How to Create an Automated Code Review System Using LangChain Agents

In modern software development, code review plays a critical role in ensuring the quality and reliability of a product. However, manual code review can be labor-intensive and often requires significant attention from experienced developers. Automating this process offers several advantages:

  • Saving human resources

  • Speeding up the development process

  • Ensuring stable viewing quality

  • Identifying potential problems at an early stage

These factors motivated us to create an automated code review system using LangChain agents.

Why LangChain Agents?

We chose LangChain agents for our system for several key reasons:

  • Flexibility: LangChain agents can use different tools and adapt to different tasks.

  • The power of natural language processing: LangChain is based on advanced language processing models, allowing for higher-level code analysis.

  • Extensibility: It's easy to add new tools and capabilities to existing agents.

  • Autonomy: Agents can decide for themselves which tool to use to solve specific problems.

How to Build a Code Review System Using LangChain Agents

Step 1: Identify system components

Our system consists of four main components:

  1. JSON Validator

  2. JSON Key Extractor

  3. Code Change Analyzer

  4. Analysis Reviewer

Step 2: Create tools for agents

For each component, we create a corresponding tool. Here is an example of creating a tool for a JSON validator:

json_validator_tool = Tool(
    name="JSON Validator",
    description="Checks if a given string is a valid JSON. Returns True if valid, False otherwise."

Step 3: Developing prompt templates

For each agent, we create a hint template that defines its behavior. Here's an example for the code change analyzer:

code_change_analyzer_prompt = PromptTemplate(
    input_variables=["changes", "full_content", "language", "tool_names", "agent_scratchpad", "tools"],
    template="""You are a code change analyzer. Your task is to analyze the given code changes.

Available tools: {tool_names}

Use the following format:
Thought: Consider what to do
Action: Tool name
Action Input: {{"changes": <changes>, "full_content": <full_content>, "language": <language>}}
Observation: Result from using the tool
... (repeat this Thought/Action/Observation pattern as needed)
Thought: I have analyzed the code changes
Final Answer: A JSON object with the analysis results

Changes: {changes}
Full Content: {full_content}
Language: {language}


Tools: {tools}

Step 4: Create agents and performers

For each component we create an agent and a corresponding executor:

code_change_analyzer_agent = create_react_agent(llm, [code_change_analyzer_tool], code_change_analyzer_prompt)
code_change_analyzer_executor = AgentExecutor.from_agent_and_tools(agent=code_change_analyzer_agent,
                                                                   tools=[code_change_analyzer_tool], verbose=True)

Step 5: Organize the analysis process

We create a function that coordinates the work of all agents:

def process_changes(json_data: Dict) -> Dict:
    # Step 1: JSON Validation
    # ...
    # Step 2: Key Extraction
    # ...
    # Step 3: Code Change Analysis
    # ...
    # Step 4: Analysis Review
    # ...
    return json_data

Problems and solutions

The main problem when working with LangChain agents is the transfer of information between different tools and agents. Here are some of the problems we encountered and how we solved them:

  • Input data formatting: Each agent expects input data in a specific format. Solution: create intermediate functions to transform the data.

  • Interpretation of results: Output data from agents often requires additional interpretation. Solution: develop additional functions to process the results.

  • Error handling: When working with multiple agents, it is important to handle errors correctly at each stage. Solution: implement a reliable error handling and logging system.

Optimizing system performance

To improve the performance of our system, we recommend:

  • Standardize data formats for exchange between agents

  • Create intermediate agents to transform and route data

  • Use LangChain memory mechanisms to save context

  • Consider the possibility of parallel execution of independent tasks

  • Carefully design tips to improve agent efficiency


Building an automated code review system using LangChain agents is a powerful approach to improving software development efficiency. Despite some implementation challenges, the benefits of such a system are significant. It saves developers time, ensures consistency in review quality, and identifies potential issues early in development.

By following the steps outlined in this article and taking into account the optimization recommendations, you can create an effective and reliable automated code review system that will significantly improve the development process on your team.

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