How to Create a Telegram Bot to Collect Reports and Surveys in 5 Minutes – Easy and Free

Imagine that to create a bot that collects any reports and questionnaires from employees, candidates or clients, you only need a regular text notepad.

Bot in a notebook

Bot in a notebook

No more spending hours setting up blocks, variables or complex connections. Just describe the report form as a list — and the bot is ready. Connect integrations and save reports to Google Sheets, CRM, databases, you can even communicate with the respondent through the bot. Without programming, complex systems and long settings. Sounds incredible?

I will prove and show that this method really works! My name is Andrey, 25 years in IT, developed the Telegram bot constructor “Bot in Notepad” It allows you to create bot dialogues in a regular notepad. Share the link with those who want to create a bot without unnecessary costs and complications. Subscribe to my Telegram channel

Test your capabilities in 1 minute

Let's say we want to collect beauty salon ratings from visitors, analyze them and clarify some points after answering questions, if any. All you need at the first stage is to prepare a list of questions and, if necessary, ready-made answer options. Everything can be combined, nesting levels can be changed, new questions can be added if the user has chosen a certain answer at any stage. I did not make the list too big, so as not to bloat the article and not to complicate the test survey, your real survey may have many more questions!

Copy the text in italics

We are the company “Such and such”, we invite you to fill out a questionnaire for the vacancy “Specialist in such and such”
– Fine
T: Your full name
D: How many years of experience in this field (in figures)
#: Your phone number in the format +7(000)1234567
Y: Your date of birth in the format DD.MM.YYYY
Level of education
– Average
– Higher
— T: Other|Tell me more details
X: You can attach a resume file to the application, send it with a paper clip or enter any character to skip
Thank you for answering the questions! We will contact you shortly.
– Ok

If you pay attention, some questions are preceded by prefixes – English letters with a colon (T:…D:…X:…) thus the type of the expected answer is established: if there is no prefix, it is a button; T – text answer; D – answer in numbers; # – enter a phone number, X – any answer (text, photo, video, document, voice…). If the answer does not match the expected type, the bot will ask the question again. Everything is very simple, but this method of creating surveys is very convenient, because for each situation you can quickly create your own version of the survey, up to (in our example) a separate questionnaire for each master, etc.

Since the creation is very simple and the text is easy to transform, it is convenient to create a separate form for each vacancy, then the candidates will be sorted in the table on different sheets, similarly, you can create separate Telegram forums for the vacancy and separate columns in the CRM

There is text, what next?

Just copy it and go to insert into the form to create a dialogue, click “View result” and on the next page we get links to the working demo bot and addresses for viewing the results (here you need to understand that only the administrator will see this information in working mode). Click on the link or scan the QR code with your mobile camera. You will go to the demo bot and it will start the survey. After the last question, in 2-3 seconds the bot will send you a message where you can see the results of the survey (this is only in demo mode, for your convenience).

If you don't want to copy, paste, generate – in vain, it's interesting. For you, I will give a link directly to a ready-made dialogue in the bot, it is generated from the text in this article

Great, but this is a demo bot, and I want to make my own

Launching your bot is not much more difficult. Let's go to the constructor log in via Telegram, click “Quick Start”, enter the bot key received from the BotFather bot and paste the survey text. That's it! Your bot starts a survey for all users who launched it!

So simple! What's the catch?

There is no catch, but the survey results are saved only in the constructor database, you can see them immediately. And if you want to save the results in Tables, CRM, respond to users who filled out the questionnaire via a bot, receive notifications by mail, etc., click the button “Bot Integrations” and after simple settings everything will work as in the demo version. Integrations for each bot are connected once.

Does the designer have any other abilities?

Yes, there are many! You can give different results, give a hidden link to the bot and only the user who receives it will be able to take the survey, you can make buttons for different surveys and much more, I wrote detailed instructions, there is a link to it on each page of the constructor and the site.

Any questions left?

I will be happy to answer them and help you figure them out, you can ask them in the comments here or in the comments on my channel Subscribe!

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