How to develop a research direction and by what criteria to evaluate its success: the MyOffice case

There is another problem in companies: when the researcher is external, he is, as it were, cut off from the team, and this leads to the fact that the results are perceived with difficulty. In MyOffice, the researcher is “inside”. This way we control the quality of the designer's work at all stages: we give him feedback in a timely manner, and he in no case adjusts the results to what he has already chosen, but tests hypotheses, answers research questions. He brings the results to his development team, with whom he works every day and who trusts him. As a result, changes in the product occur faster.

All this is about the designer's great responsibility. He himself is responsible for the research conducted. And if, for example, a situation arises that it was conducted in vain, the designer will be able to reflect on this himself and do his work better in the future.

P.S. I would like to thank my colleagues at Pathway for the idea for this publication, which came out of an interview for their blog.

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