained from projects.

Clear and concise documentation speaks to the ability to share your results, which is a very important aspect in the field of Data Science. The ability to communicate information to a non-technical audience, as well as the reproducibility of results, demonstrates your conceptual clarity in the field.

Source: Analytics Vidhya

Source: Analytics Vidhya

Check out our A guide to writing a resume for a data scientist position!

Step 5: Networking and Making Connections

Attend meetups, conferences and various Data Science events

In addition to facilitating networking, such events are important for gaining information about current and future job prospects and new areas. Sharing knowledge at such events helps grab recruiters’ attention and make a lasting impression.

Participate in online communities and forums related to Data Science

Online training typically helps you land a job in Data Science by allowing you to learn from your peers around the world, seek advice on problems, demonstrate your expertise, and stay up to date with the latest developments in the field.

Follow professionals in the field through LinkedIn and other networking platforms

Networking platforms allow you to demonstrate your professional competence. Your profile alone, if developed enough, can bring you an offer of cooperation from a large company. You can also find various job openings on these platforms.

Learn, Connect and Thrive: Join our Analytics Vidhya community and find the best Data Science professionals and enthusiasts.

Step 6: Upskilling

Stay up to date with the latest advances in Data Science

Current trends are of great importance for continuous development and gaining a competitive advantage in the crowd of job seekers. They increase a candidate’s capability, accuracy, and efficiency while improving problem-solving performance. It also improves the ability to make data-driven decisions.

Deepen your knowledge in specialized areas such as natural language processing, computer vision or deep learning

Specialized areas require you to have deeper knowledge of specific niches, because you will need to solve complex problems associated with it. For example, NLP specialists will specialize in chatbot development and text sentiment analysis, while computer vision specialists will specialize in image segmentation.

Consider obtaining an additional advanced degree or certificate if necessary.

Diplomas and certifications typically lead to career advancement, provide in-depth knowledge, and validate a candidate’s desire to learn and excel in their field. The main contribution of certificates and diplomas is career advancement, increased opportunities to apply knowledge, and increased salary.

Step 7: Compose your resume and cover letter

Organize your resume to highlight relevant skills, experience and projects

A resume is the first introductory document that determines the opportunity to demonstrate your true abilities. Effectively tailoring your resume to match the job requirements increases your chances of getting hired for the position every time.

Write a compelling cover letter that demonstrates your passion and suitability for the position.

Make sure your cover letter expresses your enthusiasm and precise reason for applying for the job, and clearly explains why you are best suited for the role. Personalize your letter and talk about your journey and learning to better connect with each individual recruiter.

Quantify your achievements and use keywords related to your industry

Quantifying your achievements with numbers and metrics attracts attention and has a longer lasting impact compared to a bunch of words. Include keywords from the job description and highlight your ability to get results. Demonstrate your problem-solving orientation.

Source: resumelab

Source: resumelab

Step 8: How to Ace the Interview

Preparing for Technical and Behavioral Interviews

Be well prepared in statistics, programming, and machine learning with a focus on algorithms, key concepts, and methodologies mentioned in the job description. You can handle the behavioral part by being clear about your past experiences, teamwork skills, and approach to problem solving.

Review of common Data Science interview questions and practice in solving them

Practice before the interview by answering all kinds of questions from the Internet on working with data, analysis, model evaluation, metrics, techniques, tools and algorithms, as well as behavioral questions.

Demonstrate problem-solving skills, the ability to communicate complex ideas, and demonstrate your passion for Data Science

Use portfolios and projects to demonstrate problem-solving skills. Be clear about your accomplishments and skills. Show passion for Data Science by sharing current career changes, accomplishments, and active involvement in projects outside of academic requirements.


Working in Data Science requires the right combination of education, skills and communication ability. In addition to soft skill requirements, applicants in this field should focus on gaining practical experience and building a portfolio. This will help in the long run. Candidates’ passion and curiosity should also be reflected in their continued awareness of developments in the field.

Our blackbelt program is a universal solution for all Data Science enthusiasts, with which you can independently go all the way from the first to the final step. Sign up for the course today!


Question 1: Is it difficult to get a job in Data Science?

Answer: Getting a job in Data Science is easy with conceptual clarity, relevant experience and practice, and the right demonstration of the required skills.

Question 2: What qualifications are needed to become a data scientist?

Answer: To become a data scientist, it is advisable to have a bachelor’s degree, master technical skills such as programming languages, and be proficient in machine learning and data analytics techniques. In addition, it is necessary to acquire relevant soft skills such as problem solving, critical thinking and teamwork.

Question 3: Can a person with no experience get a job in Data Science?

Answer: Yes, freshers can get an internship and get an entry-level position in Data Science. They help lay the foundation for further development.

Question 4: How can I get a Data Science job in India?

Answer: You can get a job in the field of Data Science in India by obtaining the appropriate education and skills. Networking, internships and online courses also play an important role in this process.

You can get your first job in Data Science even faster with expert support in online courses at OTUS.

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