How to deploy your Wireguard VPN server with a WEB interface in one command

WireGuard is one of the most popular and easy to use VPN solutions that provide a secure network connection. If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to deploy your own WireGuard WEB-based VPN server, then the Docker container is a great solution. In this article, we will look at how to install and run the WireGuard Docker container with a WEB interface in one command, as well as how to connect to it from various devices.



Deploying WireGuard WEB UI Server via Docker


First you need to install Ansible. It is a tool for automating the deployment of applications to remote servers. Run the following command to install Ansible:

sudo apt install ansible

Also to ansible connect to a remote server with a password set:

sudo apt install sshpass

Next, create a file inventory.ymlin which you need to specify data for connecting to the server, for example:

            ansible_host: IP_Адрес
            ansible_user: Пользователь
            # SSH порт
            ansible_port: 22
            # Для этого устанавливали sshpass
            ansible_ssh_pass: Пароль

Replace ИмяСервера, IP_Адрес, Пользователь And Пароль to the appropriate values ​​for your server.

That’s the only command

Now you can run the command to deploy the WireGuard WEB UI server using the Docker container:

Install_wireguard_server.yml source

ansible-playbook -i ./inventory.yml -l ИмяСервера1 ./script/install_wireguard_server.yml -e PasswordServer=990990

Here ИмяСервера – the name of your server, PasswordServer – password for the WEB version of WireGuard. After successful execution of the command, the WEB version of WireGuard will be available at the following URL: IP_Адрес:51821. Default password 990990



To connect to the WireGuard VPN server from your phone, follow these steps:

  1. Install the WireGuard app on your phone.

  2. Scan the QR code as shown in the screenshot below:

  1. Click “Add” and save your VPN settings.


To connect to the WireGuard VPN server on Linux, follow these steps:

Get the configuration file to connect to the VPN server. It looks something like this:

  1. Copy the config file to a folder /etc/wireguard/ with the following command:

    cp ИмяКонфигурации.conf /etc/wireguard/
  2. Connect to the WireGuard VPN server with the following command:

    sudo wg-quick up ИмяКонфигурации
  3. To disconnect from the VPN, run the following command:

    sudo wg-quick down ИмяКонфигурации

Now you have your own WireGuard VPN server with a WEB interface, deployed using a Docker container. You can connect to it from a variety of devices, including phones and Linux computers. WireGuard provides a secure and efficient encrypted connection that protects your privacy and ensures the security of data transmission on the Internet.

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